Sandwich Making

Product Manual Test

Inform the Prospect Juicer to arrive 15 minutes before shift to do the Product Manual Test for Sandwich. If the Prospect Juicer does not pass 100% they cannot start the training.

Sandwich Making

After the Prospect Juicer has read the Hygiene Manual, introduce the Sandwich Station, and show how to handle the following:

  • The grill (on and off, 270° Celsius / 520° Fahrenheit, how to clean)
  • Knives (how to hold + Gluten-free)
  • Chopping board (Gluten-free vs. Normal)


Run through the sandwich section in the Waste feature on the List. Show the units of the products and ingredients which can be wasted. Explain that we need to account for everything that we throw out for whatever reason it might be. Show that we type in the ingredient or product by tapping the addition button and subtract by tapping the subtraction button. See Sustainability approach.

Now, demonstrate the sandwich making

Put one bread diagonally to make our signature roast. Explain that we grill the bread to make it crispy and thin. Mention that we flip the bread halfway through to make sure it gets evenly grilled. While the bread is in the grill explain IMS.

Ingredients = What is in the product
Measurement = How much of it goes in
Sequence = In which order it goes in

The sequence for making sandwich is as follows:
1. Pesto
2. Avocado
3. Meat
4. Tomato / Mozzarella / Jalapenos / Tabasco
5. Extra Topping

Explain that the sequence is essential to follow because it ensures the quality of the sandwich remains consistent and the product making process be more efficient.


  1. Take out the crispy and thin bread and demonstrate how to cut the bread. Place the lower tip of the knife (closest to the handle) in one of the corners of the bread and slice through the bread in one motion using the teeth of the bread knife. Cut through the bread and open it up, so there are two separate halves.
  2. Then show how to “snake” the pesto onto the two bread halves end to end. Explain that we “snake” the pesto to ensure that there is pesto in every bite of the sandwich.
  3. Show how to make a “Joe’s Club” using correct IMS. Put avocado on one of the bread halves closest to you. Make sure to place the slices of avocado so that it covers one of the bread halves.
  4. Place the remaining ingredients of the “Joe’s Club” on the other bread half (opposite of the avocado) and stress the importance of placing the ingredients diagonally so that it covers the entire sandwich.
  5. Explain how to be effective when making sandwiches by ‘finishing one ingredient at a time’, which means grabbing enough of one ingredient in your hand for all the sandwiches to complete each step in the correct sequence. For example, grab enough tomatoes for all the sandwiches you are making.
    Tell the Prospect Juicer to ‘Move with a purpose’, which means they should not move hesitantly when making products. Be confident and move purposefully with every manoeuvre needed for making the product every time to increase your overall speed.
  6. Bring the bottom half of the bread on top of the other and bring it to the Sandwich Wrap Paper. Explain that we wrap our sandwiches tight (Wrap Tight). Place the sandwich in the middle of the wrapping paper and with 30% of the sandwich reaching above the wrapping paper. Fold the bottom of the wrapping paper on top of the sandwich so that it is linear. Then place the hand on top of it, use the index finger to push down the paper close next to the sandwich to lock it in, and fold the sandwich paper over the index finger. Remove index finger and fold the wrapping paper entirely around the sandwich. Next up bring a napkin and fold it over the sandwich and check no food stains are left on the napkin.
  7. Explain that we always tap out on the list as soon as the product has been made and placed at the send-out area. This informs the rest of the team exactly where on the list we are and ensures that the same product doesn't get made twice. Tap out on the list using your finger. Call out the name of the Guest who the sandwich is for in a loud and clear tone of voice. Hand directly to the Guest by placing in their hand with eye contact and a smile. Then tap out the order on the list.
  8. Explain that we do “Clean On the Go” after every order or batch of sandwiches to make sure the Sandwich Station is well maintained, looks tidy, and is ready for the next sandwiches to be made. Take the sandwich scraper, and from one corner scrape in a snake motion applying enough pressure to scrape all pesto, breadcrumbs and leftover sandwich ingredients away from the chopping boards. Wipe with a clean piece of paper roll/hand towel from one end of the sandwich station to the other, removing all breadcrumbs, leftover sandwich ingredient and stains from the countertop.

Make all sandwiches

Let the Prospect Juicer make all 6 sandwiches on the menu then focus on them becoming familiar with the procedures. It is most effective for the trainer to call out the IMS of the sandwich they are making. For example, “cut the bread, snake the pesto, 1/4 avocado, chicken, 4 tomatoes, wrap it tightly, cross out, clean on the go”. This way we closely monitor the Prospect Juicer throughout and ensure they are becoming familiar with the flow and making sandwiches efficiently.

Allergens and Cross-Contamination

Inform the Prospect Juicer of the importance of minimizing any cross-contamination risks. Show and explain the procedures we use behind the bar when dealing with Guests that are allergic to specific ingredients. Read Allergens and Cross-Contamination.

Make sure the Prospect Juicer passes the Test

Sandwich Packaging

Explain to the Prospect Juicer how to package sandwiches to-go following the 3 ground rules of the sandwich packaging section in the Lean Packaging Module:

  • Put the sandwich in a Sandwich Box (do not double wrap).
  • Write what each product is on the sandwich box.
  • Add one extra napkin per sandwich in the bag.

Extra topping

Explain to the Prospect Juicer that it is possible to add extra toppings to the sandwiches we make. Go through all the ingredients that can be added, including the specific amount for each topping. Refer to the ‘Add-ons’ section on the Product Manual page to become familiar with them.

Ordering Channels

Explain to the Prospect Juicer that we have 3 different kinds of orders, but that all three kinds of orders all can be viewed in the same place: The List. Each ordering method results in specific ways to execute and send out the order which gets elaborated in the Lean Packaging Module:

1) In-Store POS order

• To-Stay orders are packaged in normal packaging without a bag.

• To-Go orders are packaged in a bag at all times.

• All orders should be placed at the send out area, no matter if it is To-Go or To-Stay.                            

2) App Orders (Pre-order)

• All Pre-Orders have to be placed at the App Pick-Up wall no matter if it is marked as To-Go or To-Stay.

3) 3rd-Party Delivery Orders

• Every single order has to get packaged in a bag, no matter what the product is (e.g. 1 x sandwich = sandwich box + bag).

• All orders have to be placed at the App Pick-Up wall.

Push speed and maintain quality

Begin to push the speed while maintaining good quality. Make clear we never prioritize speed over quality on any product we make by emphasizing that we should never serve anything we would not eat ourselves. We are proud of every product we make.

Take times on making 3 sandwiches to indicate to the Prospect Juicer where they are speed wise and inform about the Sandwich

Exam (3 sandwiches in 3 minutes). Explain that “slow is smooth, and smooth is fast”. If you move faster than what you are able to, you will mess up the product and therefore ultimately slow yourself down. “Pace yourself” Fast when snaking the pesto, but slowing down when doing the more difficult techniques such as placing avocado on the sandwich.

Keep pushing on improving times but do not yell aggressively. Always encourage positively. Practice making sandwiches fast through the day to prepare for the Sandwich Exam. Remind the Prospect Juicer of all the areas they have been through so far. Constantly correct and give feedback on every sandwich the Prospect Juicer makes.


Recap by the end of the module using “teach the teacher(see description). The Prospect Juicer needs to explain what each sentence or word means:

Personal Hygiene Procedures
Waste on the List
Crispy & Thin is the way to begin
Signature roast
Finish one ingredient at a time (Being effective making sandwich)
Move with a purpose
Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast
Pace yourself
Cross out on the list
Clean on the go after every order
Snake pesto
Wrap tight

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:
Waste on the List

A feature on The List to register everything we waste for whatever the reason might be. This is to make sure we account for everything in the bar and minimize the ‘Grey Area’ of unaccounted waste.

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Signature Roast

The squared diagonal pattern printed when grilling the bread to create our Signature Roast, which is the foundation for making a good sandwich.

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Crispy and Thin is the way to begin!

Is our saying for how we want the bread to be grilled for the sandwich. We have the best sandwich in the world but only if we grill the bread correctly. The crispy bread is the foundation for a good sandwich.

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‘Ingredients, Measurement, Sequence’. What is in the product, how much of each ingredient and in which order it is added to the product.

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Clean on the Go

Cleaning-on-the-Go is a workflow we use to ensure our product making stations are maintained well during a rush and throughout the entire day. Our bar is an open kitchen that the guests can see and we make all products on-demand, so we need to make sure that the work stations are always presented well by using Cleaning-on-the-Go. This procedure is performed after making every order and for example while waiting for the bread to be grilled or the juice to blend.



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Wrap Tight

Refers to how the sandwich must to be packed (tight). It needs to be wrapped so the ingredients inside the sandwich remain in the same position as intended and don’t spill out while the guest is eating.

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Pace Yourself

Is about knowing which procedures you can move faster or slower with when making products. Working fast and optimizing the overall speed on a station is achieved by continuously adjusting when to move fast and slow compared to the level of experience. For example, a Prospect Juicer should put tomatoes on a sandwich fast because it is a simple movement but placing avocado on a sandwich should be done slowly because it is a more complex movement, especially in the beginning.

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Snake Pesto

The technique used to distribute pesto across the entire sandwich, which ensures that the guest can taste the pesto in every bite of the sandwich.

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