Becoming a Trainer


Training is the main foundation upon which JOE & THE JUICE is built upon. It is what sets us apart from all competition. Training to us is educating others and therefore something we value and respect highly. When educating a person, you as the trainer, are the key asset and driving force behind ones’ development. Meaning that a trainer must have great attention to the details, be able to explain precisely, and be a positive encouragement along the journey towards progression.

As a Trainer, there are 4 principles to master and always keep in mind when training:

– Expectations.
– Approach.
– Teach the Teacher.
– Scheduling.

Setting The Expectations

Whenever training a person, the necessity of setting the expectation is vital to pursue the best possible result.

Who sets the expectations? – The Trainer, of course. The Trainer’s expectation is what sets the tone for the Trainee’s work ethic and urgency to improve. What are the expectations then? The expectations are what you push the trainee towards achieving, usually, it is not possible to reach these expectations but it will make the Trainee push just a bit harder to improve in every session. This is the difference between average vs great. Setting high expectations can also stimulate the Trainee’s mind because it challenges their output.

You expect a person to become the best, not average – if you accept the person to be mediocre then that is all there is to achieve. Let’s try to break it down in another way;

If 100% is considered to be the ‘Perfect Juicer’ then why would you train them to be 50%? Basically, you are training them to become lousy at their job. The mindset should always be to train Juicers to be 100%.

Why should we aim for 125% rather than 100%?

Another psychological aspect to consider when setting high expectations is that they will or should never actually be achieved. The real purpose for setting unachievably high goals is because the Trainee will eventually settle for their own reasonable marker which they feel is close enough to the standard you’ve set. The overall result of this? Is then the Trainee’s perception of an acceptable level has increased due to the higher standard originally set by you.

If you expect 50% you will get 25%
If you expect 100% you will get 75%
If you expect 125% you will get 100%

For a trainer, the most common failure when training a Prospect Juicer is to have average expectations because it means that they are training them for failure. Almost promoting them to not become good.

Higher demands aspire greater motivation and combine strongly with the aspect of being stimulated at work which are the key ingredients for continuous growth. This challenge is what makes the job in JOE & THE JUICE fun and interesting.

Here are some general points when training Juicers:

• Set the expectations to 125% from day 1.

• Be very precise when communicating the education of the program.

• Aim to be as detailed as possible when explaining every technique.

• Push their efforts constantly.

There will always be that one person who exceeds the expectations. That does not mean the Trainer’s job is done, quite the opposite, if a Juicer proves to be extremely good then the expectations must be pushed further to prevent a less stimulated Juicer later on. If a Juicer feels that it took great effort to pass the training, they will respect their job and be more appreciative while at work. Therefore, the training needs to be tough from the start so they will respect their work and new-found skills afterward.

What are the expectations then?

Trainer can always expect the Trainee to:

• Show up with a positive attitude
• Be eager to learn & becoming better
• Show up well prepared for every training shift
• To communicate in an honest & constructive way
• Have a genuine respect between Trainer & Trainee
Trainee can always expect the Trainer to:

• Show up well prepared with an agenda for every training shift
• Always approach the training in a way that benefits
the trainee, in order to become the best
• To communicate in an honest & constructive way
• Always aim to challenge the Trainee in a motivational & inspiring approach
• Genuine respect between Trainee & Trainer

It’s important to establish an understanding of what the Trainee can expect from the Trainer and vice versa. It creates a genuine respect from both sides which improves the training as you don’t show up unprepared if you know your Trainee is showing up prepared and again vice versa.

If the trainee shows up with a positive attitude it ignites both Trainer and Trainee, and if combined with eagerness to learn and become better it creates the perfect foundation for a beneficial training session from both parts.

Adapt the Approach

Not all people are the same. Some can only handle being approached in a certain manner and others in a different one. This is a very important factor to keep in mind. There are many different types of people and they all react in many ways to the approach you project but there is one factor that stays the same – likability.

Think back, usually the subject that you were good at in school most likely had the teacher you were fondest of. You learn best from the person that you have a good relationship with because it implies healthy respect for each other and being able to have fun together – common grounds.

When you start the training of a Juicer make sure to evaluate which type of person you are training after the first 2 days. Then adapt the approach accordingly to the personality of the Trainee. It is important to understand that not all learn in the same way, some like to be yelled at in a military-style, others like to be pampered with positive encouragement along the way.

There are some universal methods that can always help boost the likability of you:

• Showing interest towards a person
• Finding common interests
• Being serious but also able to see the humor in things = DUALITY
• Opening up the personal side of yourself

Teach the Teacher

You have mastered a skill when you can do the skill without thinking. To become skillful, you need to rigorously train the same movement repetitively until you can do it instinctively. The main ingredient is the experience gained from carrying it out 10,000 times.

The more time a person experiences doing any task, the more skilled they will become with it. This means that over time all Juicers can naturally become better the more hours they work behind the bar practicing the right workflows and techniques.

So, the main factor is time and time is not something you have a lot of when trying to get a Prospect Juicer up to speed.

Time is challenging because we cannot make it pass at will but what we can do is take advantage of a method called ‘Teach the Teacher’.

‘Teach the Teacher’ is a method where you make the Trainee explain back to you what you have taught them as if they are now the teacher.

The theory behind it is in 3 parts:

1) You cannot teach something until you first fully understand it yourself.

2) The more repetitions, the deeper the learning becomes

3) When teaching others, you also sharpen your own understanding of the content.

1) The Juicer is forced to comprehend what they have learned because they need to be able to explain the workflows and routines back to you. You need to fully understand the theory before you can pass it on to the next person.

2) The repetition of going through something over again helps to imbed it into the mind. In both theoretical and practical learnings.

3) The information stream of teaching does not only go from Teacher to Trainee – it goes both ways. When you teach a person you also teach yourself because you focus on what’s being taught. The reciting of the knowledge keeps you sharp. It is a simple principle “Learn by teaching”. To teach is to learn.

‘Teach the Teacher’ can also be used as an effective tool for following up. Following up is the most important task of the training in general because it again repeats the knowledge. More importantly, you check to be sure that the Trainee still knows what they should do while also working as a training session.

How to use ‘Teach the Teacher’

Teach the Teacher’ can especially be used for training in for example ‘XonShift Principles’ but also when practicing how to make juice efficiently. Here are the general steps:

1) First teach the trainee the material that is to be taught.

2) Practice the subject practically behind the bar.

3) Teach it back to the Trainer in a role-playing manner, meaning that the Trainer acts as if he/she does not know this material and the Trainee is the Trainer.

This will work like a role-play. The Trainee will follow the same training program and approach as the Trainer did.

Schedule the Training

Schedule the Training

Key points on how to schedule the training

• Confirm with the Trainee their availability for the training modules.

• Make sure that the different modules are ideally connected with a time of day that is the most optimal for that specific module. For example, Sandwich making should be in the lunch rush where most guests order sandwiches.

• Set time aside to properly introduce the Prospect Juicer to the store and the rest of the team.

Steps for training a Prospect Juicer to JQ:

1) Understand the necessary approach and being able to adapt.

2) Read thoroughly through the JQ Manuscript including the Appendix.

3) Have a session with the BM about the JQ Program.

4) Confirm training dates with Prospect Juicer.

5) Schedule the training on Workplanner while considering what time frame is most optimal for each module.

6) Call in the Prospect Juicer to have an introduction to the bar before the first training module starts. Introduce the bar, the training modules, and set the expectations.

7) Prepare for each module by reading through the content again to refresh before starting the training with the Prospect Juicer.

8) After the first module, identify which type of person you are training and adapt accordingly.

9) After every training session, evaluate yourself and write down any points which could improve the training for the next module.

10) Follow the modules exactly as written.

11) Report to the BM about the progress.

12) Follow up on the Training

The Assessment – How to pass this module

The assessment for qualifying in this module and becoming a certified trainer is to train a Juicer from Prospect to the JQ level, using this program as a tool. Meaning, you will pass the ‘Becoming a Trainer’ module once your Trainee becomes JQ Juicer.

Sum Up

When training there are some important key points which need to be followed to be a successful Trainer:

• Set the expectations to 125%
• Adapt your approach
• Be likable
• Use teach the teacher
• Plan the training

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Juicer – The face of the company who represents our brand as an ambassador. Following the DCWF to deliver quality products, in clean and structured stores with excellent guest dialogue. Overall, providing the ultimate JOE experience for both our guests and team.

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Bar Manager – The most important position in JOE & THE JUICE! Combines Operational Management Expertise and 4-WALL LEADERSHIP to optimize 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Leads own store and team with Clear Optics. Develops the foundations to lead your team and store to OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Also provides constructive feedback to RM in relation to the store and team performance

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