Juicer Talks

Juicer Talks

As BM, it’s important to regularly arrange talks with each Juicer outside the bar, without distraction or around others to talk more intimately & focused on the individual. Individual Juicer talks should be held regularly by the BM for many reasons;

1) Recognition

To show that you recognize this Juicer individually from the team, have an interest in them, and are willing to take the time to talk & catch up for their benefit.

2) Follow up

To prove that you meant what you said last time, you remember the last talk and care about how the Juicer is doing since the last time you spoke.

3) Giving them both a ‘Voice’ and an ‘Ear’

Allowing the Juicer to give feedback (both positive and negative) can motivate because it empowers them to have a say on what goes on. This makes them feel more important & responsible for the store and will increase their respect towards you because you listen & react upon their points.

4) Clear Communication

Gives the BM the ideal platform to provide feedback, direction and clearly explain what needs to be done by the Juicer going forward, without distraction.

5) Symbolises Importance

Stepping outside the bar to sit down and talk is more formal which signifies to the Juicer that what you are saying is serious. Therefore, it will likely be more memorable for the Juicer to reflect upon afterward. As opposed to having a dialogue BTC, where it is difficult to even remember the points discussed, never mind trying to consider the message after your shift is finished.

6) Provides optics to the BM to optimize the Team & Store

By having the Juicer 1 on 1, they are more likely to be open and talk honestly compared to behind the bar in front of the rest of the team and customers. Consequently, the BM is then able to determine the exact reasons for a Juicer’s current situation i.e. why they are not performing, currently demotivated, what their ambitions are, or what they want… With these optics, the BM is more capable to resolve issues and improve their situation which will, of course, result in the Juicer respecting their BM for doing so.

Below is a list of questions that can be asked to help structure the Juicer Talk;


How is it going with the Juicer?

• Do they enjoy their job?

• Are they happy working at their current bar?

• Are they satisfied with the number of hours they get each week?

• Do they feel they get a fair balance between closing, opening, ‘Palermo’ shifts?

What are his or her plans for the future?

• Are they interested in staying with Joe?

• Do they have ambitions to grow in the company? Such as becoming an SM, BM, Regional Manager, International SWAT, HR, Purchasing, Campus, etc…

• Are they planning to go study?

• Planning any vacation?

Do they have any personal preferences within their work?

• Enjoy working weekends, or early mornings, etc.?

• Enjoy being on the juice and would like to juice more often.

Do they feel they have any challenges at work?

• Is there something specific which they find difficult at work?

• Are there any areas they would like to be developed and trained further in?


Does the Juicer have any feedback for the BM?

• Explain to them it’s okay for it to be both positive and especially negative.

• Explain that all feedback received can help the BM to improve the bar and the BM’s development as a leader.

After asking all the above questions the BM can now provide constructive feedback for the Juicer, both positive & negative.

Come with feedback to the juicer, providing focus points. This needs to be detailed and concrete. Every piece of feedback needs to be something that they can put straight into the action.

Example of bad feedback;

“You are bad on juice”

Example of good feedback;

“You are too slow on juice and it comes from you not keeping your overview on the list so you simply don’t move fast enough.”

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Bar Manager – The most important position in JOE & THE JUICE! Combines Operational Management Expertise and 4-WALL LEADERSHIP to optimize 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Leads own store and team with Clear Optics. Develops the foundations to lead your team and store to OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Also provides constructive feedback to RM in relation to the store and team performance

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In JOE, “Behind the Counter” is one of our core values which transcends throughout the entire organisation from top to bottom. It characterises our continuous strong belief that this company was created by the personalities from behind the counter of the stores and that JOE should continue to grow this way.

Within this core value lies our greatest strength, the will but also the ability to be able to step behind the bar no matter what your position might be. Everyone, from our CEO to our HR Department has worked behind the bar and earned their way to the position they have today. This is testimony to our ground belief that in order to grow the right way in this company, you start as a Juicer and move up from there. On the road, you will develop great work ethics, discipline and cultural understanding of our company.

On a day-to-day basis, BTC means that the true value is not behind the computer but rather behind the bar. Meaning that we do not believe that any leader can create much value for their team outside the bar. The value praises people who are hands-on and willing to lead by example and inspire for Operational Excellence.

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Your perception of a given area, person or condition. Such as how clean the Bar Manager believes the toilets are.

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A mobile management team who travel from project to project. Specialists within their areas of responsibility. Have a narrow-minded approach towards operational tasks; Advanced Training, Implementation, CONCEPT ENGINEERING, MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE.

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Shift Manager – The extension of the BM and in the pipeline to become BM. This is the preparation level to become BM by developing and mastering management responsibilities; E-Smiley, Cleaning, Stock Handling, ‘CARE’ NIGHTS, Juicer Training.

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The List

A Digital List which connects to the POS System and displays the orders in an organized manner. The List shows all orders that need to be made, while also displaying details about the order such as:
– The order is To-Go
– The Sandwich is without Tomato
– The order is for a Guest named “Christian”
– And much more…

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