Elderflower Management


By now as a Bar Manager Prospect, you should have mastered all the basic Bar Manager responsibilities for running a store independently, such as; Shiftplanning, Count, Delivery, controlling cleaning tasks & Daily Concept Workflow. At the Bar Manager Junior level, it is now about learning how to OPTIMISE your store. This module will teach you how to utilize the resources available, to maximize performance and take your store to the next level.

However, to be able to go to the next level, you will first need to understand the basics for delegating tasks of the store to enhance the performance of the team – The 3 Basic Phases of Delegating Tasks. Ultimately, this will then let you focus more on 4-Wall Leadership whenever you are BTC, which is the overall role to master at Bar Manager Junior.

The basic concept of Elderflower Management is about assigning small responsibilities to each Juicer to accomplish more overall with the team. Like when we mix concentrated elderflower with water to create more, we also need to distribute responsibility across all Juicers to get more done consistently and with better quality in each task.

Elderflower Management is about learning how to work smarter not harder by delegating basic responsibilities or tasks to the Juicers and Shift Managers. This delegation not only raises the quality of task execution but also the Juicer motivation. By activating the Juicer’s responsibility and motivation, you are actually taking the first step towards building a pipeline, which essentially sets the groundwork for optimized store performance.

The Why

As already mentioned, there are two main reasons why a Bar Manager should use Elderflower Management as a day-to-day tool which is; Juicer Motivation & Pipeline.

When a Juicer is handed a simple responsibility, they are more likely to perform well in the task which means that they will quickly receive positive feedback from their Bar Manager. This feedback highly motivates the Juicer because they feel significant to the store and they will do their best to further impress the Bar Manager, possibly by taking on even more responsibility. The instant success they experience is a clever way to initiate the motivation in a Juicer.

Quite simply, as a Bar Manager, you use the basic daily tasks in the store as a tool to motivate your team.

For example, assign a Juicer to be responsible for the fruit display every day. You can even call the Juicer ‘Head of Display’ to amplify the importance of their role. In-Store Titles are a very powerful tool to use when making a Juicer responsible for a task because it can really awaken their ownership towards the responsibility and the store in general.

Handing the Juicer this role and the task will create many positive effects:

• The Juicer will become motivated to work harder because they feel that their work is significant and now has more purpose.

• Every day the task will be completed successfully because it is one clear task for the same Juicer each day.

• The fruit display will always look great.

• The Bar Manager will be released from the task of reminding everyone in the store to make a nice fruit display. Instead, one Juicer is a clear day-to-day advocate for the importance of the fruit display.

By handing over basic responsibilities to Juicers, the Bar Manager is indirectly building a strong pipeline for their store as a consequence of the delegated tasks. Meaning, delegating tasks is also the first step in finding the next in line Shift Manager within the team. By handing out responsibilities to the Juicers, it becomes clearer to the Bar Manager who takes ownership naturally and wants the responsibility.

For example, the Bar Manager gives an area of responsibility to two different Juicers as a test to see who takes the most responsibility in fulfilling the role. The by-product is that the Bar Manager will have two highly self-motivated Juicers competing to impress the Bar Manager in the store. This situation is very advantageous for the Bar Manager to be in since it raises the overall level of performance for everyone behind the bar as a consequence. Basically, a dream scenario for any Bar Manager who aims to develop their store’s performance.

This method is even more effective when applied to High Turnover and Travel Retail stores, such as an Airport, where a Bar Manager has multiple Shift Managers. It is in these types of stores where the Bar Manager should spread out the time-consuming tasks onto each Shift Manager and train them to become specialists in certain areas of the store.

For example, 1 Shift Manager is responsible for the Count/Delivery, another is responsible for the cleaning tasks, and perhaps a third one for the Shiftplan. This will further increase the Bar Manager’s capacity as a leader in the store to focus more on their 4-Wall Leadership BTC.

Elderflower Management

The Result of Elderflower Management

Both of the above-mentioned reasons lead towards raising the overall performance of the store. So, in a way, these two reasons also function as the sequence in how to build store performance. If you want a store to perform, then you need responsible Shift Managers, to have Shift Managers you will need a strong pipeline, to have a strong pipeline then you need highly motivated Juicers and to develop highly motivated Juicers you will need to train and delegate responsibilities to them.

Elderflower Life Cycle


It is impossible for a Juicer to able to execute a task which they have been assigned to, without proper training first. This means that to successfully delegate a task, you will need to fully train the Juicer in the expectations.

Setting expectations is crucial when delegating tasks. Think of it in this way, if you ask a child to clean their room for the first time, what will the level of success be? Most likely very poor. Why? Because the child does not have an expected standard to compare the level of cleanliness to. In the same way, how is a Juicer supposed to take care of a specific task if you have not properly shown them how to perform the task and what the task should look like after it has been executed?

It is essential to understand, that no delegated tasks can be performed successfully without the Bar Manager first setting the expectations for the Juicer. To set the expectations and to perfectly delegate a task to a Juicer, we follow the steps of ‘The 3 Basic Phases of Delegating Tasks’:

The 3 basic phases of delegating tasks

(The Why & The How)


(The Optics)

1) Training (The Why & The How)

In order to delegate a task to a Juicer, the 1st phase is for the Bar Manager to explain the Why. The Why is what creates the reason for the Juicer to continuously perform the task well, meaning it is much more motivating to execute a task when you can see how it connects to the bigger picture.

The Bar Manager then needs to demonstrate, down to the last detail, How to execute the task to perfection. To do this, the Bar Manager will BTC perform the task in front of the Juicer to ensure they learn how to execute the task properly. It is important that the Juicer then performs the task afterward themselves in front of the Bar Manager, so they can receive hands-on training in what they should be able to perform. Since it is especially at this point that you can set clear expectations.

After the task has been fully explained with the Why & the How summarise the entire task by running through the task again but this time letting the Juicer explain the Why & the How, following the ‘Teach the Teacher’ method (Becoming a Trainer Module). Here it is important that the Bar Manager and Juicer agree on what it means to execute the task to perfection so there are no misunderstandings, later on, = Clear Optics.

2) Deadline (When)

The 2nd Phase is to agree on when, where & how the task will be executed going forward. Here the Bar Manager should set the time and the frequency for the execution of the task. Make the deadline clear to the Juicer and perhaps even write it into a shared plan, so there are no doubts about what has been agreed. It could also be beneficial for the Bar Manager to align the task with the Juicer’s shiftplan to establish exactly when to do it and where it is possible based on their working hours.

3) Follow up (The Optics)

The last phase of delegating tasks is Follow Up. Following Up is an essential step because it ensures that the task has been executed correctly and it allows the Bar Manager to identify any gaps in the Juicer’s Optics. If so, this would mean more training is required to meet the level of expectation = Clear Optics.

By following up on a daily basis, you will continuously set the standards and remind the Juicers so they can also gain Clear Optics. Following up can only be done by a Bar Manager being on sight and physically present to see if the task is up to the required standard, that was set by the Bar Manager in the first phase of the Task Delegation. Following up also symbolizes to the Juicer that the assigned task is still relevant so they should continue to perform well with it.

To complete a Follow-Up, you must provide the necessary constructive feedback to the Juicer following ‘The 4 Steps of Constructive feedback’. It is important to provide in-depth feedback so the Juicer knows exactly where and how to improve for the next time they execute the task.

The 4 steps of Constructive Feedback:

1) Positive Feedback
2) Negative Feedback
3) How to improve
4) ‘The Why’

The 3 Phases of delegating Tasks is an essential tool to use when it comes to performing Elderflower Management. It is the foundation for any Bar Manager wanting to take their store to the next level of performance. By executing Elderflower Management on a daily basis, the Bar Manager is raising the motivation in the store, developing the Juicers, and building a pipeline. All of which will increase the store performance = 4-Wall Operational Performance.

The result of delegating the basic tasks to your team is that eventually you will have increased your own capacity as a leader and achieve a better overview of the store. Meaning you can now spread your leadership across the entire team and by that setting yourself up for 4-Wall Leadership. This is the core purpose of Elderflower Management.

Sum Up

In order to raise your store’s performance, you need to use Elderflower Management to delegate basic responsibilities to the team, which will increase their motivation and build a strong pipeline.

By delegating tasks to the team, the store will eventually run on its own like a well-oiled machine so you can be released from time-consuming tasks and be more available to have a better holistic overview of the store and further increase your capacity to be the 4-Wall Leader BTC.

Elderflower Management tools 

• Motivation + Pipeline = Store Performance

• The Basic 3 Phases of Delegating Tasks

• The 4 Steps of Constructive Feedback

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:
4-Wall Leadership

4-WALL Leadership is a term used to empower the Bar Manager’s sense of responsibility for their store. Meaning that regardless of who (RM, TM, OM, CM) is in the store, it is still the Bar Manager’s responsibility to secure the performance within their 4 walls (Customer Area, Stockroom, Toilet, bar). All responsibility is directed through the appointed Bar Manager to further empower their position as the leader. A 4-Wall Leader is a Bar Manager who takes ownership and care of the entire performance within the 4 walls (store) on a daily basis.

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In JOE, “Behind the Counter” is one of our core values which transcends throughout the entire organisation from top to bottom. It characterises our continuous strong belief that this company was created by the personalities from behind the counter of the stores and that JOE should continue to grow this way.

Within this core value lies our greatest strength, the will but also the ability to be able to step behind the bar no matter what your position might be. Everyone, from our CEO to our HR Department has worked behind the bar and earned their way to the position they have today. This is testimony to our ground belief that in order to grow the right way in this company, you start as a Juicer and move up from there. On the road, you will develop great work ethics, discipline and cultural understanding of our company.

On a day-to-day basis, BTC means that the true value is not behind the computer but rather behind the bar. Meaning that we do not believe that any leader can create much value for their team outside the bar. The value praises people who are hands-on and willing to lead by example and inspire for Operational Excellence.

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Shiftplan (WP2)‍

The Shiftplan is the tool we use to tactically plan out how we intend to maximize the best performance from our team. It is the framework for aligning the entire team’s efforts through structured Team Positioning. Each shift has designated tasks & responsibilities assigned to it for the Juicer.

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Clear Optics

To have ‘Clear Optics’ is a state of mind for seeing all areas objectively. Meaning to be able to look at your own work unbiased and honestly to be able to pursue higher standards. Clear optics is the key tool for improving any operational aspect and achieve Operational Excellence.

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Your perception of a given area, person or condition. Such as how clean the Bar Manager believes the toilets are.

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