Daily Concept Workflow


The Daily Concept Workflow is our fundamental structure for operating any JOE & THE JUICE store.
It is our 9-step building block for creating high store performance and can never be neglected during any stage of the day. The Daily Concept Workflow is our essential guide to ensure we operate each day as JOE & THE JUICE because it secures that the store is optimised to its full potential at all times.


Our Daily Concept Workflow consists of 3 key periods of the day. Morning, Midday, and Evening. It is necessary to execute each period in order to secure high performance for the rest of the day. The understanding of when to activate each key period and following the sequence is the key learning here.

These 3 key periods, Morning, Midday and Evening contain 3 sub periods, meaning that the Daily Concept Workflow consist of a total of 9 sub periods.

The DCWF Circle

The DCWF circle illustrates the flow of the all periods from a day in our stores. It’s essential that all Juicers at work follow this workflow in order to be able to keep our stores fully functioning. This is mastered through correct training and a powerful mindset of always striving for perfection in our stores.

Step 1

To train Daily Concept Workflow it requires 6 shifts. Schedule the shifts for the Prospect Juicer, so they have 2x Morning Shifts, 2x Midday Shifts and 2x Evening Shifts. Show the illustration to the Prospect Juicer and inform them about their scheduled shifts.

Pay attention to: The opening and closing procedures of the store should be planned accordingly to the bars workflow. This means that if a stores requires more time opening/closing the store, the BM will schedule more time for these procedures, so that no task are rushed through. Contact your local Regional Manager to confirm extra on-top hours.

Step 2

Show the prospect juicer the sub-periods for the scheduled shift before starting the training by taking them through the DCWF Circle. Briefly walkthrough each sub-period to let the prospect juicer get an understanding of the specific procedures for the chosen period. Inform the Prospect Juicer of the key aspects when operating in the chosen period (Morning / Midday / Afternoon).

Step 3

Now open the Daily Concept Workflow on an iPad in the bar and begin the training of the prospect.

Start off by entering the first sub period for the chosen period.


Step 4

Explain each description to the Prospect and carry out all task within the current card before continuing to the next card. This ensures that the Prospect will only be presented to one task at a time in the correct sequence. Stress the fact that it’s important that ALL task are carried out throughout the day, to keep up with our high company standards, and that no tasks should be neglected.
Sequence: Carry out a task (flip card) —> Proceed to the next task (flip card) —> When all tasks are carried out, the chosen sub period is done!

Step 5

Once all task within the current sub period has been carried out, continue to the next sub period of the day. When all tasks have been carried out for all 3 sub periods of the chosen period (Morning / Midday / Afternoon), the training is done.

Step 6

The training is divided into two parts. In Part 1 the trainer will train the Prospect in Daily Concept Workflow including all procedures and guidelines (new learning). In Part 2 the Prospect will to the greatest extend carry out each task by themselves while explaining the Trainer what they are doing. The trainer will remind and retrain the Prospect Juicer how to carry out each task to perfection.

Part 1 of the training: Teach the Prospect
- Take the prospect through each task (flip card)
- Explain to the Prospect in detail how each task is carried out using the descriptions and key words
- Make the Prospect carry out each task while being guided by the Trainer
- Ensure the Prospect is able to understand all tasks (flip cards) and make sure the Prospect asks if there is something they don’t understand

Part 2 of the training: Teach the Teacher
- Make the Prospect carry out each task (flip card)
- The Prospect will carry out all tasks of the DCWF one by one while performing teach the teacher (explain learnings from part 1)
- If the Prospect is unsure or isn’t able to explain or carry out a task, the Trainer will step in and help the Prospect
- Ensure the Prospect is confident in all tasks (flip cards) within the chosen period so they are able to carry out all DCWF tasks by themselves going forward

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Daily Concept Workflow is the entire plan from open to close for what should be done throughout the day in order to reach 4-Wall Operational performance.

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Brand Behaviour

Brand Behaviour is how we naturally behave in the stores. It is what we use to define ourselves collectively as a brand and to differentiate us from every other concept. Brand Behaviour is primarily centred around not providing traditional service to our guests but instead inclusion and a more authentic attitude. We have several training modules which elaborate in detail our Brand Behaviour and Brand Principles which can be found in the Juicer JQ Graduation level.

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Clean on the Go

Cleaning-on-the-Go is a workflow we use to ensure our product making stations are maintained well during a rush and throughout the entire day. Our bar is an open kitchen that the guests can see and we make all products on-demand, so we need to make sure that the work stations are always presented well by using Cleaning-on-the-Go. This procedure is performed after making every order and for example while waiting for the bread to be grilled or the juice to blend.




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Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence means perfect standards and is the overall goal to reach for the operational management team (RM, OM, CM) across all stores. It requires taking all the small steps to fully implement 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE & 4-WALL LEADERSHIPwhich creates an independent and self-sustainable organism. Meaning that the systems implemented, continuously run the stores extremely efficiently and flawlessly. Operational Excellence is a lot of small things done well and hyped up.

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