Hell Week

4-Wall Leadership
4-Wall Operational Performance
Audit Unit
Basic Performance Shift
Brand Behaviour
Campus Training Centre
Care Nights
Care Optics
Clean on the Go
Clear Optics
Concept Engineering
Crispy and Thin is the way to begin!
Don’t be afraid – Activate
Finding the Gap
Finish one ingredient at a time
Hell Week
Joe’s Bread
Kill the Queue
King Shift
Leading through BTC
One Rotation
Operational Excellence
Pace Yourself
Palermo Shift
Rush Period
Shiftplan (WP2)‍
Signature Roast
Slow Press
Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast
Snake Pesto
Spill Cup
Team Development
Team Positioning
The List
To have good/bad optics
Waste on the List
Wrap Tight
“It’s never about the coffee”
“One apple more, one less store”


The ‘Hell Week’ has been an established ritual since the first BM Training Program was introduced. It is now the core training and the monumental beginning of your journey towards managing a store.

It is not only a ritual just for the sake of doing it but also because there are key JOE values closely tied to its execution. JOE key value: Hell Week is in a BM’s DNA because they already have been through this week which also creates a mutual respect between all BMs.

In addition, it is about having great respect for the store by going through every task to truly understand what is required to achieve a clean store. ‘Hell Week’ is not only about hard work but also the respect you will gain from your fellow Juicers by demonstrating our JOE key value: ‘Lead by Example’. ‘Hell Week’ is the essential first step towards gaining respect from your fellow Juicers while also learning how to manage a store on your own.

Finally, it represents another JOE key value: ‘Doing it right when no one is looking’. Meaning that it exemplifies the true character of a person to be able to do the cleaning tasks correctly when no one is looking because it signifies your care and respect for the store.


1) The Trainee must perform all cleaning tasks the entire week with no exceptions! This includes tasks done twice or more a week.

2) No tasks can be performed during rush hours (for example between 11.00-16.00 in most bars). The Trainer is responsible for indicating these rush periods.

3) The Trainer must approve every cleaning task by being present to inspect the task once completed.

4) The Trainer must explain the ‘Why’ and how to do every task properly.

5) The guest experience must NEVER be compromised by the execution of cleaning tasks.

Clean all seating + tables in Customer Area

• We perceive our customer area as our living room, so we want to present this in the best possible way for our guests. We do this by always making sure our customer area is in the right condition throughout the entire day and not just at the start. This allows us to remain confident and able to focus on performing the next stage in our guest’s experience.

• Presenting a dirty customer area to our guests will cause them to question the overall cleaning standards of the store and possibly leave without ordering.

• We also clean all seating and tables in the customer area to prevent fabric or wooden materials within our furniture from becoming worn out and eventually damaged.

• If they are not cleaned frequently, stains over time will become more difficult to remove. This will result in us causing damage to the materials when eventually trying to get rid of such stains.

Clean Bar Bins

• We clean our bar bins to remove food leftovers that can become rotten. If they are not cleaned properly they will start to smell bad and attract bacteria, insects or rats to the entire bar area.

Clean Bar Filters

• We clean our bar filters to ensure that our equipment can properly circulate air inside of the machinery.

• Failure to regularly maintain clean filters will cause the equipment to stop working correctly.

• The ice machine will produce less ice due to overheating inside the machine. This produces the risk of us running out of ice and failure to deliver product quality.

• The same also applies for our fridges and freezers which will fail to maintain an accepted temperature and in worst case, cause us to dispose all goods kept inside the fridge.

Clean Bar Lamps + Speakers (in Customer Area)

• The bar lamps and speakers are an extension of our living room, so we want to present these elements as neat and tidy. Doing this helps us to provide a good impression to our guests and make them feel more welcome to our store.

• Presenting dirty lamps and speakers to our guests will cause them to question the overall cleaning standards of the store and possibly leave without ordering.

• If they are not cleaned frequently, stains over time will become more difficult to remove from our lamps and speakers. This will result in us causing damage to the materials when eventually trying to get rid of such stain.

Clean the Cleaning Tools

• If our cleaning tools are not kept clean, then we are not able to clean our stores properly with them. Therefore, it’s important to regular clean or replace such tools.

Clean Dishwasher

• The dishwasher uses the same water during an entire day.

• If dirty equipment is placed directly into the dishwasher, dirt will spread around the machine and into the water used to clean equipment.

• If the dishwasher is not deep cleaned properly (twice per week), it will circulate dirt and bacteria onto the equipment intended to be cleaned which we then use to make products. We therefore risk causing illness to our guests.

• Detergent/RinseAid comes in either a combo plastic container or in two separate containers. When cleaning the dishwasher always check up on the level of Detergent/RinseAid left in the plastic container. Its highly important it never runs out as it will then only be water going through the machine – This can never happen!

Clean Drains

• A lot of pulp, leftovers and grease is poured into the sinks and further down to the drains. If the drains are not cleaned properly they will block and cause a bad smell, eventually requiring us to contact a plumber to fix.

• Furthermore, pulp and grease in the drains attract food flies to the bar area, causing further hygienic problems towards exposed fruit in baskets and providing our guests with a bad impression.

Clean Floor Panels

• If we do not clean our floor panels the stains will attract fruit flies, especially underneath the Juice station.

• If they are not cleaned frequently, stains over time will become more difficult to remove.

Clean Fruit Baskets

• The fruit baskets are part of our display in the bar. It is our way to decorate our dining table. If our display is left dusty or dirty in any way this will leave a bad impression to our guests, especially because food is stored there.

• Pulp and leftovers from food will furthermore attract fruit flies.

Clean Ice Machine

• The ice machine is an important element towards us delivering quality products. Juice not only tastes better cold but without ice the heat from the blender will destroy the vitamins in our Juices. Defeating the whole purpose for drinking a nutritious juice.

• If dirt, fruit stains or hands contact the ice cubes inside the ice machine bacteria will be spread into our products, resulting in our guests becoming ill.

• In addition, trapped dirt will collect and eventually block the drain inside the ice machine preventing it from producing ice.

Clean Inside the Cabinets

• We clean inside the cabinets to remove food leftovers that can become rotten. If they are not cleaned properly they will start to smell bad and attract bacteria, insects or rats to the entire bar area.

Clean Menu

• Our menu is what guests focus on for the longest when visiting our stores. Presenting a dirty menu to our guests will cause them to question the overall cleaning standards of the store and possibly leave without ordering.

• If it is not cleaned frequently, stains over time will become more difficult to remove. This will result in us causing damage to the menu when eventually trying to get rid of such stains.

Clean Sandwich Grills

• If the sandwich grills are not cleaned thoroughly this will prevent the bread from toasting properly. This is due to bread leftovers covering the actual grill plates preventing them from bringing sufficient heat to make the bread crispy.

• Old and completely burnt leftovers will contact new bread ending up in the sandwich. This will ruin the taste, quality of the product and experience for our guests.

Clean Toilets

• No one wants to use a messy toilet and a host would never present their toilet to guests in bad condition.

• Out of all the rooms within our house, it is most critical that the toilets are kept to the highest cleaning standard always. Thorough and regular cleaning is most crucial here due to excrements being highly infectious which can cause severe illness to our guests.

Clean Walls and Pictures

• The walls and pictures are an extension of our living room, so we want to present these elements as neat and tidy. Doing this helps us to provide a good impression to our guests and make them feel more welcome to our store.

• Presenting dirty walls and pictures to our guests will cause them to question the overall cleaning standards of the store and possibly leave without ordering.

Deep Clean Coffee Station

• The correct cleaning is required on this station for several reasons. Due to the many components and pipes inside the coffee machinery but also because coffee as a product is extremely nuanced in its flavors and small changes can ruin the coffee experience.

• Additionally, the coffee machinery is also some of the most expensive equipment we use and has a huge cost to maintain if a technician is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to perform regular cleaning following the correct procedures and never lacking.

Clean Fridges

• Most food items are stored inside our fridges so poor cleaning conditions cause a huge risk for contaminating and infecting stored items.

• The fridge doors are opened many times during a day meaning they are exposed to a lot of bacteria entering inside.

Deep Clean Stock Room + Fridges

• Everything we use in JOE & THE JUICE is at some point stored inside our stockroom. Therefore, a poor cleaning condition provides a huge risk for contaminating and infecting stored items.

• Our stockroom is a central point for having a healthy bar both product wise and numbers wise.

Clean Freezers

• Many food items are stored inside our freezers so poor cleaning conditions cause a huge risk for contaminating and infecting stored items.

• The freezer doors are opened many times during a day meaning they are exposed to a lot of bacteria entering inside.

Dust off Ceiling & Walls (incl. Wooden Counter & Lamp Wires)

• The ceiling, walls, wooden counter and lamp wires are an extension of our living room, so we want to present these elements as neat and tidy. Doing this helps us to provide a good impression to our guests and make them feel more welcome to our store.

• Presenting dirty elements of our living room to guests will cause them to question the overall cleaning standards of the store and possibly leave without ordering.

• If they are not cleaned frequently, stains over time will become more difficult to remove. This will result in us causing damage to the materials when eventually trying to get rid of such stains.

Clean Bar front

• The bar front is an extension of our living room, so we want to present this as neat and tidy. Doing this helps us

• to provide a good impression to our guests and make them feel more welcome to our store.

• Presenting a dirty bar front to our guests will cause them to question the overall cleaning standards of the store and possibly leave without ordering.

• If it is not cleaned frequently, stains over time will become more difficult to remove. This will result in us causing damage to the materials when eventually trying to get rid of such stains.

Opening, Shiftchange, Closing & Clean on the Go

• These procedures have the biggest impact on the stores’ entire workflow. If they are not performed fully it will affect

• the team coming to work after you because then they will have to carry out the tasks you lacked in. This results in a

• bad circle for the entire store taking focus away from product making, guest experience and the team’s ambience.

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:
Hell Week

A full week focusing on executing all cleaning tasks in a store, including the cleaning tasks that are done twice a week. It is a part of the training program to become Shift Manager Prospect.

  • Hell Week is in every BMs’ DNA because they have been through it themselves which creates mutual respect between BMs.
  • It demonstrates Leading by Example = to earn your respect from your fellow Juicers.
  • By performing all tasks correctly, even when no-one is looking, it signifies your care &
    respect for the store.

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Bar Manager – The most important position in JOE & THE JUICE! Combines Operational Management Expertise and 4-WALL LEADERSHIP to optimize 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Leads own store and team with Clear Optics. Develops the foundations to lead your team and store to OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Also provides constructive feedback to RM in relation to the store and team performance

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