Loyalty Program

The Why

The sale of a Loyalty Card can initially be perceived as challenging but becomes simple once you understand the different aspects of what triggers the guests.

When you have sold a card, you might think that you just offered a discount on our products to the guests but really it is an indication of performing at the highest level because you sold someone 10 more visits into our universe.

Selling Loyalty Cards rewards both JOE as a company but also ensures several favorable advantages for the guests who we serve. The till is the most important station of all because the person on the till has the opportunity to determine whether a guest walks away with a smile and the intention of returning or take their business to one of our competitors. Before we begin the program, it is important to note that the reason every juicer should strive to develop better skills on till isn’t based on monetary advantages for JOE as a company.

It’s about developing every juicer’s hosting abilities and improving confidence by the joy of being good at something. Loyalty Cards are about so much more than just securing a nice turnover for Joe. It’s about creating a universe where our guests will want to invest in their future visits. Every time a guest purchases a Loyalty Card, they are essentially paying for the ambience of the juicers, the tidiness of the bar, the welcoming smiles and so much more. They are committing to Joe & The Juice for more than just a simple juice bar with nice coffee. Another reason for the sale of our Loyalty Cards is the changing effect it can have on our guest’s consumer behavior. At first, our guests might stop by once a week but once they’ve already paid for the next 10 products, they will feel that it is much cheaper for them which can lead to more frequent visits.

A core component of our Brand Behaviour is to treat EVERY single guest who enters the door as if they were a guest in your own home – That’s what Loyalty Cards are about. Setting up the experience in such a way that they want to return.

This program will be separated into different sections to be followed in chronological order to build towards the more advanced techniques.

• Loyalty Basics
• Loyalty Advanced

Loyalty Basics

Before even considering attempting to sell a Loyalty Card, three things need to be in order first:

1) Universe
2) Confidence
3) Name

Why? – Because we are not selling a discount. The goal is to create stronger intimate relations with our guests.


There are a number of factors in play when a guest is deciding whether or not they’re going to get a Loyalty-Card. From the moment the guest steps into the bar they are met with a bunch of different impressions. Make sure that the bar is clean and tidy, just as your home would be when guests enter. The bar should always have fully prepped stations with an overall appearance of good hygiene and a well-presented customer area throughout the day. These areas should ALWAYS be prioritized before attempting to sell any guest a Loyalty Card as we are NOT simply selling sandwiches/juice/coffee – We are not selling Loyalty cards, we are selling the idea of the universe you have created. Remember when a guest buys a Loyalty-Card they are committing themselves to come back – let’s reward that.


Another key component when selling a Loyalty Card is to have confidence. It is pointless to start selling something if you do not believe in what you are selling or don’t know the benefits of buying a card. How do you gain confidence? Simply by becoming good at your job!

When you become better at making juice, sandwich, and coffee you will automatically gain enough confidence to effortlessly sell loyalty cards. Why? – Because you are not simply selling a Loyalty Card, you are selling the aforementioned idea of a universe where you can enjoy healthy, delicious products but also feed the human need for interaction & recognition.


When selling a Loyalty-Card we aren’t just selling the Guest the idea of favorable prices on our products, we are also selling the idea of a better relationship between the juicer and the guest. It is therefore critical that we establish a connection with the guest to who we are trying to sell the Loyalty-Card. The Till Discipline Program already covered the basic principles of what is needed when taking down an order and ending with asking the name of the guest. However, what you do with that name could be the difference between establishing a relation with the guest or simply letting it just be a transaction between a customer and an employee.


Juicer on Till: “John, may I ask you a question?”
John: “Yes, sure.”

Juicer on Till: “Do you like saving money?”
John: “Don’t we all?”

Juicer on Till: “Well, in that case, John I would definitely recommend our Loyalty-Cards to such an appreciated guest such as yourself. By purchasing one of our Loyalty-Cards, not only do you save money, but you also receive the additional benefit of choosing an extra topping – free of charge of course.”
John: “Sure, I’ll start out with a Mighty Juice-card.”

Now let’s break down what happened in the aforementioned example.

By first addressing the guest by his name, you have already established a better basis for the sale of the Loyalty-Card. By asking whether or not John likes saving money, you have already made him agree with you. Now that you have established a basic relation with John, it is time to make him realize that you are doing him a favor, by selling him a Loyalty-Card. Smiling and maintaining eye contact with John throughout the conversation is critical, as we want to distance ourselves from the basic Customer-Employee transaction and establish an authentic relation that benefits both JOE and the guest.

What’s Next then?

Now when the basics are in order, it is time to move on to the next stage.

First off you need to think about ‘Your Body language’, then ‘Know what you are selling – and f***ing sell It.''

Loyalty Advanced

Body Language

When having a conversation with one of our guests it is important that the juicer on the till has a relaxed and genuine body language, as we want to incorporate the basic principles of our brand behavior in everything we do. Not only does it further embed our brand behavior, but it also helps develop a better relationship with the guest, which in turn will make them want to visit us again and commit to purchasing a Loyalty-Card. If you seem tense or anxious you will first and foremost distance yourself from the guest you are serving. Furthermore, you are also creating a bubble of uncertainty around yourself which in almost no case leads to a sale.

Know What You’re Selling – And F***ing Sell It

The sale of a Loyalty-Card depends as much on whether the guest likes the juicer on till, as the benefits, the Loyalty-Card comes with. Approach the guest with a welcoming attitude, smile, and be genuine. Ask the guest questions and create a dialogue that they can relate to with you, even if it is just simple rhetorical questions to keep the conversation going. Another key element to selling the Loyalty-Cards is knowing how to describe the benefits to the guest in an understandable way.

Example of What Not To Do

Juicer on Till: “Well, John with a Loyalty-Card you can save “some” money and get “some” extra filling in your sandwich/juice.”

Nobody wants to buy a Loyalty-Card from a person that doesn’t even know what the specific benefits are themselves.


Juicer on Till: “So John you are right now paying 178 DKK (3 sandwiches special with + avocado in one of them) Wouldn’t you like to be able to pay 47 DKK per sandwich and receive an extra topping on every sandwich for free? With a sandwich Loyalty-Card you can save UP TOWARDS 24 DKK per sandwich (Sandwich Special + 15 DKK worth of extra chicken) that’s more than a 33% discount.”

By presenting numbers and an actual percentage of savings you are creating a much stronger proposal for the guest to understand how you are actually doing them a favor and why they should rush to the opportunity to enjoy up to 33% discount on our wonderful sandwiches. Use some time memorizing the maximum prices on every Loyalty-Card and use those numbers to your advantage.

The Home Stretch

Be Observant

Selling Loyalty Cards on a regular basis requires an acute sense of observation. Use your observation skills to perform a market analysis on the guest. For example: If you see a guest with a red runny nose sniffling – you could ask them if they are interested in fighting that cold with a bit of extra ginger/lemon in their juice. If you see someone who just finished a workout approaching the till you hook them on some extra proteins and help them reach their goal. If a guest tells you they are feeling hung-over, ask them if they would like some mint in their juice to calm down their stomach.

Once you have sold the guest the idea of a better product you have simultaneously made the Loyalty Card seem much more attractive for them. By first increasing the value of our products by providing either knowledge or story, the savings then become more appealing.

Turning a No into a Yes

Many of our guests will initially say no or excuse why they are not interested in purchasing one of our loyalty cards. However, this should not discourage you from proceeding to sell one.


Juicer on Till: “Hey John, do you happen to have one of our Loyalty-Cards?”
John: “No, I don’t.”
Juicer on Till: “Alright then.”

Under NO circumstances should the conversation end here. Selling Loyalty Cards is also a numbers game. You miss every chance you don’t take. Once the initial sales pitch has been given, it is quite likely that John will have an excuse as to why he isn’t interested in buying one. There are multiple responses that the juicer on till can try.


John: “I don’t come here often enough for a Loyalty Card to make sense for me.”
Juicer on Till: “Well, John there’s no expiration date – so if you could just imagine yourself coming back here 9 times more in your life, this would most definitely be in your best interest.”

John:My job is paying for my lunch.”
Juicer on Till: “Alright John, however, we can print you a receipt for every time you redeem one of our products, that way you use the Loyalty-Card until it’s finished and your company would actually end up saving money.”

John: “I’m on a bit of a tight budget right now.”
Juicer on Till: “All the more reason to start saving right away John. We both know you will visit here anyway, why not get a discount and the luxury of an extra topping?”
John: “I always throw that stuff away or forget using it. I see why it’s a good deal though.” Juicer on Till: “Well John why don’t we hold the card for you here?”

EVERY conversation with EVERY guest is an opportunity for you to sell a Loyalty-Card. Therefore, it is recommended that you use some of these replies to sell Loyalty Cards. You must find the right balance between pushing the sale and being straight up rude/annoying.

How not to be Annoying – Know when to quit (for now)

It is important to note that we do not want to annoy our Guests by continuing to pressure them into buying a Loyalty Card. Make sure to recognize the “no”-signals from the Guest, so that you do not become a hassle for the guest to overcome every time they go to JOE. Otherwise, they will find “easier” places to order their lunch from instead

Remember that the Loyalty Card is the ultimate sign of Loyalty – therefore it is ESSENTIAL that you promote that loyalty over time if a guest doesn’t jump in right away.



Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Once you have made the attempt to sell a Loyalty-Card and the guest has made it clear that they aren’t going to buy, it is time to back off and accept the TEMPORARY defeat. Tell the guest that it is totally understandable but since they are such an appreciated guest, explain that only you wanted to make sure they were offered the best possible conditions.

Now the real challenge starts – REMEMBER the guest’s name and preferably their order and log onto our Family List. Next time the chances that you will sell them a Loyalty Card are much higher since you can show you remembered them. They will feel more recognized as an individual rather than simply being pushed to buy a card. Remember you are not only selling the Loyalty Card you are also creating a bond between the juicers and the guest. Go the extra mile for the guest and you will see what loyalty really means.

Turnover is Temporary – Loyalty is Forever!

Sell with Honesty!

Selling Loyalty Cards may be significant but NO juicer can under any circumstances undermine the basic rules in 0 order to sell a Loyalty Card. For instance, giving a G-unit or sandwich for free to sell a card or giving a mighty juice on a Combi-card. This will create a lot of confusion and bad situations for the ones following the correct rules. Remember our Guests are already receiving a health benefit when buying a Loyalty Card so there is no need to give them anything further. It is a very honest product with no intention of scamming our guest. Therefore, it should be sold in the same manner – with HONESTY.

You can learn more about Loyalty Here →

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Ambience is what a Juicer or team of Juicers can create when they combine well and/or use their personalities to their strengths behind the bar which creates the ultimate guest and team experience that we are known for. Ambience is characterised by the atmosphere created inside the store, the energy and performance of the team on shift and the overall good vibes that our guests can feel which is what attracts them into the store.

Go to Definition Page →
Brand Behaviour

Brand Behaviour is how we naturally behave in the stores. It is what we use to define ourselves collectively as a brand and to differentiate us from every other concept. Brand Behaviour is primarily centred around not providing traditional service to our guests but instead inclusion and a more authentic attitude. We have several training modules which elaborate in detail our Brand Behaviour and Brand Principles which can be found in the Juicer JQ Graduation level.

Go to Definition Page →