
Leadership is not something that is easily conceptualized or summarized into just a few points. Instead, by first recognizing that every individual is different and to grow as a leader is to adapt your leadership style to suit your own personality by working to your own strengths, then you have already taken a big first step. If you are a great people person, very disciplined, structured, hard-working, or strong at communicating… then these personal skills can covert towards developing your leadership style.

So instead of trying to summarize leadership in a “How to for all”, the purpose of this program is to provide some simple tips that can directly be related to the leadership positions we have in JOE & THE JUICE. All points have come from real-life experiences & practice which continue to be the common challenges faced by our young and first-time leaders in JOE today.

1) Earn your respect

• Lead by example
• Be a part of the team
• Execute (fix problems instantly) SET THE STANDARDS
• Start to implement structures
• Team meeting
• Tell your story
• Daily concept workflow

2) Follow up and act ongoing

• Show you mean what you say
• Monitor team’s capabilities to follow structures
• Be prepared to remind them
• Stick to your rules without expectation TRAINING PLAN
• Structured stores = more team capacity to learn
• Trained team = easier + more fun to work
• Assess team’s level, plan training, train, qualify
• Train every day!

3) Team position

• Spread out skilled juicers / SM’s to cover the entire day/week
• SM’s = pipeline (no limit!)
• Task delegation
• Management-on-the-go
• Inspire your juicers                                                                                                                                                    

Good cleaning vs. Bad cleaning

Leadership Workshop – General Points

A good store requires consistent product quality, solid structures, and cleaning but does that mean the BM has to make all products and cleaning tasks? As a Bar Manager, are you simply ‘managing the store’ yourself with all of the daily & weekly tasks or are you leading the team…?

“BMs are simply better-paid Juicers with counting and training tasks”Juicers

“If there is a problem in a bar, there is a problem in the team”Kaspar Basse

In situations with poor performing bars, we often send in SWAT to increase all levels, from Turnover/Index, GM%, Cleaning, Customer Experience .. due to the effort of a strong leader (SWAT). If you’re a good leader, you train your team and they will perform. The result? => Higher Turnover/Index, lower waste, happy customers, motivated team, and recognition from the Country Management. But most importantly your job as BM becomes easier!

“The goal is to train the team so well, they can still perform at the same level without having a manager present”Tom Carney

Leadership Workshop – Responsibilities of the BM

Implementing and Maintaining Store Structures (Daily Concept Workflow) through ensuring the entire team knows when to do what and where to find info on; The Bar Look, Ideal Stock, Ideal Prep, Daily Workflow, Shift-Change, PreClose, E-Smiley. It is the responsibility of the BM that ALL Juicers in their bar are trained and follow these structures.

Manager Presence Behind The Bar (BTC). A manager takes control of the bar by delegating tasks and instructing the team. You can always hear the BM because he/she is calling up bread, asking how far the Juicers are on each station list and the guests can recognize who is in charge. It is the BM who takes charge of any situation whether a sudden rush, responding to customer complaints or questions, checks up on product quality being made by Juicers, activates Daily Workflow routines, or supports when the flow on the station is off. When the BM takes control, the Juicers can do what they do best, have fun while making products for the guests because the BM allows them to only worry about their responsibility and nothing else.

Keeps The Overview of The Entire Store which is about maintaining a balance between Speed, Quality, Guest Experience & Cleaning =>So there is not only focus on speed during a rush which affects the product quality.

Why should the Juicers come to work and give their 110% for the BM every day? => As BMyou should always consider what are you actually doing from when you enter to when you leave the store as this represents the standards for the rest of the team!

The BM deals with all personal situations a Juicer has at work;

• General bad attitude towards colleagues at work
• Generally sloppy (often late, poor closes)
• Skilled Juicier but very lazy
• Unhappy/sad Juicer

BM creates problems that affect the Juicers and their own performance;
• BM does not train their Juicers or give feedback
• Not taking care of BM tasks – Poor Stockroom or bar structure, bad counts and not updating ideals so running out of stock, not activating repair or replacement of broken or missing equipment…
• Too tough with destructive criticism, arrogant, bad talking, not leading by example with work efforts, only Palermo Shifts, no closings, leaves early, weekends off, too many Employee Meal items, not helping the team when busy.

Communication from the BM should always be with a nice tone, with the purpose of having a constructive dialogue. The style in which a leader both talks and interacts with Juicers has a significant impact on how they will perceive their BM. A leader who shows respect and cares for their team will often be more respected by the team and as a result, find it easier to get them to work hard for him/her. –Social Commitment In JOE we promote social inclusion both inside and outside of work between our Juicers & Managers with the aim of building a strong culture and team spirit. This is because it always has a positive effect on our own performance and Guest Experience. Team events and social activities arranged regularly by BMs is another leadership quality.

Good Leadership vs. Bad Leadership

BM’s 5 Step Approach

1) Earn your respect

• Lead by example
• Be a part of the team
• Execute (fix problems instantly)                                                                                                                        


First 2 weeks, focus only on working very hard, being part of the team & socially engaging with the Juicers to get to know them personally = BUILD RELATIONS

Don’t act as BM, don’t give instructions, instead work hard, do everything yourself = SHOW YOU ARE COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THE STORE YOURSELF

Only work open or closes, no Palermo shift (11-17:00). Make sure you work weekends = SHOW PRESENCE TO TEAM

Stay extra to make sure everything is on point (extra prep or cleaning) = WORKING HARD TO INSPIRE & MOTIVATE THE TEAM

Take all tasks and make sure the bar is 100% clean – HELL WEEK

Show the team that the BM is the first one to take the dirty tasks because he/she cares about the bar.

Make a connection to the guys so they get a good first impression of you Fix all broken equipment


Never ask anyone to do something you would not do. When a BM steps forward 1st to show the Juicers he/she is willing to work hard, make sure the bar is clean and stay positive/energetic throughout a tough day they will follow his/her lead! Don’t expect anything from Juicers unless you expect the same from yourself.


As BM, it’s important to fix problems as soon as they occur to prevent them from piling up. When a problem occurs fix it the same day or write it down for yourself to fix as soon as possible. This removes the thought of having problems, allowing you to spend more of your energy leading and having fun with the team. The more problems you have to fix at the same time, the more difficult your responsibilities will feel and tiresome the BM role will become overall. When Juicers can see the BM fixing problems that improve their bar, they will respect their BM for ensuring a good working environment = MOTIVATION!


Invite the team with a social initiative that allows them to hang out together away from the store. This gives them a feeling of being part of something more than just one bar with the opportunity to meet up and get to know each other more personally. From there your team will naturally start hanging out together and develop the JOE Culture Foundation. The effect = juicers start helping each other out covering shifts, visit the store while off work for coffee and say “hi” and generally start caring about their team & store. This foundation creates a strong platform for BM to then build on, going forward.

Initiatives can be anything you want; beer at a bar, workout, go running, PlayStation night… or whatever suits your mutual interests as a team.

2) Set the standards

• Start to implement structures
• Team meeting
• Tell your story
• Daily Concept Workflow                                                                                                                                                                                            


After the first 2 weeks, the BM has become familiar with the store and is now able to now customize all structures to suit that store. Communication is key to motivate the juicers and create a positive team spirit. By engaging the Juicers they will feel they’re a part of something bigger. Many Juicers like to come with inputs on how to improve the bar, if they do it shows you they care about the bar.

End of the 2nd week the BM should hold a TEAM Meeting. Make an AGENDA and send to the team before the meeting;

• THE JOE Story & YOUR OWN STORY. Start by telling your story, provide knowledge & story of the JOE Timeline and opportunities for all. This will catch their interest and motivate the team.

• Then explain that the purpose of the meeting is to align everyone and confirm new standards. Promote the team to provide questions and discussion throughout the meeting, before finalizing the agreement and setting expectations for the whole team to follow new structures the following week.

• Clearly inform and set the standards that you expect the team to follow from now on.

• Make a clear stock structure (with photos or physical check), Ideal Stock & Ideal Prep, and present to the team.

• Introduce Daily Concept Workflow

• Inform the team that you will be closely monitoring their ability to follow all procedures (Ideal Stock, Ideal Prep. Open, Shiftchange, Pre-Close, Close) and you will be following up with all of them during the entire 3rd week.

• Allow time in the end for the team to bring up any other points/areas they feel could be improved within the store & team.

• Finish meeting by setting Team goals that are made collectively and agreed by all. Schedule and announce a date for a follow-up team meeting, 1 month later to evaluate if the team has achieved original goals and set new goals.

3) Follow up and act – ongoing

• Show you mean what you say
• Monitor team’s capabilities to follow structures
• Be prepared to remind them
• Stick to your rules without expectation                                                                                                                                                                                            

During the entire 3rd week focus on fully implementing the store structures across the team BTC with them following. Start to instruct & remind them when to shiftchange, Daily Workflow, how to open & close properly and point out when they haven’t done any tasks or procedures fully.


It’s super important to follow up and remind each Juicer if they are not following the basic standards/structures.
Analyse –> Optimise -> Analyse –> Optimise. Never let go of basic structures!


Everything the BM teaches expects or instructs will never matter if they are not followed up on afterward. When people know they are being checked up with tasks they perform, they are more likely to do it well. If they are not checked then they are likely to not do it well or even at all. It all comes down to consequences, if there are no consequences for not following guidelines set by the BM they will continue with their mishaps.
Use following up as a tool to keep everyone including yourself sharp in cleaning, training, IMS, etc.


and be prepared to highlight and remind when they forget because THEY WILL. The more following up initially the quicker the structures will be implemented across the team and show you mean what you say and have a complete overview of them all the time! Keep track of those who constantly fall out of the structure and schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss further outside the bar.

• Remind Juicer if anything is not done properly as explained at the team meeting

• Make sure to show recognition when they do follow correctly – Motivation

• Be ready to re-train BTC any Juicers lacking

• Activate sit down Juicer talks at the end of shift to reflect on their day.


Set a meeting to talk in more detail to the lacking juicer to get to know the problem.

Do they need more training or they simply don’t want to improve?

Explain Why things are done in a certain way + explain what we expect from him/her.

Be supportive and give the Juicer the extra push so they feel part of the team -> Nobody lets their team down! = if you create the right team, it’s most likely they work hard for each other and the bar


is not a one time task for a BM but an ongoing duty. The more focused the follow-up in the beginning the less reminding that will need to be done later on as the team WILL eventually respect you are sticking to these points without exception! Although, be aware! As soon as you forget to follow up they will start to fall out of the structures again! Therefore follow up everyday!


End of 3rd week starts to schedule 1 on 1 meetings with each juicer to run through the structures in further detail and provide printed handouts on all for them to keep and read through. Finish 1 on 1 meetings by setting goals for individual Juicers and schedule a date for a FOLLOW UP meeting 1 month later.

4) Training plan

• Structured stores = more team capacity to learn
• Trained team = easier + more fun to work
• Assess team’s level, plan training, train, qualify
• Train every day!                                                                                                                                                                                            

Based on the success of implementing the structures across the team, training can now be planned, to further the development of the team. When the store is structured the team will feel more capacity to learn and develop more skills behind the bar.

Prioritize training efforts by first starting with those who have struggled to adapt to the new structures then moving through all Basics with each Juicer before going on to Advanced Training and eventually Shift Manager Training…etc. With a fully trained team, your job as a BMwill be much easier because the Juicers will automatically perform IF you have trained them properly and they follow all structures. Eventually, it becomes easier for the team and more fun for them to work even in the busiest periods because they know how to execute well!

The goal of the BM is to create team players who have knowledge about the company with speed and motivation.


To have an overview of what training exactly is needed, first measure each Juicer’s individual level by making a Juicer Control Sheet on each to rate their abilities on all areas behind the bar and highlight what areas are lacking.

Once made on the full team, plan with the RM & prioritize training efforts by making the Training Plan Schedule. RM will follow up weekly on the Training Schedule and be present at the store to qualify ALL Juicers when progressing through MoneyBall levels.


• Training the team is the BM’s key to success

• Train Juicers every day !!!

• Use Juicer Control Sheet and Training Plan Schedule

• Highlight Qualification stages for RM to check & Qualify

• Next Step = Train SM                                                                                                                          


Good training often requires being strict and pushing hard to demand 100% but when a Juicer finally achieves the goal, the BM must acknowledge it for them. This sparks their motivation level because most likely this is their 1st job or the first time they have received the acknowledgment.

5) Team positioning

• Spread out skilled juicers / SM’s to cover the entire day/week
• SM’s = pipeline (no limit!)
• Task delegation
• Management-on-the-go
• Inspire your juicers                                                                                                                                                                                            

After proper training & qualification has been carried out across the team, the BM will now have an idea of his/her Dream Team. These are the most skilled, reliable & responsible Juicers who should be trained to become Shift Managers. SMs will assure the store is running smoothly when BM is not at work. They will also help with training juicers and making sure all cleaning and daily structures are carried out correctly.

Once the team is defined it is important the BM ensures the correct team positioning across each day throughout the week.

BM and SMs should be positioned to either open or close every day, meaning to spread out skilled Juicers/ SMs to cover responsibility across the entire day all week. The BM can then delegate & follow up on who is responsible for the quality of each shift but also ensure when New Juicer Prospects are working there is always someone to support, train and certify the shift runs smoothly. There is NO LIMIT ON SM’s in any bar! SM’s = BM PIPELINE


A good BM ensures all daily tasks such as cleaning & workflow are completed throughout the day to make the bar run smoothly. But the BM cannot do everything themselves, if they tried they would end up overworked stalling the development of the bar but also who will do it when the BM is not present?

This is why the BM needs to delegate tasks to everyone to ensure they are being carried out properly but also to make sure no one is in doubt about how to do the specific tasks. In the end, everyone in the bar should know exactly what to do at all times and situations, so it doesn’t matter whether the BM is present or not.


This is about ensuring all relevant parameters in the bar are at equal levels at all times by making small adjustments. See the BM as the head of a body playing football. The head needs to direct the arms, legs & body what to do, to be able to play but the head is unable to play without the body. The same way should a BM, in the bar, direct the Juicers with small adjustments necessary to ensure a smooth running bar, with fast made products, giving out full orders, to the right customers, who sit at a clean and organized Customer Area, with trash bins that are able to be used when they leave.

The BM should know when it is time to tell Juicers to stop making Juice and clean the Customer Area instead while the sandwich Juicer catches up on the list. No rush is the same so it is about adjusting to the different situations by managing on-the-go to ensure the same smooth experience for customers every time they step into the store


A great BM is able to make his/her Juicers aspire to be part of the JOE culture. Inviting all Juicers to become more involved in JOE, both inside and outside of work, through arranged workshops, social events, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and being active to arrange initiatives for the team. When a Juicer feels a part of JOE, they become more enthusiastic & happy for the job performing better in the bar because they care and don’t want to let JOE down.

Overview – BM’s 5 Step Approach

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Shift Manager – The extension of the BM and in the pipeline to become BM. This is the preparation level to become BM by developing and mastering management responsibilities; E-Smiley, Cleaning, Stock Handling, ‘CARE’ NIGHTS, Juicer Training.

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Bar Manager – The most important position in JOE & THE JUICE! Combines Operational Management Expertise and 4-WALL LEADERSHIP to optimize 4-WALL OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Leads own store and team with Clear Optics. Develops the foundations to lead your team and store to OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Also provides constructive feedback to RM in relation to the store and team performance

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A mobile management team who travel from project to project. Specialists within their areas of responsibility. Have a narrow-minded approach towards operational tasks; Advanced Training, Implementation, CONCEPT ENGINEERING, MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE.

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Gross Margin – To illustrate how we calculate the GM we use the following simplified example. We sell 1 PMU for 10 USD. The total cost for making this product is 2 USD, therefore, our profit is 8 USD for one PMU. This gives us a GM of 80%. (Total profit)

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Palermo Shift

A Palermo Shift is working a shift which does not include either opening or closing the store. It is usually a shift which mainly covers the rush period of the day.

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Hell Week

A full week focusing on executing all cleaning tasks in a store, including the cleaning tasks that are done twice a week. It is a part of the training program to become Shift Manager Prospect.

  • Hell Week is in every BMs’ DNA because they have been through it themselves which creates mutual respect between BMs.
  • It demonstrates Leading by Example = to earn your respect from your fellow Juicers.
  • By performing all tasks correctly, even when no-one is looking, it signifies your care &
    respect for the store.

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‘Ingredients, Measurement, Sequence’. What is in the product, how much of each ingredient and in which order it is added to the product.

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Regional Manager – The extension of the country management. BTC Mentor for all stores and head of communication between respective stores.

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Team Positioning
  1. Creating the most optimal shiftplan every day by considering Juicer experience and key times of day when deciding who works which specific shift.
  2. Optimising the team on shift by assigning the best-suited Juicers to each station based on their abilities and strengths BTC during a rush period.
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