Optics & Activity Plan

Daily Concept Workflow

Before open

• Prep + bar setup


• Cleaning tasks
• Intimate dialogue
• Selling Loyalty Cards
• Training
• Up-shine

Before Rush

• Prepare the team + store for the Busy Period

Rush Period

• Team Position
• 2 on Till
• Maintain Customer Area + Stations
• Clean On-the-go
• Keep team active

After Rush / Shiftchange

• Keep the momentum
• Smooth transition + handover
• Fully refresh the store

Slow Afternoon Traffic

• Cleaning tasks
• Intimate dialogue
• Selling Loyalty Cards
• Training
• Up-shine

Before Final Juicer Leaves

• Take full advantage of the full team on shift • Fully re-stock bar for next day • Check enough prep for rest of current day


• Starts only 1 hour before Closing store
• The entire store must not look closed at any point during the Pre-close
• Whenever guests enter the store, the Juicer must stop all Pre-close tasks immediately + not resume until all orders are completed


• Close as if you were opening the next day
• Keep the dishwasher filled + constantly running


Daily Concept Workflow is the critical foundation for absolute store performance and further development of the store. If DCWF isn’t fully in place and running across the entire team, nothing can be properly built upon it. It is not possible to train your team with effect, optimize the store, or advance any further without a strong Daily Concept Workflow in place. Otherwise, you are simply ‘building shit on top of shit’.

Our concept is based on all stores performing with an Index above 100 because we expect our brand to continuously grow. If we accept stores performing under Index 100 then we are accepting that our brand is not sustainable. Our determination for not accepting any store below 100 is based on the fact we deliver quality products, in beautifully designed stores and a great experience to go with it when done properly. So what is most important to all of this is our people who deliver the entire package and experience. Meaning if we do our job right, our guests will return and remain loyal to our brand. Therefore, the most critical component to securing a good index is the performance of the team each day. So, to ensure the team performs well and is motivated at work to deliver a good experience for our guests they need a well-structured bar to perform in. This is why when a store is not performing, it is essentially down to the Daily Concept Workflow not being utilized.

1) Check Cleaning of Store

Arriving at the store to begin opening procedures…

Before starting the opening procedures it’s essential to first check the condition of the store based on the previous day’s close. There are 2 reasons for this;

To ensure that everything is in place to be able to work optimally for the current day and avoid realizing later at a more inconvenient time you are missing items or lacking the correct bar set-up which will disrupt the flow of the store & team during the day when busy.

To identify & highlight a bad close for the BM to deal with properly. Most of the time when a bad close occurs it’s because the BM is not aware or informed by the team so they are unable to rectify the problem with those responsible. Therefore, unless the BM is properly informed (with photos) then there will continue to be bad closes which will potentially become worse each time. This will constantly annoy the opening team, thus affecting the team overall creating a bad circle.

Remember – that it is easier to check for and then recover missing closing tasks before opening than after while also serving guests at the same time.

2) Set-Up the Customer Area

Start from the outside and work your way into the bar…

Following the Ideal Customer Area Checklist, it is the most time-efficient to completely set-up the Customer Area before continuing the opening procedures behind the bar. Doing so, completes all tasks leaving only those behind the bar. Be sure to also check the customer toilets. This is often forgotten by Juicers who assume they are in good condition. It will create a very bad impression towards morning guests if they witness a dirty toilet area with trash not emptied from the day before and missing soap or hand towels!

It is not acceptable to open the store with the Customer Area not completely set-up as it implies we are not prepared to arriving guests and ruins the experience.

Often, when behind schedule with prepping the bar it can become stressful for the opening Juicers suddenly needing to rush out to set-up the Customer Area realizing they have 5 minutes before opening the store. As a result, creating a hectic vibe for the Juicer and early customers which creates a bad start to the day. The morning should be a relaxed and calming vibe created by a well-prepared store.

Even if the opening Juicers have not completed all prep before opening, by getting the Customer Area ready first, it secures the perception of the bar still being ready to the guests.

Remember – that it is much easier to finish off prep and other BTC tasks behind the bar after opening and while serving guests compared to still trying to set-up the Customer Area while open and serving guests.

3) Enter the Bar

Let’s get all the necessary & time-consuming tasks out of the way…

As with the Customer Area, the following should be set-up as first tasks once behind the bar to avoid forgetting once open and potentially disrupting the workflow & guest experience.


Remember that the music is first and foremost for our Juicers to stimulate their mood at work and create the ideal working environment. Therefore, what better way to get your day started and help you wake up than with some nice morning music? Also, if the opening Juicer forgets to turn on the music before opening the store, it will signify to any guests entering we are not ready and create a very awkward silent vibe!


Often forgotten by Juicers and needs time to start up so should be done as early as possible to ensure they are ready in time when needed to be used.


Also often forgotten by Juicers before opening and creates unnecessary inconveniences when serving guests while also trying to start up the till and count the money.


Same as checking the close, before opening the store it’s essential to first check the bar has been fully re-stocked.

To ensure that everything is in place to be able to work optimally for the current day and avoid realizing later at a more inconvenient time you are missing items or lacking the correct bar set-up which can disrupt the flow of the store & team.

To identify & highlight a bad close for the BM to deal with properly. Most of the time when a bad close occurs it’s because the BM is not aware or informed by the team so they are unable to rectify the problem with those responsible. Therefore, unless the BM is properly informed then the store will continue to be poorly re-stocked and possibly become worse each time. This will constantly annoy the opening team, thus affecting the team overall creating a bad circle.

Remember – that it is easier to check for and then recover missing stock before opening than after while also serving guests.

CHECK E-SMILEY (cross off temperatures & Morning Routines)

We need to validate that we are in control of our E-Smiley system and to prove that all food and safety requirements are being upheld daily to maintain solid cleaning & hygiene standards. This is done in the morning to check everything has been upheld during the night especially with temperatures, as we cannot do this at night when no one is at the bar. So, we check first thing in the morning to be sure for the rest of the day we are not serving food that has been stored at the incorrect temperature during the night or in bad condition.

OPEN WASTE ON THE LIST & JOEAPP and check both are running

To prevent us from finding out they are not working later when we need to use them. By opening and checking, they are running properly before opening the store, we then have time to fix any potential problems

4) Prepare Breakfast Products

Prepare food products in the right sequence to be more time-efficient = giving yourself more time!

Our Croissants are mainly a morning ‘side’ product to go with our coffee but also take time to bake. Therefore, these should be made first, to ensure they are ready and placed in the display in time for our morning guests so they are able to see and select when ordering at the till.

Croissants are the most appealing/sellable during the morning period. If they are made later they are less likely to be sold, possibly needing to be thrown out at the end of the day creating bad waste. Croissants take time to bake so by placing them in first, the opening Juicers can continue with other tasks while they bake. = TIME EFFICIENCY.

Our muffins are also a ‘side’ product to go with our coffee and appeal particularly during the morning period. Due to them being stored cool, they should be taken out and placed in the display first thing for them to be at the ideal temperature in time for our morning guests and not still too cold.

5+6) Prep before the store opens

Take more time consuming & messy prep tasks first…

Before beginning to prep any products, look at the Ideal Prep for the given day! Remember that the ideals vary between ‘Busy’ and ‘Normal’ days but are also regularly updated by the BM depending on the current usage. If you don’t check the Ideal Prep before starting you could end up prepping too much or too little for the entire day which will result either in a bad waste or disrupt the workflow for rest of the day!

The Sandwich Station is always the station we prep first due to it being more time-consuming. If for some reason the opening Juicer is behind with prepping before opening the store, it is much easier to handle making juice products while also prepping the juice station on-the-go. Whereas, it’s not ideal to prep the Sandwich Station while also making sandwiches.

Therefore, always start with Pesto, Tuna & Mozzarella as these products take the most time and make the most mess which requires cleaning up afterward. – We want to avoid our morning guests entering the store with mozzarella juice spilled down the sides of the cabinets, pesto stains still in the blender cans, and the smell of tuna from the equipment used to prep. This can all be very off-putting to guests first thing in the morning!

Next prep the tomatoes as they also take time and create a mess, so once completed you can clean up the entire Sandwich Station in one go and have it ready for the day.

To finish off the Sandwich Station, fill up all other products (turkey, chicken, serrano, tabasco, jalapenos, gluten-free bread) but remember also to re-fill salt, pepper, napkins & sandwich paper so that everything is fully filled and ready for the entire day, not just part of it! Once finished with prepping, run chopping boards through the dishwasher and wipe down the surfaces.

If you are fast enough with opening in good time, the ginger should be prepped next due to it being another time-consuming task.

Now start prepping the Juice Station, again first checking the Ideal Prep for the given day to be sure you are actually prepping the right amount! Once finished with prepping all fruit run chopping boards through the dishwasher and wipe down the surfaces. To finish off the station fill-up the oil bottle to the top, set out and open the vanilla milk so they are ready to use, fill up and stack out the elderflower, fill up the water bottle (display) but remember also to completely re-fill bags, juice cups, lids, and straws. Again, so everything is fully filled for the entire day and not just part of it!

Once all stations are fully prepped, make a final check over the Customer Area using the Ideal Customer Area Checklist. Step outside of the bar and look from the guest’s perspective. Are all candles lit? Cushions fluffed and neatly set? Is the fruit display booming? Does the till station and displays look neat & tidy?

Check all dispensers are filled with soap and handtowels before opening. We must do this before opening! It is not accepted by the hygiene authorities if there is no soap or handtowels because then we cannot prove how we wash our hands.

7) Open bar

The store is all set-up and looks inviting…so now what?

Once the store is open for guests make sure music is playing from the morning lists – ONLY FROM JOE’S OFFICIAL MUSIC SYSTEM.

If not yet finished with prepping & re-stocking the bar, this should be done immediately while the guest traffic is at its slowest.


Whenever there are no guests to serve, the daily cleaning tasks should be carried out. Although, be sure to constantly check and keep an overview of the store in case any guests do arrive. Always stop the cleaning tasks immediately to welcome and attend to the guests.


This period, between opening the store and until the rush begins, is a key part of the day where a lot of Juicers, Shift Managers, and even Bar Mangers go wrong. Due to the slow morning traffic, there is more time but a lot of people simply just stand around waiting for something to happen. Instead not realizing there are 3 very important exercises that are less possible to do during the busier periods;

• Intimate dialogue with our guests
• Selling Loyalty Cards

Typically, many excuse themselves for not having the time during the day to carry out any of the above which is in fact wrong. With the exception of maybe travel retail locations (Airport + Train Station stores) our hourly productivity is at its lowest during the morning period. This is therefore the time of day to really optimize on building the guest relationship, boosting turnover and most effectively training your team to enhance their skills even more….All of which improve the stores’ performance! It’s simply either a window of opportunity or a wasted chance but the choice is down to you!

If you still have time before the rush, meaning that you have fully carried out; all daily cleaning tasks, intimate dialogue with guests, selling of loyalty cards, and all possible training then it is time to up-shine the store. The up-shine is the finishing touch for maintaining the store at optimal conditions. It is all the elements you don’t see unless you look for them such as; dust on ledges, shelves and frames, stains on furniture, marks on the bar front and around the doorframes, and lists.

8) 1 Hour before lunch / Rush Period or when next Juicer arrives

Are you ready to go to war…?

From a financial perspective, the rush period is what funds our ongoing concept. This is where we make the money! We need to capitalize on this period and maximize the full potential earnings during this time! In order to do so, we need to make sure that we are fully ready and the store is set-up for the rush. Therefore, 1 hour before the anticipated rush period we activate ourselves to replenish the bar and finish up all other tasks to be 100% focused ONLY on executing fast orders and till handling.

First make a check of the Customer Area, toilets & trash cans. Despite how quiet it may have been during the morning; the Customer Area should be maintained throughout the entire day and always be presented exactly as it was first thing in the morning to the first guest who arrived. Otherwise, guests will gain a bad perception of the store, possibly leave and then already we have lost potential turnover!

Empty the trash cans, even if they are not full because they will quickly be filled during the rush period where you will have less time to take them then! Whenever emptying the trash cans you should always bring a cloth to also wipe around the sides of the trash cans, as we know they are regularly spilled upon by guests.

Check the toilets for general cleaning, empty trash cans even if they are not full, and make sure there is enough soap and handtowels.

Again, despite how little products you may have made during the morning, run chopping boards and equipment through the dishwasher and wipe down the stations while they are cleaning. Remember that you will have less time to do this during the rush!

Check that all stations are fully stocked to handle the entire rush period also re-filling the less obvious elements such as milk, coffee beans, enough change in the till, till roll, credit card roll, coffee lids, stirrers, sugar, hand towels, soap, bin bags, apple baskets.

Be sure to finish up any daily cleaning tasks already started in time for the rush. It is not acceptable to be executing any daily cleaning tasks during the rush period.

When the stations are all fully stocked, spotless and all tasks are out the way so the team is 100% focused on executing orders, then there is no size of rush a skilled team cannot handle!

9) Rush Period

It’s all about peak performance…


15 minutes before the rush normally starts, get your music ready! This is why we have the Peak Playlist because it sets the mood for the team to get ready when high energy and a fast pace is needed. We want the mood of the bar to turn into a higher tempo as we indicate to our guests that this is our time to perform!


The winning team always has a tactical plan. To prepare well and be sure we will fully optimize this key period, the team needs to be well-positioned to take full advantage. Juicers are naturally stronger and faster on certain stations therefore during the rush, each Juicer should be placed on that station where they are strongest. In addition, it needs to be considered where newer Juicers or Prospects should be placed during the rush and whether they should be paired up with a stronger Juicer in order to prevent stations falling behind.


Fundamentally, it needs to be clear who is responsible for handling the till and who else will be involved with activating 2onTill. This MUST always be activated whenever there are 3 or more guests in line and even when there are only 2 Juicers on shift. With this specific team positioning, there needs to be an overall captain who will be responsible for activating 2 on till every time the line exceeds 3! The exact till positioning also needs to be agreed for who will be List Juicer and who will be iPad Juicer.

This is the most important exercise during the rush because it is the time of day where we make the money which determines the overall performance of the day. During this period, it is purely about taking the orders as fast as possible to kill the queue.


Many of our Juicers do not realize that when there are more than 3 people in line waiting to order, there are many potential guests walking past deciding not to order because they perceive a long waiting time from the queue. The problem with this is that we actually don’t see these potential guests because they simply give a quick glance and make an immediate decision to go elsewhere without us even spotting them.

Therefore, our number 1 priority is simply to have no queue at all times! That way we create more potential guests who were considering visiting us and can see there is a short waiting time. This can be the major difference between having an average or high turnover day.


As we know, during the rush period the stations & Customer Area can quickly become very messy and untidy. It can disrupt the flow of the team when stations become messy and guests become irritated by the mess left in the Customer Area. Also, they ask Juicers to clean up tables while they are busy handling the rush.

Therefore, to maximize the full potential of the rush period without obstruction, it’s key to keep an overview of the entire store, especially looking for a break in the traffic or when finishing the list on the station you are working on. When this happens, it is a key opportunity to first tidy all stations then straight after check and maintain the Customer Area. In the Customer Area, first, tidy and wipe down tables, re-arrange furniture, empty trash cans, and wipe around the sides of the trash cans. Afterward check the customer toilets for general cleaning, empty trash, and re-fill paper towels and soap before returning behind the bar.

10) After rush / Shiftchange

Keep the momentum! Repair yourselves quickly and be ready, just in case another rush unexpectedly appears!

After the rush is the time of day where naturally our Juicers quickly lose their momentum once the busy period is over and suddenly they become slack. It is also very hard to pick their energy levels back up once they drop! So, it is important to keep them active and not allow them to decline!

The shiftchange allows for a smooth transition between teams finishing shifts and others entering the bar to start their shift. It is a key process during the day and determines the performance of the team for the rest of the day. The afternoon team should arrive in a well-set-up bar to welcome them, enhance their motivation and performance. If they arrive in a messy bar, under-stocked and under-prepped it will instantly demotivate the team and create a bad circle for the rest of the day. They will instantly become frustrated by the poor condition left to them and having to tidy & refresh the store which should have been done before they arrived. As a result, they will automatically feel they have less time to perform, create the JOE vibe for both colleagues and guests, or receive additional training.

Once the rush has slowed down, meaning that there is no longer a queue at the till, also checking all lists have been completed on all stations, activate the shiftchange routines. It is important to activate this immediately and not wait for 2 reasons. Another rush can suddenly appear unexpectedly which both the team and the bar are not ready for. In addition, there is limited time between the rush periodending and the opening Juicer’s finishing their shifts at the same time closing Juicers start theirs.

Shiftchange Customer Area

Afternoon music:

Start with switching the music to the afternoon playlists and alter the volume to suit the current atmosphere. As the tempo of the store slows significantly down after the rush, the music should also suit the current vibe which is less intense. It can be very off-putting and create an intimidating feeling for guests arriving in a store which is not busy but has loud and very high energy music playing.

Tidy & refresh all stations:

Begin the shiftchange procedures by first tidying and refreshing all stations. This should be done first to ensure the bar is well prepared for further busy periods during the rest of the day that can appear unexpectedly. Run all chopping boards and equipment through the dishwasher and wipe down all stations while they are cleaning. Also, empty the dishwasher area and sink of dirty equipment, rinsing everything before running through the dishwasher, and storing away equipment not needed for the rest of the day. Wipe down the dishwasher area surfaces and sink removing leftover food and mess from the rush period. So, everything is spotless making it easier for the closing team to clean on the go and eventually close the bar. Next refill all stations, canteens, and baskets with prepped products and fruits so they are ready for the rest of the day.

Re-stock Bar:

Once all stations have been refreshed, check there is enough stock in the bar for the rest of the day, otherwise make a list of extras to bring up from the stockroom.

Check Temperatures:

It is possible that the cooling elements have been accidentally turned off or have not maintained the right temperatures during the day. The products in the cooling grave are more exposed to higher temperatures due to lids being taken on and off. So, we need to make a second temperature check after the rush to ensure all products are stored correctly at the right temperature.

Check & tidy Customer Area:

One of the worst perceptions for any guest is to enter a store where the team is not busy but the store looks messy and the Customer Area is untidy. They will instantly be deterred from the condition of the store especially because they feel that the team is not busy so they should have time to tidy the place. It implies a lack of respect toward our guests and a lack of pride in the store we work in.

This is why it is important to immediately tidy the Customer Area after the rush to avoid customers from getting the wrong conditions. Make sure to empty all tables and wipe down all surfaces even if tables already look relatively clean. It is more time-efficient to take all at the same time while out in the Customer Area. Re-arrange all seating, furniture, and cushions. It is not enough just to clean – we want to present the Customer Area in the best possible condition. Empty all trash cans regardless of how full they are, at the same time wiping around the sides of the trash cans to present them as clean. Finally, re-fill and light all candles again then the Customer Area is looking good and ready to go!

Remember – the guests are not aware that you have just finished a busy rush period and can only see the store as it is at that moment.

Shiftchange Begind the Bar

Empty all trash cans inside the Bar

Regardless of how full they are. This way all the trash from the entire store can be taken away at the same time with all trash cans empty and ready for the rest of the day!

Change all cloth

They have been used a lot so far during the day so they are carrying a lot of bacteria. If they are continued to be used they will spread bacteria across the bar, causing a risk of illness and infection. Additionally, due to the amount of dirt already on the cloths, they will be less effective for cleaning making it harder for the team to clean properly. Therefore, switch out the dirty cloths with clean ones on all stations – this will make it easier to maintain the bar during the rest of the day.

Sweep the floor

It also becomes very dirty on the floor during the rush. From a hygiene point of view, bacteria are building up within the food-making area, which needs to be removed to avoid risks of illness and infection. Secondly, it is more difficult to work behind a bar with a dirty floor. Sweep up the entire floor area and empty the pan into the trash bags, which are being taken out.

Remove all trash from the bar

Now that the store has been tidied up, all trash can be removed at the same time. Before taking out the trash, remember to fill up the apples and avocados and take the bread out of the boxes, so you can throw out unwanted cardboard boxes with the rest of the trash.

Check enough prep for rest of day

The rush period can often be busier than expected and you’ll end up using more prep than estimated for the entire day. Opening Juicers can often make the mistake of not checking how much prep is left for the remainder of the day. They will then leave the bar, unaware of the fact that the closing team will run out of prep later on. This disrupts the flow of the bar by having to prep when there are fewer Juicers on shift and causes a longer waiting time for guests to receive products. To complete the shiftchange, check all stations thoroughly to make sure there is enough prep for the rest of the day and prep accordingly.

11) Slow afternoon traffic

Now that the rush period is over, the shiftchange has been fully executed with a completely refreshed bar and well-presented Customer Area… this is again a KEY PERIOD OF OPPORTUNITY!

Whenever there are no guests to serve, the daily cleaning tasks should be carried out. Although, be sure to constantly check and keep an overview of the store in case any guests do arrive. Always stop the cleaning tasks immediately to welcome and attend to the guests.

Key Period!

This period, after the shiftchange and until Pre-Close, is a key part of the day where a lot of Juicers, Shift Managers and even Bar Managers go wrong. Due to the slower afternoon traffic, there is more time but a lot of people simply just stand around waiting for something to happen. Instead not realizing there are 3 very important exercises that are less possible to do during the busier periods;

• Intimate dialogue with our guests
• Selling Loyalty Cards

Typically, many excuse themselves for not having the time during the day to carry out any of the above which is in fact wrong. With the exception of maybe travel retail locations (Airport + Train Station stores) our hourly productivity is much lower during the afternoon period. This is therefore again the time of day to really optimize on building the guest relationship, boosting turnover, and most effectively training your team to enhance their skills even more….All of which improve the stores’ performance! It’s simply either a window of opportunity or a wasted chance but the choice is down to you!

If you still have time before the Pre-Close, meaning that you have fully carried out all daily cleaning tasks, intimate dialogue with guests, selling of loyalty cards, and all possible training then it is time to up-shine the store. The up-shine is the finishing touch for maintaining the store at optimal conditions.

It is all the elements you don’t see unless you look for them such as; dust on ledges, shelves and frames, stains on furniture, marks on the bar front and around the doorframes, and lists.

12) Before final Juicer leaves the closing team

Get the most out of having a full team on shift…

We need to take full advantage while there are still more Juicers on shift at the same time. Once the store is left with only the closing team there will be limited capabilities for them such as collecting stock from the bar and prepping.

Therefore, Juicers who are not closing have 2 very important tasks before finishing their shift. To count the bar stock using the Ideal Bar Stock and fully re-stock the bar for the next day.

Lastly, they should make a check of the bar to be sure there is enough prep to see out the rest of the day and prep accordingly.

13) Pre-close Rules

Pre-close is a game of cleaning the bar without making it look closed and still maintaining a good guest experience throughout. If the guest asks; “Are you closed?”, then you have lost the game!

The purpose of Pre-Close is to ensure both a high cleaning standard and keeping to the scheduled time for closing the store. The Pre-close is an uncompromising system of tasks that are permitted to be carried out during the last hour of opening. These tasks MUST ONLY be performed 1 hour before close where there are naturally fewer orders to make. Therefore, it is only during this last hour that we can clean the stations in advance of the actual close. It is vital to follow the exact structure to maintain the right guest experience. Remember we are still open!

Pre-close Rules:

1) The Pre-close starts ONLY 1 hour before closing time.

2) The store must not look closed at any point during the Pre-close, including; display, furniture, equipment, and behind the bar.

3) Whenever a guest enters the store, the Juicer must stop all Pre-close tasks immediately and not resume until all orders have been completed.

4) The Pre-close must never compromise the waiting time of a guest’s order.

5) We take all orders until 5 minutes past closing time.

6) Sandwich paper and other material must not be placed on any surfaces to protect from possible stains when making products on a ‘Pre-closed station’.

7) No products can be pre-made to make it easier for serving guests in the last hour.

8) Focus on one section of the Pre-close at a time to avoid the store looking messy or closed.

Although we aim to clean as much as possible before closing time, if we receive orders we still make them on the station as if it had not been cleaned in the first place. The station will need further cleaning again afterward but will require less cleaning from a few products compared to a whole day’s worth of product making.

Pre-sequence: Unneeded equipment

The first task of the Pre-Close is to wash up all equipment that you will no longer need for product-making during the last hours. Such as 2nd chopping board, 2nd grill, etc.

Start by placing all unneeded equipment into the dishwasher.


Start by closing one side of the Espresso Machine, following the Daily Cleaning Manual.

Clean the surfaces around the coffee station with a clean cloth. Do not place any towels on top of the drip tray!


Switch all products on the sandwich station into clean canteens which will be stored overnight. Place dirty canteens into the dishwasher.


While the canteens are in the dishwasher, start cleaning the front surfaces of all fridges and cabinets. First, scrub with a scrubbing pad and soap then afterward with a clean cloth and disinfectant spray to make them shine.

Clean all sides of drawers and doors, especially the handles so no stains remain on them. Once all sandwich canteens have been washed and stored away, wash all remaining sandwich equipment such as cutting boards, knives, tuna spoons, etc.

Remove everything from the surface of the sandwich station so it can be cleaned entirely from crumbs and stains. Scrub with a scrubbing pad and soap first then afterward a cloth and disinfectant spray until it is spotless. Remember to clean also the insides of the holes from the trash bins.

Fully re-assemble the sandwich station so it is ready to make products again.


Repeat the same steps on the Juice station (clean canteens, equipment, and finally clean all surfaces of the juice station, including trash bin holes).

Clean the station directly underneath the Juice Centrifuge.

Clean the glass facade on the Juice Station using ONLY Glass Cleaner and a clean cloth!

Clean the Juice Centrifuge on the outside and underneath so only the inside needs to be cleaned at close. Do not clean the Juice Centrifuge before the store is closed!

Fully re-assemble the juice station so it is ready to make products again.


Empty trash bins inside the bar, replace them with a new bag then clean the entire cabinet of the trash bin.

14) Close

Close as if you were opening the next day…

The quality of the close has a significant impact on the team’s performance for the following day. The closing team should close the store with the mind-set of how they would want the store to be the next morning as if they were opening the store themselves.


This is the most time-efficient way to close a store. Begin the close by rinsing all equipment in the sink and then running through the dishwasher.


At the same time store away all unused prepped products. Do so by sealing with Clingfilm or lids and store at the top or front of cabinets so the opening Juicers can see and know what to use first.


Remove all moveable items from surfaces such as equipment, baskets, and display material then begin to scrub down each station with soap, water, and scrubbing pads. Don’t use wire wool as it scratches the surfaces! Start cleaning each station from top to bottom, otherwise you are moving dirt onto already cleaned sections. So, start with the surfaces then work your way down the sides and cabinets. Remember to clean inside trash areas, handles, and inside trash holes. After scrubbing everywhere, next wipe down with a clean cloth and disinfectant spray. Doing this makes the steel elements shine. Do the exact same cleaning process for the centrifuge, blender stations, and sinks.


Next close down the entire coffee station following the Daily Cleaning Manual, remember to use a disinfectant spray on all outer surfaces to make it shine.


Empty all trash from the bar area and set-up new bin bags.


Clean the entire Customer Area by first removing all stains and spillage from surfaces and seating then stack up accordingly. Throw out newspapers, empty trash cans, and wipe the outside surfaces of all trash cans. The Customer Area should be left so it is ready to use the next day. Remember to also blow out all candles!


We do this at the end of the day to reset the app and to upload all data of waste for the entire day to our database.


To make sure all tasks for the day have been performed, if any are missing they must be done before leaving the bar. It is not acceptable to have missing tasks for any day because it will leave bad cleaning standards for the bar. If hygiene authorities visit and see tasks are signed off as done but not actually completed it will result in a bad report for the store but also seen as cheating from the Juicer who signed it off.


Count up till and deposit money to the bank or designated safety box. This must be done the same day to avoid complications with missing money bags!

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Daily Concept Workflow is the entire plan from open to close for what should be done throughout the day in order to reach 4-Wall Operational performance.

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Bar Manager – The most important position in JOE & THE JUICE! Combines Operational Management Expertise and 4-WALL LEADERSHIP to optimize 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Leads own store and team with Clear Optics. Develops the foundations to lead your team and store to OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Also provides constructive feedback to RM in relation to the store and team performance

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In JOE, “Behind the Counter” is one of our core values which transcends throughout the entire organisation from top to bottom. It characterises our continuous strong belief that this company was created by the personalities from behind the counter of the stores and that JOE should continue to grow this way.

Within this core value lies our greatest strength, the will but also the ability to be able to step behind the bar no matter what your position might be. Everyone, from our CEO to our HR Department has worked behind the bar and earned their way to the position they have today. This is testimony to our ground belief that in order to grow the right way in this company, you start as a Juicer and move up from there. On the road, you will develop great work ethics, discipline and cultural understanding of our company.

On a day-to-day basis, BTC means that the true value is not behind the computer but rather behind the bar. Meaning that we do not believe that any leader can create much value for their team outside the bar. The value praises people who are hands-on and willing to lead by example and inspire for Operational Excellence.

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Rush Period

The busiest time of the day in a store when most guests visit at the same time.

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Team Positioning
  1. Creating the most optimal shiftplan every day by considering Juicer experience and key times of day when deciding who works which specific shift.
  2. Optimising the team on shift by assigning the best-suited Juicers to each station based on their abilities and strengths BTC during a rush period.
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Kill the Queue

“Kill the Queue” is a state of mind for everyone to always have behind the bar. It is a value that has been with us from the start, that began first as a competition between the stores but then quickly developed to become a core value for how we run a high performing operation. The mindset to have with this value is a constant drive that pushes us to handle the queue as fast as possible because we understand that the till is our most important station in the bar.

On a day-to-day basis, KTQ means that we handle the queue as fast as possible using our tools (XonShift & XonTill), regardless of how many Juicers are working. Within the KTQ mind-set lies the secret to how we are able to continuously create and handle an extensive flow of guests in our stores every day. Meaning whenever there is no queue, more guests are attracted to order at the store because ‘Kill the Queue’ ensures we don’t lose potential guests. Without KTQ, JOE & THE JUICE would not be able to compete with other food & beverage competitors.

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Clean on the Go

Cleaning-on-the-Go is a workflow we use to ensure our product making stations are maintained well during a rush and throughout the entire day. Our bar is an open kitchen that the guests can see and we make all products on-demand, so we need to make sure that the work stations are always presented well by using Cleaning-on-the-Go. This procedure is performed after making every order and for example while waiting for the bread to be grilled or the juice to blend.




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