JQ Grad Overview


Our vision is to establish Campus Training Centres all around the world which facilitate a wide range of classes. We want to offer education to our Juicers that goes far beyond standard training and caters to both professional and personal development. JQ GRAD is the first step in this direction, offering advanced knowledge in multiple areas. Once you complete this level, you will unlock multiple pathways for further growth either via our MoneyBall or Open Campus where you can specialise in many areas.

The educational purpose of this level is to develop top-performing Juicers, who have extensive brand knowledge and understand how to fully represent JOE BTC = Brand Ambassadors.

In the Campus, Juicers are trained in the JQ Grad modules through 9 different Classes. Depending on facilities and resources, the lead trainer will decide how often classes are scheduled. However, it is advised that workshops are held a minimum of once per week.

JQ GRAD Training is structured into 3 parts: School of Culture, School of Brand Behaviour and an Advanced Performance Shift. Each stage is completed by passing a written exam. The entire JQ GRAD training is finalized by passing an Advanced Performance Shift, where the Juicers will practically demonstrate the skills they have continuously practiced over the previous week’s BTC.


• Purpose of JQ GRAD Level = To raise Top Line Performance.

• JQ should be introduced to the JQ GRAD level after passing the Basic Performance Shift.

• Mandatory training for all Juicers.

• Learning is validated through written exams and Advanced Performance Shift.

• Education is completed by participating in a Graduation Day.

How to schedule JQ Grad Training

E-Campus suggestion: Training Manager / Campus Leader should continuously host weekly JQ GRAD workshops. Eventually inspiring specialists in the market to run each individual workshop.


• Maximum 10 Juicers can attend a class at a time (to avoid distraction).
• Only a Training Manager, Campus Leader, Market Management, or a Specialised Juicer can host a class.
• All Juicers must have read the relevant modules and watched the videos before they can attend a class.
• Every Juicer needs to pass the test and be approved by the Trainer hosting the class.
• Every class must be conducted in a Campus or closed JOE bar, in order to have the correct facilities to execute the role-play session properly.

Full JQ Grad Semester

School of Culture:

CLASS 1: JOE History & JOE Dictionary
CLASS 2: The Book of Brand Principles
CLASS 3: Nutrition
CLASS 4: Music

School of Brand Behaviour

CLASS 5: Juicer attitude & Deflate a situation
CLASS 6: Brand Behaviour
CLASS 7: Team Positioning Systems
CLASS 8: Loyalty
CLASS 9: Flair

School of Culture vs. School of Brand Behaviour

The JQ GRAD education is split into two learning sections which focus on teaching JOE & THE JUICE values before then showing how to practically execute the best JOE & THE JUICE experience in the store.

School of Culture

5 classes focusing on teaching the theoretical content of JQ GRAD.


The purpose of these sessions is to educate our Juicers in JOE & THE JUICE values, to understand our culture and the way we are behind the bar.


Before you are able to provide the best JOE experience to our guests, as a Juicer, you need to understand our values before putting them into practice BTC. School of Culture is therefore the fundamental first step towards becoming a highly skilled Juicer.


Class 1: JOE History & JOE Dictionary
Class 2: The Book of Brand Principles
Class 3: Nutrition
Class 4: Music


Once the JQ has been through all 5 sessions in School of Culture, they will need to pass a test in order to attend the School of Brand Behaviour.

School of Brand Behaviour

5 classes focusing on practical training in how to deliver the ultimate guest experience = Top Line Performance.


After completing the initial 5 classes of culture sessions which give you the theory to succeed in the practical execution. School of Brand Behaviour will put into practice all learnings that you have been taught in the previous school. The purpose is to create independent JQ GRADS who know how to give the best JOE & THE JUICE experience.


There are different ways of acquiring knowledge. Theoretical Knowledge provides you with the background for how something works, teaches the why, and gives you an understanding of why one technique works where another fails. However, theory teaches through the experience of others. Whereas, Practical Knowledge gives you a deeper understanding through the act of doing, personal experience and helps you to acquire the specific techniques that become the tools of your trade.

More traditional education institutes, for example, prioritize educating you in the theory of a specific subject for the purpose you could then find a job in your area. We believe that both are just as important and make you better at what you do. With both theoretical and practical knowledge, your skills will be stronger, you can solve problems much faster & effectively and you will gain a wider perspective. This is why in JOE & THE JUICE, we believe in education AND practical execution. Practice makes perfection.


CLASS 5: Juicer Attitude & How to Deflate a Situation
CLASS 6: Brand Behaviour
CLASS 7: Team Positioning Systems
CLASS 8: Loyalty
CLASS 9: Flair


After the JQ has been through all 5 sessions of the School of Brand Behaviour, they will have to pass a test to be eligible for having an Advanced Performance Shift.

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Juicer – The face of the company who represents our brand as an ambassador. Following the DCWF to deliver quality products, in clean and structured stores with excellent guest dialogue. Overall, providing the ultimate JOE experience for both our guests and team.

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In JOE, “Behind the Counter” is one of our core values which transcends throughout the entire organisation from top to bottom. It characterises our continuous strong belief that this company was created by the personalities from behind the counter of the stores and that JOE should continue to grow this way.

Within this core value lies our greatest strength, the will but also the ability to be able to step behind the bar no matter what your position might be. Everyone, from our CEO to our HR Department has worked behind the bar and earned their way to the position they have today. This is testimony to our ground belief that in order to grow the right way in this company, you start as a Juicer and move up from there. On the road, you will develop great work ethics, discipline and cultural understanding of our company.

On a day-to-day basis, BTC means that the true value is not behind the computer but rather behind the bar. Meaning that we do not believe that any leader can create much value for their team outside the bar. The value praises people who are hands-on and willing to lead by example and inspire for Operational Excellence.

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Brand Behaviour

Brand Behaviour is how we naturally behave in the stores. It is what we use to define ourselves collectively as a brand and to differentiate us from every other concept. Brand Behaviour is primarily centred around not providing traditional service to our guests but instead inclusion and a more authentic attitude. We have several training modules which elaborate in detail our Brand Behaviour and Brand Principles which can be found in the Juicer JQ Graduation level.

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Basic Performance Shift

The final practical exam held in the bar to prove that a Prospect Juicer is ready to be graduated to a JQ Juicer. Depending on the result of the exam, the Juicer will either be awarded with Bronze, Silver or Gold.

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E-Campus is our internal online educational platform which provides worldwide access to all information and training material relevant for developing within the MoneyBall. It contains the entire e-learning education from Prospect JQ to Prospect Regional Manager and serves as our Knowledge Bank for references. The overall purpose of e-Campus is to educate, inform & entertain but also to secure our culture as we continue to expand worldwide.

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Team Positioning
  1. Creating the most optimal shiftplan every day by considering Juicer experience and key times of day when deciding who works which specific shift.
  2. Optimising the team on shift by assigning the best-suited Juicers to each station based on their abilities and strengths BTC during a rush period.
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