Prep Manual

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*This video is for reference and technique only

Cut the top off and cut it in half. Bring one of the halves to the flat side. Slice the tomato into 9 usable slices. Throw away the end piece of the tomato. Repeat same procedures on the other half.


*This video is for reference and technique only

When making one portion of tuna mousse you must use 1 bag of refrigerated tuna (3 kg), weigh 1200 grams of mayo, 3 lemons, 2 bundles of spring onion and 1 bundle of dill.

We do it by following these steps::

  1. Rinse, remove ends and chop both dill and spring onion finely.
  2. Use a scale to weigh 1200g of mayonnaise and squeeze 3 lemons into a small canteen.
  3. Put the cold tuna in a cantina, and add the chopped dill and spring onion.
  4. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together and make sure the mousse is even all over.


*This video is for reference and technique only

Cut off the top of the avocado. Slice the avocado in half around the stone and twist it open. Remove the stone.


*This video is for reference and technique only

Drain the brine that the Mozzarella is in. Cut it in half and put the round side of one half into the slicer and bring it down to slice the mozzarella. Repeat same procedures on the other half.

Vegan Pesto

*This video is for reference and technique only

When making one batch of pesto, you must weigh 30g of salt, 10g of grounded pepper, 100g of basil, 3 pcs. banana, 4g / 1 tbsp. of Nutritional Yeast, and fill the blender can with olive oil to 48oz.

We do it by following these steps:

  1. Rinse the basil.
  2. Add 30g of salt and 10g of pepper to the blender.
  3. Now add 100g of washed basil to the blender.
  4. Add 4g / 1 tbsp. of Nutritional Yeast to the blender can
  5. Add 3 pcs. Banana to the blender.
  6. Add the olive oil to the blender until it reaches the 48oz. mark
  7. Let it blend for 1 minute.

Almond Butter


  1. Put on clean gloves and gather all equipment and almond butter in Sink 3
  2. Remove the Almond Butter lid and place the funnel in the FIFO bottle
  3. Pour the almond butter into the bottle through the funnel until it's full
  4. Remove the funnel and tighten the lid of the FIFO bottle
  5. Wipe down the outside of the almond butter bottle with water
  6. Place the FIFO bottle into a 1/9 canteen, DISPENSING LID DOWN
  7. Wash all equipment and the Sink with dish washing liquid, then place them in the high temp sanitizer
  8. Change your gloves


  • If almond butter is lumpy or separated when it is opened, stir to get right texture - Do not let any lumps go into the FIFO bottle as it will block the nozzle
  • There is no day dot sticker needed, but the FIFO bottle should be washed EVERY TIME IT IS EMPTIED. Do not top up the bottles while using


IF the bottom of the Almond Butter container is very lumpy or has become a solid mass, blend it in the red blender can to get the right texture.

Red Bell Pepper

Cut off the top and remove the white insides and seeds from the red bell pepper. Then cut it into 3 equally sized pieces.


Rinse thoroughly. Cut off the ends of the cucumber in two small pieces. Slice the cucumber into 6 equally sized pieces.


Make sure you cut the broccoli BEFORE washing it!
Separate the top bouquet from the stem. Cut the bouquet and stem into 6 pieces each so there are 12 pieces in total. To wash it, rinse the pieces in a canteen with water. Then drain the water from the canteen.

NB: For US please check the Matrix above.


Rinse thoroughly. Cut off each end of the banana. Slice the peel open with a thin cut from the top to the bottom of the banana – but don’t remove it. Slice the banana into 5 equally sized pieces.


Cut off the top and the bottom of the pineapple. Place it on one of the flat sides and cut off the peel in thin slices. Make sure there is no peel left. Cut the pineapple in half from top to bottom and place one half on the flat side. Slice this half into 8 equally sized pieces and repeat with the other half.


Rinse each carrot thoroughly using the colander. Make sure there is no dirt left to prevent contamination(!). Cut off top and bottom.


Cut of the bottom and rinse each stem thoroughly.


Rinse thoroughly and pick off each leaf


Rinse all leaves thoroughly using the colander.


Rinse thoroughly using the colander.


Make sure no dirt is on the turmeric(!). Cut it into equally sized pieces of 10 g. Do not throw anything out even though it is less than 10g – these pieces are still usable.

Red Grapefruit

Cut off the bottom and top of the Grape, then cut all peel of the the grape. When all peel has been removed, finally cut it in half.


Make sure no dirt is on the ginger(!). Cut it into equally sized pieces of 10 g. Do not throw anything out even though it is less than 10g – these pieces are still usable.


Rinse thoroughly. Cut off the top and bottom. Cut the lemon in half and place each half on the flat side. Cut these in half again so you have 4 equally sized pieces.


Cut the top and bottom off the kiwi. Place it on one of the flat sides and cut off the peel in thin slices. Make sure there is no peel left. Slice the kiwi into 3 even sized slices.


Rinse thoroughly. Cut off the top of the avocado. Slice the avocado in half around the stone and twist it open. Remove the stone.

Placed Avocado

Blanch Broccoli



Take the edamame out of the bag and place it in a 1/4 GN food container, pour boiling water over it. Drain the water after 5 minutes


Pickled Red Onion

Take out the 1 kg bag of red onion and put them in a 1/4 plastic canteen. Add 200g of sugar and steam 1 liter of vinegar to its boiling point and pour it over the red onions. Place them in the fridge overnight.

Matcha Liquid Prep


  1. Fill blender to 24oz line with cold water from the tap
  2. Use the ‘MATCHA’ cup measure to place 2 FLAT scoops of matcha into the blender can
  3. Place blender can on the blender station and blend for 30 seconds
  4. Pour into 32oz squeeze bottle and add day dot sticker (write on sticker: day and date prep was made + product name e.g. Friday 01/02 Matcha)
  5. Store in the coffee fridge for a maximum of 2 days


  • Store the Matcha Liquid in the milk fridge after use and overnight

Iced Drip Coffee

We do it by following these steps:

  1. weigh out 250g of Fast Forward beans
  2. set EK 43 grinder to number 7.0
  3. Place paper filter into basket
  4. Ensure hopper gate is closed and add beans to hopper
  5. Start motor on EK grinder, place basket with filter paper under the grinder and release the hopper gate to grind the coffee dose into the filter paper
  6. Level ground coffee in basket and insert the filter in the brewer
  7. Weigh out 1.3kg of ice and add it to the clean coffee dispenser
  8. Place a clean 1 gallon coffee dispenser into position and start the brew process by pressing button no.2
  9. Ensure that all ice has melted otherwise stir to break all the ice down
  10. Once brew is complete, set the timer for 2 hours- when alarm sounds after 2 hours discard the batch and make fresh one

Drip Coffee

We do it by following these steps:

  1. weigh out 250g of Fast Forward beans
  2. set EK 43 grinder to number 7.0
  3. Place paper filter into basket
  4. Ensure hopper gate is closed and add beans to hopper
  5. Start motor on EK grinder, place basket with filter paper under the grinder and release the hopper gate to grind the coffee dose into the filter paper
  6. Level ground coffee in basket and insert the filter in the brewer
  7. Place a clean 1 gallon coffee dispenser into position and start the brew process by pressing button no.1
  8. Once brew is complete, set the timer for 2 hours- when alarm sounds after 2 hours discard the batch and make fresh one



  1. Open a Sriracha and twist the lid off
  2. Pour the Sriracha into a 12oz squeeze bottle
  3. Store in fridge


  1. To store in fridge when not being used

Cream Cheese


  1. Fill 1/9th canteen to the line with the cream cheese – 600g cheese will fill 1 canteen
  2. To fill 3 canteens you will need 2 tubs of cream cheese
  3. Store spare canteens with the lid on in the fridge until needed.


  1. The extra prep must be kept in the fridge with the lid on
  2. Canteens must be wasted after 3 hours in the cooling grave – use a timer for this

Egg Mousse


  1. Mash 20 eggs in large bowl until large even sized chunks
  2. Weigh 315g chilled mayonnaise into the bowl
  3. Slice 3 spring onions (or half bundle) finely and add to the bowl
  4. Grind 8 grinds of salt and 8 grinds of pepper into the bowl
  5. Mix gently and place in canteens


  1. Do not mash the chilled eggs too small, they should be up to 2-5cm size chunks
  2. You must weigh the chilled mayonnaise
  3. The extra prep must be kept in the fridge with the lid on
  4. Canteens of egg mix must be wasted after 3 hours in the cooling grave – use a timer for this.
  5. Use correct utensils, not hands or yellow cups

Acai Pre Potting


Large acai tub should be defrosted for 20 mins before scooping into bowls

  • Option A: Weight 220g of Acai per bowl prepped
  • Option B: Equally distribute 1 entire tub (3600g) of Acai in 16 bowls (220g pr. bowl)
  1. Fill a bowl with 3 scoops of frozen Acai (220g)
  2. Place on Lid
  3. Place bowl on a tray
  4. Store tray in freezer


  • Do not press the scoops of acai down – leave as balls
  • When there is 1/2 a tray left – more pots should be served
  • Acai pots should be kept in the bar freezer – FIFO system should be used when serving pots
  • Broken tubs of acai should be reported and discarded
No items found.

Blueberry Concentrate


  1. Fill blender to 12oz line with cold water
  2. Fill Blueberry Syrup up to the 18oz line
  3. Add 1 tsp of Blue Spirulina
  4. Place blender can on the blender station and blend for 5 seconds
  5. Pour into 24oz squeeze bottle and add day dot sticker (write on sticker: day and date prep was made, + product name e.g. 'Friday 01/02 Blueberry')
  6. Store in the coffee fridge for a maximum of 2 days.


  • Blueberry concentrate must be kept in the fridge overnight
  • You must stick a day sticker on the squeeze bottle as soon as it is prepped, with date and name labelled
  • Do not use Blueberry Concentrate longer than 2 days
  • Always shake the bottle before EVERY DRINK

Lavender Concentrate


  1. Fill blender to 12oz line with cold water
  2. Fill Lavender Syrup up to the 18oz line
  3. Add 1 tsp of Blue Spirulina
  4. Add 3 tsp of Beetroot Powder
  5. Place blender can on the blender station and blend for 5 seconds
  6. Pour into 24oz squeeze bottle and add day dot sticker (write on sticker: day and date prep was made, + product name e.g. 'Friday 01/02 Lavender')
  7. Store in the coffee fridge for a maximum of 2 days.


  • Lavender concentrate must be kept in the fridge overnight
  • You must stick a day sticker on the squeeze bottle as soon as it is prepped, with date and name labelled
  • Do not use lavender concentrate longer than 2 days
  • Always shake the bottle before EVERY DRINK

Sliced Grapefruit


  1. Cut of the top and the bottom of the Grapefruit
  2. Place it on one of the flat sides and cut in half
  3. Place one half on the flat side. Slice this half into 5 equally sized pieces and repeat with the other half.
  4. One grapefruit = 10 pcs.
  5. Store in small canteen in coffee fridge.