Advanced Shiftplanning


To continue with the progression towards becoming Bar Manager Junior, the next learning stage is about building from the basic responsibilities of shiftplanning and adding further leadership tools to this task which can optimize the performance of the store.

The following content is designed to teach a Bar Manager how to move away from having the mindset about shiftplanning being a basic task with shifts that simply need to be filled out. Instead, what will be introduced is a leadership tool that can be used to optimize the store, by strategically planning ahead to increase the performance of your team.

This module is also a guide in how to create Advanced Shiftplans to suit different periods of the year without needing to drastically change the team dynamics. The program will educate in how to build a more stable, consistent, and flexible team that can optimally handle all seasons and cover last-minute shifts when they occur, without the need for extreme changes to working hours. In addition, you will also be shown how to keep your team fresh and hungry to work, with the overall aim to motivate your Juicers and optimize store performance.

The Why – Shiftplanning dilemmas

All stores have their busier and slower periods throughout the year. Many of our stores are located in busy areas which can suddenly experience much higher traffic and turnover during certain periods of the year, such as Christmas, peak sales periods, and other holiday shopping times. Other stand-alone stores often see an increase in traffic during the warmer seasons. In general, most stores experience much slower periods during February and November.

These alternating periods for all stores often results in considerable changes to the shiftplans to suit each month, with either many additional hours or significantly reduced hours compared to the previous month’s shiftplan. What is often the natural reaction from the Bar Manager to these changing periods, is to automatically hire new Juicers, transfer Juicers out, or drastically increase & decrease the entire team’s weekly hours.

Although this can be very disruptive towards the team and overall workflow because Juicers do not necessarily have an overview of the busier and slower periods throughout the year, so they do not know what to expect or plan for. It can also be very challenging for the Bar Manager to plan according to these constant changes in traffic while keeping the team satisfied and stable with their hours.

Another very common challenge for Bar Managers is when Juicers call in sick last minute leaving gaps in the shiftplan, needing to be fixed, and often resulting in the Bar Manager having to cover these extra hours his/herself. This is especially a challenge to fix during a busy period such as Christmas or in Travel Retail Stores, where most of the team are often already working a lot of extra hours. So, the Bar Manager often struggles, even more, to fill in these gaps. Therefore, the overall goal for the Bar Manager is to keep the team fresh at work and flexible to cover shifts when required because there will always suddenly appear last-minute gaps in the shiftplan.

More importantly by keeping the team fresh, the Bar Manager is setting up for optimizing the store’s performance. A fresh team is a framework for high performance in the store and as 4-Wall Leader it is the Bar Manager’s responsibility to establish this framework. An overworked and tired team is always less likely to be motivated while at work. For example, a Juicer who has worked 50 hours without a day off, is less likely to be motivated in performing a delegated task. Essentially, Advanced Shiftplanning is a tool for motivating the team, maximizing performance from them, and keeping everyone hungry to work.

As a 4-Wall Leader, you have the responsibility for securing the performance of everything within your 4-Walls. So, in the same way, that you maintain the condition of key areas such as; the stockroom, Customer Area, and furniture, your team’s condition is also a key element of the 4-Walls but often overlooked by Bar Managers.

‘The 5-hour less’ theory

The basic idea with The 5-Hour Less Theory is for the Bar Manager to plan ahead with the team before making the shiftplan. To do this there are 2 key tasks for the Bar Manager to carry out;

First Step:
Is to regularly talk with the team (Juicer Talks Module) to find out everyone’s individually desired weekly hours.

Second Step:
Make the shiftplan BUT with the aim for everyone to be working slightly under their desired hours.


As it is stated in the Juicer Talks module, the BM’s task is to regularly host Juicer Talks with all team members individually to follow up, amongst other things, on how they are satisfied with their weekly hours, days off and the balance they have between different type of shifts (Open, Close, Palermo). It is at these talks where the Bar Manager should gather a full overview of the entire team’s desired hours and individual requests.

This should be done monthly and before making the next shiftplan, to ensure the most optimal shiftplans are created each time which suits the team’s desires for overall working hours. Of course, it will never be possible to meet everyone’s demands such as weekends off and no closing shifts. So, the actual aim for the Bar Manager is to hear everyone’s wishes then distribute evenly across the team’s demands so everyone gets a fair compromise. For example, everyone gets at least either Saturday or Sunday off or at least 1 opening shift, etc.

5 steps for creating advanced shiftplans

The following steps are used for creating an Advanced Shiftplan during a normal period;

The Bar Manager receives the new shiftplan template on the 15th of January to make before the 31st of January, for the March Shiftplan.

The Bar Manager could host individual Juicer talks from 1st – 15th of January to find out everyone’s desired hours and days off. The Bar Manager should explain that he/she cannot guarantee they will be able to suit everyone’s demands but will try their best to be as fair as possible when making the shiftplan.

Once the Bar Manager has collected everyone’s desired hours, the Bar Manager should try to make the shiftplan using The 5-Hour Less Theory based on what everyone wants to work. The key focus should be on everyone getting a minimum of 2 days off per week with a fair balance between open and closing shifts.

It should then be clear to see how many new Juicers are required to make the entire shiftplan using The 5- Hour Less Theory, with everyone working slightly under their desired hours.


The Bar Manager is then able to forecast ahead to HR the extra Juicers needed for the store, hire in good time, and start training in February.

Case study of typical shiftplans vs. advanced shiftplans

Below is an example of an actual HIGH TURNOVER Shiftplan was taken from Workplanner;

When looking at this shiftplan, almost the entire team is working more hours each week than what they would probably desire to work. All full-time employees have only 1 day off from work. The part-time employees are almost all working both weekend days. In total, the team is working a combined 54 hours more than what they would probably desire to work each week.

So, the problem with this shiftplan is that there is no flexibility in the team. Meaning if someone called in sick or if the Bar Manager needs to ask someone to work more hours than originally scheduled, they will be less likely to cover these additional hours.

Everyone is working at max capacity, so the team are likely to;

• Not be as fresh while at work.
• Will want to get off when their shift ends.
• Keep their days off.
• Be less hungry for more hours in general.
• Lose motivation.
• Not want to take on delegated responsibilities from the Bar Manager.

Below in an example of an alternative HIGH TURNOVER Shiftplan using The 5-Hour Less Theory;

By using The 5-Hour Less Theory, taking everyone’s desired weekly hours into account and adding 2 NEW JQs (FT) + 2 NEW JQs (PT) to the Shiftplan. This creates the following effects;

1) The Bar Manager can give the entire team at least 2 days off each week.

2) The entire team, besides 1 PT Juicer, also all have 1 weekend day off. (although this Juicer only works 2 days).

3) The entire team has a fairer balance between types of shift (Opening, morning, Palermo & closing shifts).

4) Both Shift Managers have 3 days off during the week so the Bar Manager has the additional flexibility to call them in to cover hours if needed.

5) In total, the team is working a combined 46 hours (10%) less than what they would probably desire to work each week. So, now there is a lot of flexibility and options for the Bar Manager to use if extra hours are needed to be covered because there will most likely be a lot more people keen to take extra shifts or extend their shifts when additional hours become available.

6) The Bar Manager can schedule the most optimal shifts for training the NEW JQ (FT), by working 2 x opening and 2 x closing shifts together as well as working together Saturday (High Turnover day).

7) The Shift Manager Junior is also scheduled to work optimal shifts for training the NEW JQ (PT) on 1 x closing shift and 1 x opening shift.

8) The overall team positioning for the entire week is also more optimal, with the BM, SM Junior, SM Prospect, and JQ GRAD covering all key periods of each day from open to close and working with the less experienced Juicers.

9) By making this shiftplan it also better sets up the team for covering hours during the busier periods. Meaning that the Bar Manager will not need to hire more Juicers but instead can just increase the weekly hours for the entire team.

* This will be elaborated on further in this module. This model can also be used for low turnover stores where there are more than 2 people working during a day.

Below is an example of an actual LOW TURNOVER Shiftplan was taken from Workplanner;

Below in an example of an alternative LOW TURNOVER Shiftplan using The 5-Hour Less Theory;

Advanced shiftplans during a busy period

If the Bar Manager has already been following more Advanced Shiftplans using The 5-Hour Less Theory, then it is most likely that the team will generally be more hungry for hours when entering the busier periods.

The following steps are used for creating an Advanced Shiftplan during a busy period;

The Bar Manager receives the new shiftplan template on the 15th of October to make before 31st October, for the December shiftplan.

The Bar Manager could host individual Juicer talks from 1st – 15th October to find out everyone’s desired hours and inform the team that December will be busy, so there will be a lot of extra hours during that month and ask whether they would like to work more and how much.

The Bar Manager should also explain that once the January sales period slows down, which is normally the 2nd week of January, there will immediately come a much slower period of the year from Mid-January to 1st March. So, by the Bar Manager informing the Juicers ahead, they can already anticipate fewer hours after Christmas & New Year and better understand that it is only during this period where more hours will be available for them. Therefore, the team will most likely be more willing to accept extra hours.

In any extreme circumstances where the team are not willing to voluntarily work more hours – It could also be that the Bar Manager simply informs the team that everyone will be expected to work more hours during this month and explain that the Shiftplan will go back to normal once the busy period is over. It is important to note that part-time Juicers are generally expected to work extra hours in busy periods and cover when other employees take a vacation.

Once the Bar Manager has informed the team about working extra hours in the coming period, the Bar Manager will make the shiftplan while still trying to be as fair as possible distributing hours evenly to everyone.

Advanced shiftplans during a slow period

Of course, during slower periods of the year, there will be significantly reduced hours for the team which can be a challenge for the Bar Manager to satisfy the entire team’s desires for weekly hours.

The following steps are used for creating an Advanced Shiftplan during a slow period;

The Bar Manager receives the new shiftplan template on the 15th of December to make before the 31st 0f December, for the February shiftplan.

Again, the Bar Manager could host individual Juicer talks 1st – 15th December to find out everyone’s desired hours and inform the team that February will be a very slow period, so there will be reduced hours during that month and ask whether they want to take a vacation or extra days off.

By planning ahead and informing the team what to expect, there will most likely be more solutions available to meet everyone’s demands. Otherwise, Juicers can prepare alternative plans to take up the offer of vacation while it’s available. Once a busier period finishes, it is more likely that Juicers will want extra days off or vacation, especially after working more hours.

Once the Bar Manager has informed the team about the reduced hours in the coming period, the Bar Manager will make the Shiftplan while still trying to be as fair as possible distributing hours evenly to everyone.


For those Juicers who are not willing to take a vacation or extra days off and still wish to work more hours than available on the Shiftplan, the Bar Manager can arrange with their Regional Manager to give that Juicer additional shifts in another store. Otherwise, the Regional Manager can arrange to loan out the Juicer full time to another store, until their original store enters a busier period again. This can also provide motivation for the Juicer.

Sum up

As Bar Manager, the task is to always have the overview of alternating periods, inform the team what to expect with working hours, and activate or promote vacation during quieter periods. Using the 5 Steps for Creating Advanced Shiftplanning combined with The 5-Hour Less Theory will ensure solid team planning.

The goal is to ensure that the entire team is well balanced between working hard and being ready to take extra hours during the busier periods of the year. But also giving the team reasonable time off for vacation, to then return, fresh and hungry to work hard again. In any extreme cases where the team is not willing to take extra days off during slow periods, the bar Manager can always loan a Juicer out to another store until needed back.

The outcome from creating more Advanced Shiftplans;

• Provides the team with a fairer balance between the types of shifts they work.

• The Bar manager can schedule more optimal shifts for training.

• The Bar Manager can make more optimal team positioning overall, with more experienced management working with less experienced Juicers.

• Keeps the team fresh

• Keeps the team hungry for more hours

• Provides the Bar Manager with more flexibility to handle sickness

• Creates a more stable, consistent, and flexible team that can optimally handle all seasons without the need for extreme changes of working hours.

• Empowers the Bar Manager to be able to challenge the team to step up for more hours = Best performer gets more hours.

When combining all these effects together, the result should be an established framework for optimizing the store performance. Advanced Shiftplanning creates a well-conditioned team of motivated Juicers who are hungry to work and this will set you up for the next aspect of optimizing store performance, which is in the Advanced Team Positioning module.

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:
Shiftplan (WP2)‍

The Shiftplan is the tool we use to tactically plan out how we intend to maximize the best performance from our team. It is the framework for aligning the entire team’s efforts through structured Team Positioning. Each shift has designated tasks & responsibilities assigned to it for the Juicer.

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Bar Manager – The most important position in JOE & THE JUICE! Combines Operational Management Expertise and 4-WALL LEADERSHIP to optimize 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Leads own store and team with Clear Optics. Develops the foundations to lead your team and store to OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Also provides constructive feedback to RM in relation to the store and team performance

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Team Positioning
  1. Creating the most optimal shiftplan every day by considering Juicer experience and key times of day when deciding who works which specific shift.
  2. Optimising the team on shift by assigning the best-suited Juicers to each station based on their abilities and strengths BTC during a rush period.
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Shift Manager – The extension of the BM and in the pipeline to become BM. This is the preparation level to become BM by developing and mastering management responsibilities; E-Smiley, Cleaning, Stock Handling, ‘CARE’ NIGHTS, Juicer Training.

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Juicer – The face of the company who represents our brand as an ambassador. Following the DCWF to deliver quality products, in clean and structured stores with excellent guest dialogue. Overall, providing the ultimate JOE experience for both our guests and team.

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