Employees will get a company card if this is needed in their work. You must pay all expenses with your company Eurocard to automatically receive transaction data in the Expense Manager system (Cardlay) with appropriate documentation. Make sure to capture a clear image of the full receipt, ensuring visibility of important details like the VAT number. Always use the original invoice or receipt, not copies or credit card slips. All expenses must be approved by your manager. Receipts for all transactions must be saved for five years and reported monthly; failure to do so will result in deductions from the next paycheck.
Card limits are adjustable with manager and finance department approval, and requests for increases must be emailed to companycard@joejuice.com.
You can read the credit card policy here.
If you are curious, you can read more about our Moneyball program and your opportunities HERE.
Joe & the Juice has an email setup for allocation of invoices.
Remember to:
For all invoices and creditnotes: Invoice@joejuice.com
For all other request and questions: Finance@joejuice.com
If you incur work-related expenses at Joe & the Juice, you must complete the expense sheet provided below and email it to the Payroll department at Payroll@joejuice.com. Additionally, you are required to submit a physical copy of your receipts. Make sure that all expenses are approved by your manager before submission. Once the Payroll department receives and verifies your expenses, the reimbursement will be included in your next salary payment.