Nutrition Module 1

Where it all started…

JOE & THE JUICE was founded by Kaspar Basse due to the lack of healthy “on the go” food options in Copenhagen at the time. JOE & THE JUICE is built on a foundation of nutritious and healthy food with lots of fruits, berries, vegetables, and generally high-quality ingredients. Since 2002 we have provided fast, “made on demand” food with high amounts of nutrients pr. Calories compared to many other food providers.

Synergy & Symbiosis

Every living being on earth exists through a synergistic symbiosis which is the evolution of cooperation and teamwork in order to survive. This rule applies to all living organisms, from bacteria, plants, animals to humans. While synergies and teamwork play a huge role in biology, they are also fundamental aspects of everyday life, such as work, health, and nutrition.

When it comes to understanding how the body gains the most optimal effects from the different nutrients in food, synergies and teamwork take an even greater purpose. Depending on how they are combined together, the different vitamins and minerals found in food have both synergistic and antagonistic effects on the body. Meaning synergists are two or more substances working together to enhance one another and antagonists work in the opposite direction, resulting in them counteracting each other.

Right from the very beginning, our menu has always been based specifically on the synergistic effects of our products, especially with our juice and shakes. The fruit and vegetable combinations within every juice have always been thoughtfully designed, with their synergetic effects at the forefront of each creation. Consequently, the names of each juice and shake reflect these effects and associations, to signify the benefit of every sip. Our juice might have funny names, but we take their nutritional value very seriously.

The SPORTS JUICE, pineapple, passionfruit, and apple, is named SPORTS JUICE due to the compound bromelain from pineapple. Bromelain helps break down proteins and makes it easier for the body to absorb them. This is beneficial when you have trained and want to build up muscle mass (for full effect; add Joe’s plant protein or have a sandwich on the side). Furthermore, pineapple and apple are good sources of energy.

Another example is GO AWAY DOC, it contains vitamin A (carrots) and vitamin C (apples), which are vital for the normal function of the immune system. Additionally, ginger contains further health benefits such as anti-inflammatory compounds and pain-relieving properties.

Strawberry, ginger, and apple, not only taste great when mixed together. The zinc from ginger complements the magnesium from strawberries and both minerals have increased absorption when combined with the generous amount of c-vitamin from both strawberries and apples. All of these ingredients are considered to aid in stress-relief, so we call the juice; STRESS DOWN.

These are just some examples to show how we purposefully combine the fruits, berries and vegetables with synergistic effects in mind, resulting in maximum nutrients and effect when they enter the body. Nothing is random or left to chance – This is the foundation of our menu.


The Joe & The Juice Product Philosophy

At JOE & THE JUICE, we want to communicate the importance of health without being arrogant and to offer our guests something more than just the benefits of vitamins and minerals. We believe that healthy lifestyle choices shouldn’t have to be at the sacrifice of taste, fun, and community.

The philosophy at JOE & THE JUICE consists of freshly made products, made ‘fresh to order’, using fresh ingredients (and organic where possible), served with a fresh attitude. We have a high degree of transparency in the production of our products, which means ‘what you see is what you get’. Where possible, we avoid using additives, E numbers and ingredients you cannot even pronounce. We believe in using whole ingredients to deliver high product quality, with no exceptions whatsoever.

The benefits of juicing or blending fruits and vegetables have been a popular discussion in the last few years. Although many studies have shown that by juicing or blending fruits and vegetables, the nutrients are released better compared to eating them whole. Many of the nutrients are stuck in food fibers and not accessible unless the fibers are broken down. Juicing food helps to release these nutrients. However, the juice should be freshly pressed and enjoyed right away.

Most bottled fruit and vegetable juice found at supermarkets has been processed and pasteurized to maintain longer shelf life. Pasteurized juice is heated to a high temperature for a short time before it is sold. While that may sound fine, pasteurization kills the vital raw vitamins, enzymes, and minerals – therefore making the juice nutritionally pointless. In addition, the nutrients in freshly pressed juice start to evaporate and break down after 20 minutes. This is why we make all our products on demand and always recommend our guests to consume our freshly made juice and shakes within 20 minutes from when they were made.

Energy Intake and Calories

Calories, kcal, Cal, or kilojoules are terms you hear all the time and surround us wherever we go but what do they actually mean? A calorie is a unit of energy, more precisely it is how much energy it takes to warm up water by one degree Celsius. One kcal/Cal is equal to 4.2 kilojoules (kJ) and both are essentially different units for how to measure our energy intake (what we eat and drink).

The human body needs energy every day to carry out basic processes for living. Women need approximately 2,000 kcal/Cal per day and men approximately 2500 kcal/Cal per day. The higher the muscle mass, the more energy you need which is why men generally need more calories than women. In addition, there are other factors that affect the body’s need for energy such as; activity level (your calorie needs are higher when physically active), height, gender, age, pregnancy, etc.

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the main building blocks for the human body and these three nutrients have different calorie contents. The energy within carbohydrates and proteins is 17 kJ/g whereas fats have 38 kJ/g. Fats have a higher energy content per gram which is why it’s officially recommended that your fat intake should be moderate to prevent having an excessive intake of energy throughout the day.

Proteins are the building blocks for the body’s tissues and organs and consist of amino acids.

Carbohydrates are chains of sugar molecules that provide the main source of energy to the body.

Fats – the body uses fats as a fuel source, but fats are especially important for building healthy cells, providing normal hormone production and function in the body.

How to read a food declaration

You see food declarations everywhere, though they are usually hard to translate and understand. What are they telling you? Are they telling the truth? And what do all the long words and E-numbers mean? Every declaration has an ingredients list and a calorie content, usually per 100 grams or 100 mL (milliliter) and/or per serving. The 100 grams/mL are divided into a number of different nutrients; protein, carbohydrate, and fat within the product. Additionally, the number of sugars, fiber, different fat types (Saturated, Trans, and Cholesterol) are also sometimes added.

Examples of Food Declarations:


The Sugar Trap

A considerable amount of food products sold have an ingredients list which typically consists of many different types of ‘added sugars’. These sugars are disguised in different forms such as; Dextrose, glucose, dextrin, maltodextrin, sucralose, sucrose, maltose, palatinose, etc. Not everyone knows that these compounds are sugars and count as added sugars with no nutritional value, instead of only adding empty calories. So, if you want to reduce your sugar intake, you should look out for these words within the nutrition declaration.


Many people are confused or uninformed when it comes to the meaning of E-numbers. E-numbers are additives (often chemical) that have been officially approved as safe to use in food and consumption. They are used for technological purposes such as to, sweeten, thicken, emulsify, preserve, color, etc. “ordinary” food compounds. E numbers are not bad in itself but can give people worries about the unknown. It feels more convenient when it says beta-carotene than E-160a. However, a good rule of thumb is, if you can’t pronounce it or do not know what it is and do not feel safe with the product, then avoid this product and compare it with an alternative by another producer. Otherwise, common sense would suggest the fewer E numbers, the more natural the product is.

Contains Gluten

Gluten has been in the spotlight the past few years and is often spoken about as a bad, toxic compound found in cereals and related products. But what is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in cereals from different wheat types such as wheat, barley, spelt, and rye to name a few. People have been eating cereal products for thousands of years, so why is there a gluten-shaming now?

In the past decade or so, research has discovered that 1 in 100 people have a condition called coeliac disease which causes people to become very sick when eating gluten. It is a serious illness where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissue when eating gluten. In addition, the coeliac disease has many different symptoms which range from mild to severe.

People with coeliac disease do not always have symptoms before it’s too late (when they become sick). In addition, it’s believed that only 24% who have the condition have been diagnosed, meaning 76% who have the disease don’t yet know. Because of this, many have falsely claimed that we all, the ones that do not have coeliac disease, are at least gluten intolerant, and thereby made gluten into the villain of the different lifestyle and autoimmune diseases of modern society.

Furthermore, gluten-free diets like the Paleo-diet, claim we are not designed to eat what we eat today in an agricultural society. In recent years, many fad diets like Paleo have broken through and become popular as never before. Followers of such gluten-free diets believe in the promise of weight loss, greater physical health, and better well-being. Although, this is not a direct result from the cut-off of gluten per se, but instead because people cut-off gluten-containing products, such as bread, cakes, pasta, pizza, burgers, etc – which also happen to be calorie-dense foods.

By removing all gluten products from a diet and replacing them with plant-based sources, it can be assumed that one’s health will naturally improve. However, one tends to also connect the success of losing weight with the removal of gluten, which is not the case. They have just simply reduced their energy intake. It is important to state that, whole grain products that provide all the vitamins and fibers of the cereals can easily be a part of a healthy and even weight loss diet.

At JOE & THE JUICE, we have a healthy and diverse menu that strives to provide our guests and employees with high nutrient content pr. Calorie and still with a huge focus on providing a great taste.


To Dairy or not to dairy is one of the hottest questions these days.

Milk from humans, cows, and other animals all contain a milk sugar called lactose. Lactose is a sugar molecule that you are born with the capability to use as your primary source of carbohydrate energy because it’s the main sugar component of breast milk. As you grow older, most people lose the ability to breakdown and digest this sugar because you are no longer dependent 6 on milk from your mother in order to survive. However, people in most parts of Europe and central parts of Asia (Mongolia, Kazakhstan etc.) generally keep this ability to break down milk sugar throughout their life. It is also these places where the intake and production of such milk products are the highest.

You find lactose in every dairy product; milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc. The content of lactose varies between different dairy products. There is a very small amount in hard matured cheeses like parmesan cheese and yogurt due to bacteria eating these milk sugars during the making process. As a result, these products are some of the ‘gentler’ dairy products for the digestive system.

Dairy products provide a great number of different nutrients such as high-quality protein, vitamin B12, and calcium. Additionally, even though cheese has a high amount of saturated fat, it has shown to decrease the cholesterol level in people consuming cheese, compared with people who consume refined carbohydrates instead.

For many people, even if they still have the ability to breakdown this milk sugar, the process of breaking it down can give unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, stomachache, diarrhea, constipation, etc. People with such symptoms are diagnosed as lactose intolerant. Whereas those who are allergic to dairy products are not necessarily lactose intolerant and unable to digest lactose, but instead allergic to some of the proteins found in milk.

Similar to ‘the gluten case’, many health problems such as allergies and acne have been linked to the intake of milk and milk products, however, such claims have not yet been proven in studies. To dairy or not to dairy is up to the individual and you have to feel what is best for you. At JOE & THE JUICE, we provide our guests with both regular dairy products and some of the greatest dairy alternatives currently available.

Bonus info: Lactose-free dairy products are normal dairy products with an added enzyme called Lactase. This enzyme is what people are missing in their stomach in order to digest Lactose.

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