How to Train


With 7 modules on BM Junior level, it can be difficult to figure out where to actually start the training, never mind what sequence you should train them in. Therefore, the following guidelines are intended to help direct you throughout the training, so you can achieve the best possible results.

The fundamental approach to training on this level is to always start with the BTC leadership modules which are; Develop Clear Optics, Activating-on-the-Go & Elderflower Management. Doing so signifies the importance of the disciplines that will be used most often by the Bar Manager, throughout each day. Additionally, to succeed with the more administrative, meeting & communication modules, later on, depends entirely on the Bar Manager first fully executing the 3 BTC modules. Put simply, it will be very difficult for a Bar Manager to succeed with the Advanced Shiftplanning, Team Positioning, Team Meeting, and Team Communication modules if they have not laid down the BTC groundwork first.

So, mastering the BTC leadership tools builds the ideal platform to succeed later on with the other modules. Therefore, throughout the training, the Bar Manager needs to understand that it is all about leading the team on shift during the action. The key learning on this level is to show that a successful BM Junior dedicates training towards improving the Juicer’s BTC abilities. Subsequently, he/she can then; make more tactical planning of the team (Advanced Shiftplanning / Team Positioning), set collective goals for the store, and follow up with clear expectations at Team Meetings or through Team Communication.

Develop clear optics

The Develop Clear Optics module is the ideal starting point for BM Junior training because; it increases the Bar Manager’s ability to see their store more clearly and teaches a mindset for constantly searching for what needs to be improved. It also builds care and ownership for the store from the team and ignites the motivation to pursue high standards continuously.

How to train

1. Start by going through the theoretical content
Before the actual training begins, assign the Bar Manager to read through the Develop Clear Opticsmodule. Begin the session by first sitting down to discuss the theoretical content. Use the ‘Intro’ to explain the importance of having Clear Optics (both BM + team) and how it benefits the store. Go through the ‘Clear Optics Formula’ instructing how the Bar Manager should use the sequence of steps to develop Clear Optics within the team – provide examples to explain this further. Finally, use the ‘Sum Up’ to wrap up all of the key points.

2. Practical demonstration
Next, make a practical walkthrough of how to use the ‘Clear Optics Formula’ within the store. This should be done by the trainer, together with the Bar Manager, walking through all areas of the store, observing the team, and making a detailed assessment. Provide an example to show more precisely how the Bar Manager should identify areas of their own store which need to be focused on.

3. Teach the follow-up
After demonstrating with an example, allow the Bar Manager to then point out all other areas alone, without further direction from the trainer. The aim of the trainer here is to guide the Bar Manager with developing their ability to see the store clearly and search for what needs to be improved. Whilst identifying areas, ask the Bar Manager ‘What’ is wrong, ‘Why’ it is wrong and ‘How’ it then can be improved.

Any critical areas not highlighted by the Bar Manager should be pointed out by the trainer afterward to increase their optics further. It is possible that the Bar Manager may take criticism of their store personally and make excuses at first. If so, remind them that to succeed with developing Clear Optics requires being unbiased and removing the emotional connection to the problems = having Clear Optics.

4. Teach how to give feedback, the Why and set expectations to the team
Once it is agreed what the focus areas are, set an immediate action plan for how the Bar Manager should follow up with the team. Instruct the Bar Manager to give feedback to the Juicers at work, about the identified areas.

Observe the Bar Manager’s abilities by giving the ‘Why’. Check if he/she explains thoroughly enough and also ensures that the Juicers understand the reason & importance for executing the task to perfection. Also, observe how well the Bar Manager defines the expectations for executing to perfection. Afterward, assess how they performed by giving their own feedback to the Juicers.

5. Assess after 1 week
To wrap up the training session make a training plan for the Bar Manager to follow for the rest of the week, which prioritizes Developing Clear Optics within the team on all the agreed focus areas. Look at the shiftplan and use the Bar Manager’s scheduled shifts to identify ideal times where training the Juicer’s Optics should be practiced further.

After 1 week, the trainer should return to review the improvement of the focus areas. Do this by assessing the store and asking the Juicers on shift to explain the ‘Why’ and expectations. This will help determine how well the Bar Manager has performed with Developing Clear Optics.


After Develop Clear Optics, the next module to move on to is Activating-on-the-Go. Explain to the Bar Manager that Clear Optics & Activating-on-the-Go cover so much within the 4 walls and both take time to master. Further, the Bar Manager will not be able to use Elderflower Management effectively, if they have not first Developed Clear Optics within the team and Activated them regularly during shifts to improve the Juicer’s BTC skills.

How to train

The most ideal time and place to train this module is in the store during both the busy & slow periods of a day. Therefore, it is recommended that the trainer works a full shift together with the Bar Manager to cover the ‘3 Key Parameters’ in both periods. It is also important to give time before the shift starts, to go through the module together in detail.

1. Start by going through the theoretical content

Assign the Bar Manager to read through the Activating-on-the-Go module before the actual training begins. Start the session by first sitting down to discuss the theoretical content;

Use the ‘Intro’ to explain that the concept of Activating-on the-Go is how you actively squeeze every drop of potential out of each moment of the day. So, the learning in this module is all about what can be activated to make the guest experience great and achieve the best possible performance at that moment. Also point out that the most successful Bar Managers in JOE’s history have been masters of Activating-on-the-Go, who went on to become true leaders.

Advise that Activating-on-the-Go is a tool to verbally activate. It requires full focus on balancing the different areas of the store, by adjusting the team to suit different situations throughout the day. Inform the Bar Manager that it is the directing of the team which keeps the Juicers confident in him/her as the leader because they know you are in control and takes charge of the situations they face as a team.

Ask the Bar Manager to outline the operational structures they should use to adjust the team and suit the different situations throughout the day. These should include; XonShift, XonTill, Shiftchange, Cleaning-on-the-Go, Team Positioning Systems.

2. Introduce the ‘3 Performance Parameters’

To effectively use Activating-on-the-Go, the Bar Manager must first understand the different areas of the store which must be balanced at all times. Show how the store can be split into 3 Key Performance Parameters. While going through the ‘3 Performance Parameters’, explain what the priorities are in each area and the operational structures used to balance them. Use the bar graph to illustrate to the Bar Manager the different scenarios he/she will need to look out for throughout a typical day in the bar.

The 3 Performance Parameters

1. Till Speed – KTQ
2. Product Speed – Use Team Positioning Systems to execute the list.
3. Keeping Tidy Areas – Customer Area, toilets, tables, trash cans and prepare for more guests.      

During Rush: is about activating operational systems, in order to maximise productivity but also balancing the 3 parameters.

During Slow Periods: is about activating the team to execute the right sequence of DCWF. What can you do to optimise the store with the time at hand?

Finally, make clear that to have any of the parameters at a ‘Performing Level’, the Bar Manager must sacrifice another parameter to balance it out. Whenever one parameter is at a ‘Critical Level it must immediately be prioritized and activated by the Bar Manager.

3. Practical Execution

BTC Start your shift by asking the Bar Manager to immediately rate the current level of the 3 Performance Parameters (either; Performing, Stable or Critical). Depending on the ratings given, then ask the Bar Manager what operational structures need to be activated.

Throughout the shift observe the Till Speed, Product Speed, and Cleaning standards of the store. Whenever the 3 parameters fall out of balance, instruct the Bar Manager to immediately rate levels and activate the correct Operational Structures to balance them again. Towards the end of the shift, the Bar Manager should start to automatically rate the 3 levels and activate the team without guidance. If not, then another shift together will be necessary for further training.

4. Wrap up key points

After the shift ends, sit down with the Bar Manager to reflect on the overall performance throughout the day. First, ask the Bar Manager’s opinion on how much different they felt the day went when focusing on the 3 Performance Parameters. Give feedback on how the Bar Manager handled the activation and being constantly aware of the parameters. To improve further, provide focus points for the Bar Manager to continue working on going forward.

Finally, use the ‘Sum Up’ to wrap up all of the key points. Remind the Bar Manager how Activating-on-the Go positions you as the leader of the team and are what separates the regular Bar Managers from the true leaders, so it should be practiced daily. Motivate the Bar Manager by stating that once they master this discipline, the performance of their store will dramatically increase because you pursue the best possible experience for your guests.

Elderflower Management

Now that the Bar Manager has developed Clear Optics across the team and is confidently Activating-on-the-Go throughout the day, the team should now be better positioned overall. Meaning the conditions should now be appropriate to introduce Elderflower Management. So, the Bar Manager can start assigning small responsibilities to each Juicer to accomplish more overall.

How to train

1. Introduce Elderflower Management

Assign the Bar Manager to read through the Elderflower Management module before meeting up. Sit down with the Bar Manager to discuss the content in detail. Explain how following Elderflower Management is the 1st Step towards raising Juicer’s motivation and building a proper pipeline.

Inform the Bar Manager that distributing out responsibilities, makes it easier to assess who takes ownership naturally. Also advise that when 2 Juicers are both given the same responsibility, naturally they will be competing to impress.

Instruct that over time, the Bar Manager should aim to develop the Juicers to become ‘specialists’ of each area they are assigned to and this will provide the Bar Manager with more capacity and overview of store. Make clear that only Shift Managers can be responsible for Count / Delivery / E-Smiley Admin / JQ Training, but everything else can be assigned to Juicers.

2. Make a plan for assigning responsibilities

Make clear to the Bar Manager that the first objective is to spread-out time-consuming tasks or current weak areas of the store to the Juicers. Ask the Bar Manager to list down all the tasks that could be distributed out. This should include; Music Control throughout day / Customer Area / Toilets / 2onTill Activation + KTQ / Outdoor Seating / Cleaning Tasks / Stockroom / Guest Dialogue / The Welcome / All Displays (Fruit + Till)

Once all areas are listed down, instruct the Bar Manager to then plan for who to assign responsibility to in the team. Here the trainer should guide the Bar Manager in selecting the right Juicer for the right tasks. Meaning those who are most skilled and show the most responsibility naturally, should be given the bigger responsibilities. Whereas lower-skilled Juicers should be given smaller responsibilities to test their abilities.

3. Teach how to delegate

Once a plan is agreed for assigning all tasks to the right Juicers, teach the Bar Manager how to successfully delegate tasks. Go through ‘The 3 Basic Phases of Delegating Tasks’ and explain how setting the expectations and standards for the Juicer to follow is crucial!

The 3 Basic Phases of Delegating Tasks

1. Training (The Why + The How)

Always explain how the task connects to the bigger picture and demonstrate down to the last detail ‘How’ to execute to perfection. Then the Juicer should perform the task and explain ‘The Why’ & ‘How’ using Teach the Teacher.

2. Deadline (When)

Agree on when, where, and how the task will be executed going forward. Set time & frequency for the execution of the task. Make a clear deadline.

3. Follow Up (The Optics)
Essential for ensuring the task has been executed properly. Allows the Bar Manager to identify any gaps and build Clear Optics. Also symbolizes to the Juicer that the assigned task is still relevant so should continue to perform well with it.      
4 Steps of Constructive Feedback

Advise the Bar Manager that to complete a follow up, requires providing constructive and in-depth feedback, so the Juicer knows exactly where to improve next time.

1. Positive
2. Negative
3. How to Improve
4. The Why

Advanced shiftplanning + Advanced team positioning

Once fully positioned with the BTC Leadership disciplines, the Bar Manager can then be introduced to other initiatives for optimizing the store. Only when the team is fully trained in Clear Optics, Activating-on-the-Go & Elderflower Management, can the Bar Manager properly optimize the store further through Advanced Shiftplanning and Team Positioning.

The detailed focus and training which the Bar Manager has invested into the team over the past 3 modules, along with the assigned responsibilities given to the Juicers mean the Bar Manager should now have a clear idea of the optimal team positioning every day.

How to train

1. Start by going through the theoretical content

Assign the Bar Manager to read through both Advanced Shiftplanning and Team Positioning modules before meeting up. First, go through the Advanced Shiftplanning module and explain the benefits of having a well-balanced team schedule, using ‘The 5-Hour Less Theory’.

2. Activate Juicer Talks

Go through the ‘5 Steps for Creating Advanced Shiftplans’ then activate the Bar Manager to talk with the team to find out everyone’s individually desired hours. Advise the Bar Manager they should hold Juicer Talks each month ongoing and ideally 2 weeks before starting to make the shiftplan.

3. Make shiftplan together

Together with the Bar Manager make the shiftplan, with the aim for everyone to be working slightly under their desired hours using ‘5-hour Less Theory’. Distribute shifts evenly across the team, with a key focus for everyone receiving 2 days off and a fair balance between opening & closing shifts.

Next, show the Bar Manager how to identify if additional Juicers are needed, request new hirings for the bar, forecast ahead to HR, hire in good time & plan training shifts.

4. Create Optimal Team Positioning

While making the shiftplan, also teach the Bar Manager how to optimally position the team every day of the week. Inform the Bar Manager that Team Positioning is about balancing each day with the right amount of experience to cover every hour of the day. Explain how this maximizes every hour and further optimizes the performance of the store.

Team Positioning Sequence

1. Schedule Bar Manager shifts covering all key periods a Bar Manager should work.

2. Schedule SM(s) to cover all other key periods where Bar Manager is not present.

3. Cover any remaining key periods not already covered, by the next highest skilled Juicer.

4. Schedule lowest skilled Juicers (JQ Prospects) to be on shift with Bar Manager.

5. The next lowest skilled Juicer should then be scheduled to work shifts with the Shift Manager.

6. Fill out the rest of the shiftplan with more experienced Juicers thoughtfully positioned to improve the quality of each team on shift.

Team Meeting

1. Explain the purpose of meetings and emphasize the importance of the Why

Before training, assign the Bar Manager to read through the Team Meeting module. Start the training session by explaining how we use Team Meetings to get the team on board with goals, align the team, and prepare them for the new expectations. Highlight that there should only be 2 main purposes for hosting a Team Meeting; ‘Introducing new initiatives’ or ‘Highlighting what needs to be improved’.

Point out that in order for the Juicers to achieve the Bar Manager’s expectations, ‘the Why’ is what drives the message that will convince the team. Then challenge the Bar Manager to always ask him/herself after every meeting, “Did I convince the team?”

Next, go through and the discuss ‘The 5 Guidelines’ for preparing a meeting and provide examples or demonstrations for each point;

The 5 Meeting Guidelines

1. Preparation – study in detail what you are going to present and practice your presentation.

2. Telling the story – builds the core of the message, with background and reasoning for why the message is important. Gives both the Why but also an emotional connection to the message, which captures the audience’s attention and makes it more memorable. A story is a very powerful tool to enhance any meeting because it sparks more of an interest from the Juicers. The more you believe in the message, the better you will be at delivering it to your audience. When preparing for a meeting, be sure to seek out the story behind the message because believing in your message will always leave a powerful mark on your team

3. Body language & posture – aim to stand tall, have a wide stance, and walk around if you feel like it. Use your hands to make gestures to emphasize your points and bring your chest out.

4. Voice – The stronger the voice you have, the stronger the message becomes and the more successful the meeting will be.

5. Energy & enthusiasm – When you speak at a meeting, the most effective tool is to be enthusiastic and energetic. If you are not excited about the subject, you present then why would the Juicers be excited or care about it? Even the most irrational things can be said with enough emphasis that it can sound rational to the people you present for. Providing energy and enthusiasm also links up very closely with your voice and body language.

2. Prepare meeting agenda

Now move on to guiding the Bar Manager through the 2 ‘Meeting Templates’, explaining the key differences between them. Afterward, decide on which type of meeting the Bar Manager should host with the team then assign him/her to prepare a meeting agenda using the appropriate template. When finished, read through the Bar Manager’s prepared meeting notes ensuring they have covered all the key points on; What, Why, How, Motivation, Positive, Negative.

The 5 Meeting Guidelines

1. WHAT – Always explain the reason why you have gathered the team for the meeting by outlining what you are going to talk about. This will prepare the Juicers for what subjects you will go through and keep them involved from the start. It also creates a frame for the meeting.

2. WHY – Explain ‘the Why’ of the initiative you are presenting. What is the reason or importance of going through this subject? Tell the story and here it is important to be very enthusiastic about the initiative. This creates the foundation for implementation, understanding, and care from the Juicers.

3. HOW – In detail, describe how the initiative will be implemented. Do not leave any stone unturned. The aim here is to make sure that everyone fully understands ‘the How’ after this explanation.

4. MOTIVATION – Always wrap up the meeting by being very enthusiastic and positive about the initiative. Remind the team how it reflects on the bigger picture of the store and JOE & THE JUICE

‘Highlighting what needs to be improved’ meeting template

1. WHAT – Same as above

2. POSITIVE – Always start with providing positive feedback to the team. Show them the effects of the good work they have done. This will make them pay attention and have more acceptance for the negative feedback you will bring up next.

3. NEGATIVE – Introduce the areas which must be improved. Make sure you point out exactly what it is that the team is doing wrong.

4. WHY – Explain the consequence of not improving on the area. Then explain or remind them of ‘the Why’. Tell the story and here it is important to be very enthusiastic about the initiative. This creates the foundation for implementation, understanding, and care from the Juicers.

5. HOW – How do we improve? In detail, describe to the team how they should better execute what needs to be improved, aiming for perfection. Do not leave any stone unturned. The aim here is to make sure that everyone fully understands ‘the How’ after this explanation.

6. MOTIVATION – Always wrap up the meeting by being very enthusiastic and positive about what needs to be improved. Remind the team how the required improvement reflects on the bigger picture of the store and JOE & THE JUICE.

3. Practice together and be present for meeting to provide feedback

Once the Bar Manager has enough content for a meeting agenda, then activate the Bar Manager to practice their meeting techniques (in front of the trainer). Observe and provide feedback afterward on the Bar Manager’s ability with ‘Telling the Story, Body Language, Voice, Energy & Enthusiasm’. Once the Bar Manager is ready to host the actual team meeting, the trainer also should be present to observe, provide further feedback, and eventually sign off the Team Meeting training.

4. Wrap up with a further direction

Wrap up the training by challenging the Bar Manager to continue reflecting on his/her own performance with meetings, to constantly learn from the exercise of presenting. Advise the Bar Manager to always focus on 1 area to improve for each meeting. Explain they should not focus on all areas at once but as long as he/she improves 1 area each time, then they are on the right path to becoming a master at hosting meetings.

Instruct the Bar Manager to keep focusing on ‘The 5 Guidelines’ to improve their abilities by presenting and to also use the ‘Meeting Templates’ as a tool for how to structure their meetings. Finally, motivate the Bar Manager by explaining the experience gained from each meeting, will over time develop a strong sense of confidence in them.

Team Communication

1. The No.1 goal with team reports

The Bar Manager should read through the Team Communication module before the training starts. Begin the session by explaining that whenever making a team report, the core approach is to; look at the numbers, analyze what the situation is, compare the progression made from last week and then look for ways to translate the important information into clear operational goals for the Juicers. Make clear to the Bar Manager that every KPI needs to be translated into e-Campus training. So, the number one rule is to always translate everything into e-Campus related goals.

2. Compare examples Use the ‘Examples’ in the module to demonstrate the difference between an effective and ineffective team report. Ask the Bar Manager to compare and explain the differences between the two examples.

3. Make a Team Report following the guidelines

Now use the ‘Team Report Guidelines’ to teach the Bar Manager how to effectively create his/her own good example of a team report. Afterward, activate the Bar Manager to create a team report following the guidelines. The trainer should be present to observe and discuss with the Bar Manager, while making the report and give the final approval before the Bar Manager sends it out to the team.

Team Report Guidelines

1. Start positive before negative;
Always start with positive feedback regarding any good performance and progress made. This will motivate the Juicers to keep going with their good work. The report should end with more negative feedback for them to remember what is needed to be improved during the week ahead.

2. Always Follow Up from last week;
Explain in the report how the team has made progress from last week with the KPIs. Are we doing a good job, improving or declining?

3. Show the effects which the team’s work has on the store performance.
By clearly showing the team how their work has improved the store, makes the consequences more real to them and improves their understanding of the impact their work has.

4. What is our position overall?
Inform the team where they currently sit in the overall table of performance. This will create a more competitive edge from the team, to then want to further improve and reach the Number 1 Spot!

5. Create motivation for the team;
Promoting the overall objective motivates the team to follow each goal week to week. Informing the team of any incentives can also be an effective way of motivating them to work towards a goal because it will benefit the team.

6. Set Clear Goals;
Always set e-Campus / clear operational goals for the week, not KPI goals. Make the goals clear so there are no misunderstandings.

7. Waste Reporting;
With waste, always be aware of how you report information to the Juicers because you want to avoid pushing down the product quality from the team. So rather than pushing Juicers on waste numbers, instead focus the communication towards training, IMS, and Product Manual. Missing Bread pieces, cups, and milkshake usage are good numbers to use in a report because they are clear references to what needs to be done better. Reporting on FIFO, structures, and stock-flow can also be effective because they are clear operational goals for the Juicers to understand. In general, always reference the Product Manual and specific ingredients in the report. Whenever setting goals to improve the waste, the Bar Manager will also need to include in the report a plan for re-training certain Juicers in product making.

8. Plan for the week;
Finally, always inform the team of the plan for the week. This should include; your intentions with training, following up, and what you will be assessing while they work. This will help the team to better know what to expect and what to do.

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Bar Manager – The most important position in JOE & THE JUICE! Combines Operational Management Expertise and 4-WALL LEADERSHIP to optimize 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Leads own store and team with Clear Optics. Develops the foundations to lead your team and store to OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Also provides constructive feedback to RM in relation to the store and team performance

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In JOE, “Behind the Counter” is one of our core values which transcends throughout the entire organisation from top to bottom. It characterises our continuous strong belief that this company was created by the personalities from behind the counter of the stores and that JOE should continue to grow this way.

Within this core value lies our greatest strength, the will but also the ability to be able to step behind the bar no matter what your position might be. Everyone, from our CEO to our HR Department has worked behind the bar and earned their way to the position they have today. This is testimony to our ground belief that in order to grow the right way in this company, you start as a Juicer and move up from there. On the road, you will develop great work ethics, discipline and cultural understanding of our company.

On a day-to-day basis, BTC means that the true value is not behind the computer but rather behind the bar. Meaning that we do not believe that any leader can create much value for their team outside the bar. The value praises people who are hands-on and willing to lead by example and inspire for Operational Excellence.

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Clear Optics

To have ‘Clear Optics’ is a state of mind for seeing all areas objectively. Meaning to be able to look at your own work unbiased and honestly to be able to pursue higher standards. Clear optics is the key tool for improving any operational aspect and achieve Operational Excellence.

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Team Positioning
  1. Creating the most optimal shiftplan every day by considering Juicer experience and key times of day when deciding who works which specific shift.
  2. Optimising the team on shift by assigning the best-suited Juicers to each station based on their abilities and strengths BTC during a rush period.
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Your perception of a given area, person or condition. Such as how clean the Bar Manager believes the toilets are.

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The List

A Digital List which connects to the POS System and displays the orders in an organized manner. The List shows all orders that need to be made, while also displaying details about the order such as:
– The order is To-Go
– The Sandwich is without Tomato
– The order is for a Guest named “Christian”
– And much more…

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Shiftplan (WP2)‍

The Shiftplan is the tool we use to tactically plan out how we intend to maximize the best performance from our team. It is the framework for aligning the entire team’s efforts through structured Team Positioning. Each shift has designated tasks & responsibilities assigned to it for the Juicer.

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Juicer – The face of the company who represents our brand as an ambassador. Following the DCWF to deliver quality products, in clean and structured stores with excellent guest dialogue. Overall, providing the ultimate JOE experience for both our guests and team.

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E-Campus is our internal online educational platform which provides worldwide access to all information and training material relevant for developing within the MoneyBall. It contains the entire e-learning education from Prospect JQ to Prospect Regional Manager and serves as our Knowledge Bank for references. The overall purpose of e-Campus is to educate, inform & entertain but also to secure our culture as we continue to expand worldwide.

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