Brand Behaviour

Brand Behaviour

Brand Behaviour is our concept which is to have a mindset of working in the bar like it is a Saturday Night Dinner in your own home and behaving in the way where you are the Host.

We do not do training programs!

The purpose of this concept is to give our Juicers the freedom to approach it individually because we understand that both Guests and our Juicers are all different. We, therefore, need a concept with unlimited possibilities in how to approach it in order to become more authentic in what we do. It is not a service, it’s actually about Care.

Where does it Start?

It starts with a simple but important factor – being confident!

We provide the tools for Juicers to be able to develop their confidence, first by having super honest products to be proud of. While also training them intensively to constantly become better and in the end building confidence through always giving it your best.


JOE is all about self-development. We want to help improve your weaknesses and keep emphasizing your strengths. To develop you through experience and become a better you, not a different you!

When you have the skills and the confidence to work in the bar, it is time to use those assets to participate in what is the most important aspect of working in JOE & THE JUICE – INCLUSION.

You do this by changing your mindset from thinking that ‘you work in a cafe where customers enter’ to ‘you are a Host and have invited guests to your home’.

Every action that you take, you should ask yourself: “Am I a good Host now?”, “Would I do this in my home” and “How will my guests perceive this”?

This is what we call Brand Behaviour, our natural behaviors in the bar.

Let’s host this dinner!

Service vs. Brand Behaviour

What is Brand Behaviour? Is it the same as service?

Service is a cold transaction between a customer and an employee behind the register. The employee is only nice towards the customer because he/she was told to do so or to possibly gain extra tips.

Brand Behaviour on the other hand is our natural behavior behind the bar. We give the responsibility to the person behind the bar to take decisions on their own. This makes the experience more authentic and personal.

Today companies operate service programs in a way that sets a certain number of rules for their employees to uphold a minimum standard for their customers. The problem with this is that the minimum standard also becomes the maximum standard because of its generalized approach, with neutral sentences and repetitive engagement. The contradiction with this is that you only feel the urge to reach the minimum requirement for doing your job, therefore it becomes the maximum.

“Service is like a binary computer system with a set of unbreakable rules, restricted by its owner’s lack of understanding of individuality and imagination, that gives its user an impenetrable frame of enclosure that can never reach out to the person standing in front of it”.

– Kasper Schyberg.

Instead of a service program, in Joe & The Juice, we want to give our Juicers an ideal to work with. This ideal is to be used as a concept that sets no restricting rules and for you to be inspired by its endless possibilities. A concept which does not stagnant but rather develops over time, with the effort you put into it. It builds a special bond between the people involved which matters more than the product.

Saturday Night Dinner Host

We understand what Brand Behaviour is but how do we use it every day? We use the concept of being a Host to express our Brand Behaviour in JOE & THE JUICE.

Stage 1 (Before the Guests Arrive)

The Ingredients

• The Basics
• The Excuse
• Have all products available

In order for a Host to ensure a good experience, they must have the basics in place by having all products in stock. Inviting guests for dinner but not being able to serve them something is embarrassing. The food is not the reason why the guests come but it is a necessity for them to be present. You invite your friends for dinner as an excuse to hang out. When all products are not in stock, guests will be disappointed from the get-go and the experience will already be damaged.

The Home

• Clean
• Presentable

A Host would not invite a Guest over with a dirty bathroom, dusty surfaces, or an unclean kitchen. A Host will clean their home more than usual to show off how nice they live but also to showcase that everything in the home is neat, clean, and well presented. The presentation of a person’s home to others is a representation of themselves.

This makes the guest lean back and relax in a pleasant environment.

The Mood

• Set up Living Room
• Cosy, inviting & comfortable
• Visual surroundings

Establish the mood by setting up the living room. The visual surroundings stimulate the guests’ mood and builds the atmosphere. The Host does this by staging the Living Room into a cozy environment; having lit candles, lowered lighting, puffed pillows & organized furniture. The Host signals to the guests that this is a place to relax, enjoy, and to take part in an aesthetic experience.

The Music

• Set the mood
• Audible surroundings
• Triggers happy, up-tempo & cozy vibes

A Host knows that music acts as the catalyst for the mood that they want their guests to feel. The Host controls the guests’ experience by choosing the correct music. It also states how the guests will react to the music; up-tempo, happy, cozy, relax, romantic, etc. In that way, it signals what kind of mood the Host wants their guests to step into. For instance, playing loud rock music is not the music a Host would play to create a romantic ambience.

Choosing the right music for the different stages of the night dictates the guests’ overall experience of the visit.

The Prep

• Less stress
• Prepared to serve
• Overview

Prepping is vital for a Host to execute the dinner at a good pace and efficiently so the guests are not waiting inconveniently too long. More importantly, it gives the Host more time to be present and socialize with the guests.

Prep is not only about the food but can also for instance be napkins or setting up the table. Every second counts for a Host, the more time a Host can spend with the guests instead of using unnecessary time finding things the better. Remember the dinner is an excuse to hang out!

The prep serves as a confidence booster since the Host will be able to handle any type of rush because of preparation. This leads to the host having a much better overview and being able to focus on other things such as the guest’s experience.

Being unprepared results in less time to entertain and enjoy being with your guests but also affect many other areas as a Snowball Effect. Such as, you need to prep on the go, you cannot execute as fast, guests waiting a long time, no focus on cleaning, Juicers need to work past their shifts, shift change not done in time, and so on…

Prep is the foundation for the entire day’s performance.

Stage 2 (Handling the Guests)

The Welcome

• Invite in Guest
• The Welcome
• Individual ways of approaching guests (Businessman, Young Girl, Old Man, etc.)
• Make them feel welcome

Even though a Guest is someone who has already been invited, it is common courtesy to still invite the Guest upon arrival to make them feel welcome and show you are happy to see them. Secondly, the Host approaches the guests differently because all guests are not the same. The Host reacts accordingly to what type of person he/she has invited. They do that because of their individual relationship with each person.

They will be a certain way when it is a businessman (more energetic, entertaining and fresh) and another way when it is an elderly woman (patient, considerate, delicate & sweet), the Host adapts to each different person who visits them. Most importantly the Host knows exactly who enters their home and greets them with their name.

The Activation

• Activate conversation
• Authentic approach
• Inclusion

Next, the Host initiates the conversation and is responsible for ensuring a good evening. It would be unnatural if a Host and a guest, in the same room did not speak to each other. When the Host invites guests over for dinner they should be prepared to activate them with stories, ask questions, and show personal interest towards their guests. A good example, asking into their lives or perhaps asking about something they talked about last time. Usually, an interesting Host is up to date on the latest news, trends, or stories.

The guests are simply there to be entertained not for the dinner.

The Menu

• Guide through the menu – show knowledge.
• Be present
• The connection between concept and guests.

A Host should be able to guide through the evening’s menu and know the story behind each product they serve. The Host connects each product with knowledge, stories, benefits, nutritional facts, where it is from, and how it is made. Introducing a story to a product makes it automatically rise in value and quality in the mind of the guest, making it stand out. For instance, an expensive wine only tastes good because you know the price or because you know how it was made.

The story behind the product is a connection between the concept and the guest, and the Host is the bridge that connects both parts.

The Dinner

• Execute the products
• Work fast and effective
• Impress with techniques and tricks
• Serve at the table
• Sign out the product/signature

A Host wants to serve his/her guests as fast as possible and perhaps even impress them with their flaring skills, technique, speed, and effortlessness of the execution.

The Host always serves their creations directly to the guest because they are proud of what they serve. The Host would never let guests pick up their food by themselves, that would look like they do no care and /or are not proud of what they serve.

The 2nd Activation

• Initiate conversation
• Product knowledge
• Proud of the products
• Full cycle in product universe
• Reference

After food has been served to the Guests, the Host shows the ultimate care by activating their guests once again. The Host could ask how the food was or maybe pick up on a subject mentioned earlier that evening. The attention does not stop when the food has been served, because dinner is not the main reason for the guests to come. The main reason is to socialize with the Host.

(Perhaps already suggesting what they could try next time, to take the steps towards going full circle in the product universe – coffee, juice & sandwich).

Stage 3 (The Guests Leave)

The Goodbye

• Finalize experience
• Reference
• Goodbye

When the guests leave, the Host finalizes the visit with a goodbye which suits each guest individually. Perhaps referring to something they had a conversation about earlier and of course using the guest’s name again. The guest will feel a suitable closure to the entire visit and perhaps feel that he/she is connected to the store as part of the family.

The Refresh

• Refresh – trash, furniture, candles

After the guests leave, the Host completes the visit by refreshing his/her home, cleaning things that were used, and prepares for the next arrival of guests. This again gives the Host more overview and less stress which is the building block to ensure that the next guest’s experience is equally as good as the last.

The Brand Behaviour Triangle

How do we create healthy Brand Behaviour?

Brand Behaviour is not just something that develops on its own. It requires other key areas to first be in place before it can truly show in the store. We need to build the Brand Behaviour from the bottom using basic tools, structures, knowledge, and skills eventually leading towards the final goal. The reason for us to focus on this specific sequence is logic. It would look stupid if you were trying to sell a loyalty card, while the store looks untidy and unclean or if you were flaring with a blender but too slow at making the juice. We have split the different areas into three categories that each represent a layer and the sequence of the pyramid going from bottom to top

1) Daily Concept Workflow

The first elements which need to be in order to build the basis of a healthy Brand Behaviour are the critical areas.

The critical areas are the basic store structures that makes the operation of the bar work smoothly, such as Daily Concept Workflow, prep, cleaning and the look of the store.

2) Training & Skills

Next up are the stable areas a lot more connected to the skill of a Juicer, such as the craft of making juice or sandwich, the speed and the knowledge of the products. These areas add another layer to our quest for creating Brand Behaviour.

3) Brand Behaviour

We have now made sure both the critical and stable building blocks are in place but this is also what any other food & beverage concept can do. Now this is where we stand out from the rest – the INCLUSION.

The inclusion is the final building block of the pyramid but it is also the most dynamic of the three because it gives us the freedom to perform through our own behaviour. The Brand Behaviour is now possible to express through the Host, flaring and inclusion.

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:
Brand Behaviour

Brand Behaviour is how we naturally behave in the stores. It is what we use to define ourselves collectively as a brand and to differentiate us from every other concept. Brand Behaviour is primarily centred around not providing traditional service to our guests but instead inclusion and a more authentic attitude. We have several training modules which elaborate in detail our Brand Behaviour and Brand Principles which can be found in the Juicer JQ Graduation level.

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Ambience is what a Juicer or team of Juicers can create when they combine well and/or use their personalities to their strengths behind the bar which creates the ultimate guest and team experience that we are known for. Ambience is characterised by the atmosphere created inside the store, the energy and performance of the team on shift and the overall good vibes that our guests can feel which is what attracts them into the store.

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