Basic Performance Shift


Qualifying training is about setting the right standards by having the discipline and a strong focus on all details to clearly and correctly distinguish training levels and quality performance. There are many different parameters to consider when measuring the quality of training, so it can be challenging to assess and qualify accurately. Therefore, the following content provides a list of key indicators to look out for whenever qualifying. Use this program as a guideline to help better determine the overall quality of the training which you are examining.

Assessing any training will always be subjective but following this guideline will help you to determine whether your optics are justified. There is usually a limited time frame to qualify a training level or run a Performance Shift. Therefore, with only a brief window for observing, it is most likely that you cannot see all indicators in one session. Confirming whether a Juicer has achieved Silver does not require ticking every aspect within the list for that level. Instead, use this module as a general guide to help you justify your decisions. What is most important is to understand the overall status of each rating when deciding what to award and the purpose for rating overall which is to give feedback to a Juicer on where to improve.

When qualifying a prospect juicer, use the grading sheet to assess the prospect.

Grading Sheet

Status of each Rating


Knows the minimum required theoretically on all aspects but with an urgent need for improvements with the practical execution. Safe behind the bar but additional training and follow-up is required immediately after.

Has strong theoretical understanding but needs to improve in the practical execution on several aspects. Additional training and follow up is advised not too long after.

A Solid Juicer who has clearly taken their training and homework seriously. Can combine theoretical understanding with practical execution.

Sandwich Station

❌ Fail if the Juicer:

1) Fails the Product Manual Test (Sandwich).

2) Fails the Abbreviation Test.

3) Fails the Hygiene Manual Test.

4) Uses bad products when making sandwiches (such as avocado).

5) Does not follow handwashing procedures and/or does not know the rules regarding sinks.

6) Does not wear gloves and/or does not know the rules regarding how to use them (when to change etc.).

7) Wears jewelry while making products.

8) Does not follow FIFO.

9) Hands out a sandwich with a dirty napkin.

🥉 Award Bronze if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Only knows a few JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind; ‘IMS’,crispy and thin is the way to begin’, ‘move with a purpose’… SEE DEFINITIONS.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but does not use it. 4

3) SIGNATURE ROAST: Toasts the bread without our signature roast but the bread is still crispy & thin.

4) PESTO SNAKE: Makes a ‘Sloppy snake’ on the sandwich which does not cover enough of the bread à (approximately 3-5 swings).

5) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ but does not follow the correct sequence.

6) TOPPING: Places tomatoes and mozzarella unorganized.

7) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ but only performs it occasionally. SEE DEFINITION

8) CLEANING ON THE GO: Only performs some aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go à (such as only cleaning chopping board).

9) WRAP: Makes a sloppy wrap of sandwiches à (not tightly wrapped. If the napkin is placed untidily on the sandwich. If placed the wrong way on the counter).

10) LIST: Occasionally forgets to tap out on the list (maximum 2 out of every 10 sandwiches).

11) HAND-OUT: Calls out the guest’s name but leaves the products on the counter every time.

12) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 3:15 – 3:00 minutes

🥈 Award Silver if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind all of them SEE DEFINITIONS.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but occasionally forgets to type in (maximum 1 out of every 10).

3) SIGNATURE ROAST: Makes our signature roast every time but with low standards à (such as forgetting to turn the bread in time which only gives signature roast on one side of the bread).

4) PESTO SNAKE: Makes a decent pesto snake which covers most of the breadà (approximately 10-12 swings).

5) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ and executes sandwiches in the right sequence with minor mistakes à Places mozzarella on before tomato, salt, and pepper in the end, etc. (maximum 1 out of every 10).

6) TOPPING: Places tomatoes and mozzarella organized but not with the mozzarella on top of the tomatoes and/or not placing avocado diagonally.

7) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has good theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ and performs it effectively with smaller mistakes SEE DEFINITION à (occasionally grabs 3 tomatoes instead of 4).

8) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs most aspects of Clean on-the-Go à (cleans avocado knife and uses a cloth to clean around the station occasionally).

9) WRAP: Makes a tighter wrap of sandwich but still has space for improvements à (Napkin is placed tidily on the sandwich but still does not cover the upper part of the sandwich).

10) LIST: Forgets to tap out on the list occasionally (maximum 1 out of every 10 sandwiches).

11) HAND-OUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out product occasionally.

12) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 3:00 – 2:45

🥇 Award Gold if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS and can explain the meaning behind every one of them SEE DEFINITIONS.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Explains the purpose of the Waste Feature and uses it every time it’s needed throughout the entire exam.

3) SIGNATURE ROAST: Does signature roast on every single bread.

4) PESTO SNAKE: Makes perfect pesto snake which covers all edges of the bread à (approximately 15 swings).

5) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ and executes sandwiches in the right sequence on every sandwich.

6) TOPPING: Toppings are very organized à (places avocado slices, tomatoes, mozzarella diagonally so all toppings cover the entire bread).

7) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has good theoretical understanding about the move with a purpose and performs it effectively every time. SEE DEFINITION

8) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs all aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go à (cleans all boards in dishwasher, avocado knives, wipes all surfaces with spray and cloth, wipes underneath grills after all orders are made or when possible).

9) WRAP: Wraps sandwiches tightly. à (Napkin is placed tidily on the sandwich so it covers the whole upper part of the sandwich).

10) LIST: Taps out on the list every time.

11) HAND-OUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out every time possible.

12) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 2:45 – 2:30.

Juice Station

❌ Fail if the Juicer:

1) Fails the Product Manual Test (Juice).

2) Fails the Abbreviation Test.

3) Fails the Hygiene Manual Test.

4) Uses bad products when making Juice (especially avocado, banana).

5) Does not follow handwashing procedures and/or does not know rules regarding sinks.

6) Does not wear gloves and/or does not know the rules regarding how to use them à (when to change etc.).

7) Wears jewelry while making products.

8) Does not follow FIFO.

9) Hands out a juice with a dirty lid or straw.

10) Does not flush the centrifuge with water after making juice with beetroot.

🥉 Award Bronze if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Only knows a few JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind; ‘one rotation’, ‘IMS’, ‘slow press’, ‘move with a purpose’… SEE DEFINITIONS.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but does not use it.

3) MEASUREMENTS: Makes over/under measure on (maximum 2 out of every 10 Juice/Shakes).

4) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ but does not follow the correct sequence à Berries before ice cubes, lemon before ginger, oil before apples etc. (maximum 2 out of every 10 Juice).


- Performs ‘one rotation’ when cleaning the centrifuge but does not clean the lid for the centrifuge and/or does not throw out pulp.

- Performs ‘one rotation’ when cleaning blender but does not clean the lid and/or does not place the blender directly back onto the station.

6) CLEANING THE CENTRIFUGE: Only cleans the sieve every third/fourth juice.

7) FLUSH: Does not flush the centrifuge with water after beetroot and before shots.

8) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ but doesn’t perform it à (such as grabbing 2 apples at a time) SEE DEFINITION.

9) CLEANING ON THE GO: Only performs some aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go à (such as only cleaning surfaces around the centrifuge but not on the actual centrifuge and/or around blender stations).

10) LIST: Forgets to tap out on the list (maximum 2 out of every 10 Juice).

11) HAND-OUT: Calls out a guest name but leaves the products on the counter every time.

12) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 3:30 – 3:00.

🥈 Award Silver if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind all of them SEE DEFINITIONS.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but occasionally forgets to type in (maximum 1 out of every 10 Juice/Shakes).

3) MEASUREMENTS: Makes over/under measure on (maximum 1 out of every 10 Juice/Shakes).

4) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ and executes juice in the right sequence with minor mistakes à berries before ice cubes, lemon before ginger, oil before apples, etc. (maximum 1 out of every 10 Juice/Shakes).


- Performs ‘one rotation’ when cleaning inside centrifuge and cleans the lid for the centrifuge but forgets to throw out the pulp occasionally.

- Performs ‘one rotation’ when cleaning blender cans, cleans the lid but does not place the blender directly back onto the station.

6) CLEANING THE CENTRIFUGE: Only cleans sieve every second/third juice.

7) FLUSH: Does flush centrifuge with water occasionally after beetroot and before shots.

8) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ but only performs it occasionally à(such as grabbing 2 apples at a time) SEE DEFINITION.

9) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs most aspects of Clean on-the-Go à (cleans all surfaces including around and on the actual centrifuge and blender stations).

10) LIST: Forgets to tap out on the list occasionally (maximum 1 out of every 10 Juice/Shakes).

11) HAND-OUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out product occasionally.

12) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 3:00 – 2:30.

🥇 Award Gold if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS and can explain the meaning behind every one of them SEE DEFINITIONS.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Explains the purpose of the Waste Feature and uses it every time it’s needed throughout the entire exam.

3) MEASUREMENTS: Makes perfect measure on all juice/shakes.

4) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ and executes all juice in the right sequence.


- Performs ‘one rotation’ when cleaning inside the centrifuge, cleans the lid, and throws out the pulp every time.

- Performs ‘one rotation’ when cleaning the blender can, cleans the lid, and places the blender directly back onto the station.

6) CLEANING THE CENTRIFUGE: Cleans sieve after every single/second juice.

7) FLUSH: Flushes centrifuge with water after a juice with cucumber and before shots every time.

8) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ and performs it every time à (such as grabbing 2 apples at a time). SEE DEFINITION

9) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs all aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go à (cleans around and on the centrifuge and around the blender stations, places the blender cans, cutting board in the dishwasher, wipes facades with a clean cloth, etc.).

10) LIST: Taps out on the list every time.

11) HAND-OUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out every time possible.

12) SPEED-TEST: Executes speed test between 2:30 – 2:00.

Coffee Station

❌ Fail if the Juicer:

1) Fails the Product Manual Test (Coffee).

2) Fails the Abbreviation Test.

3) Fails the Hygiene Manual Test.

4) Does not follow handwashing procedures and/or does not know rules regarding sinks.

5) Does not wear gloves and/or does not know the rules regarding how to use them à (when to change etc.).

6) Does not follow FIFO on milk.

7) Serves coffee with a bad runtime.

8) Has no knowledge about ‘Dial-in procedures’.

🥉 Award Bronze if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Only knows a few JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind ‘in the middle, ‘3 seconds air’, ‘Whirlpool’, ‘Tamper’, ‘Showerscreen’ SEE DEFINITIONS.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but does not use it.

3) MEASUREMENTS: Makes over/under measure on (maximum 2 out of every 10 coffee).

4) IMS: Can explain the espresso sequence but occasionally forgets to execute correctly (maximum 2 out of every 10 coffee).

5) RUNTIME: Knows rules regarding runtime but does not know why.

6) DIAL-IN: Knows rules regarding ‘Dial-In Procedures’ but shows insecurity when performing it à (can only adjust the dose).

7) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ but doesn’t perform it à SEE DEFINITION.

8) CLEANING ON THE GO: Only performs some aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go à (only cleans around the coffee machine, not the pitchers, steam wands, drip tray, etc.).

9) LIST: Forgets to tap out on the list (maximum 2 out of every 10 coffee).

10) HAND-OUT: Calls out the guest name but leaves the products on the counter every time.

11) EXAM: Can make all types of coffee with good texture and temperature but no latte art.

🥈 Award Silver if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind all of them.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but occasionally forgets to type in (maximum 1 out of every 10 coffee).

3) MEASUREMENT: Makes over/under measure on (maximum 1 out of every 10 coffee).

4) IMS: Can explain the espresso sequence but occasionally forgets to execute correctly (maximum 1 out of every 10 coffee).

5) RUNTIME: Knows the correct runtime and can explain why it is important.

6) DIAL-IN: Knows the rules regarding ‘Dial-In Procedures” and is overall capable of performing a dial-in à(can both adjust dose and runtime but still with the wrong yield).

7) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ but only performs it occasionally à SEE DEFINITION.

8) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs most aspects of Clean on-the-Go à (cleans around the coffee machine, steam wands, drip tray).

9) LIST: Forgets to tap out on the list occasionally (maximum 1 out of every 10 coffee).

10) HANDOUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out product occasionally.

11) EXAM: Can make all types of coffee with good temperature, texture, and latte art on each coffee, with hearts being the maximum level of capability. Can also explain the different sizes.

🥇 Award Gold if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS and can explain the meaning behind every one of them.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Explains the purpose of the Waste Feature and uses it every time it’s needed throughout the entire exam.

3) MEASUREMENT: Makes perfect measure on all coffee.

4) IMS: Can explain the espresso sequence and executes all coffee in the right sequence.

5) RUNTIME: Knows the correct runtime and can explain exactly why and how to ensure the correct runtime.

6) DIAL-IN: Knows the full ‘Dial-in Procedure’ and can explain how to execute on every level à (Dose, Yield, Time)

7) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has theoretical understanding about ‘move with a purpose’ and performs it every time à SEE DEFINITION.

8) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs all aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go à (on the coffee machine, the grinder, coffee area, drip tray, pitchers, and steam wands).

9) LIST: Taps out on the list every time.

10) HANDOUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out every time possible.

11) EXAM: Can make 5 lattes in a row with perfect temperature, texture, and latte art in everyone while also performing several types of latte art

Salad Station

❌ Fail if the Juicer:

1) Fails the Product Manual Test (Salad).

2) Fails the Abbreviation Test.

3) Fails the Hygiene Manual Test.

4) Uses bad ingredients when making a Salad

5) Does not follow handwashing procedures and/or does not know rules regarding sinks.

6) Wears jewelry while making products.

7) Forgets to add 1 or both of the Pesto snakes

8) Forgets to add lemon

9) Hands out an under-measured Salad (Poor amount)

10) Hands out a salad with a dirty fork

11) Cannot explain anything about the different layers of the salads.

🥉 Award Bronze if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Only knows a few JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind; ‘IMS’, ‘move with a purpose’…

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but does not use it.

3) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ but does not follow the correct sequence.

4) LAYERS: Knows that there are layers but does not know the function of each of them.

5) TOPPING: Doesn’t spread out toppings.

6) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has a theoretical understanding of ‘move with a purpose’ but only performs it occasionally.

7) CLEANING ON THE GO: Only performs some aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go (such as only cleaning chopping board).

8) PRODUCT: Makes a sloppy product and puts a lid on the salad even though the order is not To-Go.

9) LIST: Occasionally forgets to tap out on the list (maximum 2 out of every 10 salads).

10) HAND-OUT: Calls out a guest’s name but leaves the products on the counter every time.

11) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 3:15 – 3:00 minutes

🥈 Award Silver if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS but cannot explain the meaning behind all of them.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Can explain the purpose of the Waste Feature but occasionally forgets to type in (maximum 1 out of every 10).

3) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ and executes salads in the right sequence with minor mistakes.

4) LAYERS: Can name the different layers and the function of 1 or 2 of them.

5) TOPPING: Toppings are spread out but some spots are missing.

5) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has a good theoretical understanding of ‘move with a purpose’ and performs it effectively with smaller mistakes.

7) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs most aspects of Clean on-the-Go (cleans tong + uses a cloth to clean around the station occasionally).

8) PRODUCT: Makes a good product and mostly remembers that the lid should only be on if the order is To-Go.

9) LIST: Forgets to tap out on the list occasionally (maximum 1 out of every 10 salads).

10) HAND-OUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out product occasionally.

11) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 3:00 – 2:45

🥇 Award Gold if the Juicer:

1) JOE-SLANGS: Knows all JOE-SLANGS and can explain the meaning behind every one of them.

2) WASTE ON THE LIST: Explains the purpose of the Waste Feature and uses it every time it’s needed throughout the entire exam.

3) IMS: Follows ‘I’ & ‘M’ and executes in the right sequence on every salad.

4) LAYERS: Can name all 3 layers and their function.

5) TOPPING: Toppings are perfectly spread out across the entire salad

6) MOVE WITH A PURPOSE: Has a good theoretical understanding of the move with a purpose and performs it effectively every time.

7) CLEANING ON THE GO: Performs all aspects of Cleaning on-the-Go (cleans all equipment in the dishwasher, wipes all surfaces with spray and cloth).

8) PRODUCT: Makes a perfect product and always remembers that the lid should only be on if the order is To-Go.

9) LIST: Taps out on the list every time.

10) HAND-OUT: Calls out guest name confidently and hands out every time possible.

11) SPEED TEST: Executes speed test between 2:45 – 2:30.

Till Station (Performance Shift)

❌ Fail if the Juicer:

1)Fails the Abbreviation Test. 

2) Fails to type in the orders correctly (can’t type in the right products and extra toppings)

3 )Ignores a guest. 

4) Forgets to ask for a guest’s name or asks for it at the wrong time according to ‘Till Handling Flow’ 

5) Does not know how to perform Start of Day (SOD)and/or End of Day (EOD) (count the till).

6) Doesn’t send out counter products right away using a tong and a napkin

🥉 Award Bronze if the Juicer:

1) OPERATING SPEED: Is moderately efficient at finding the products on the POS but stalls at unusual orders.

2) TO-GO: Forgets to type in as ‘To-Go’.

3) EYE CONTACT: Is inconsistent with eye contact towards the guests and/or no smile (looks down while talking to the guest etc.). 

4) THE WELCOME: Welcomes all guests the same way. 

5) THE ACTIVATION: Does not activate guests (Waits for them to order). 

6) TAKE ORDER: Takes order but does not recommend the menu to the guests when necessary. 

7) DIRECTION: Doesn’t direct the guest (after taking their order and payment). 

8) XONTILL: Has theoretical understanding about XonTill principles and can execute the principles but with uncertainty (does not know when to activate 2onTill etc.). 

9) WAITING TIME: Fails to inform guests about waiting time. 

10) NEXT (HELLO): Waits for the payment to go through and fails to have variety in ‘the welcome’ of the next guest in line.

🥈 Award Silver if the Juicer:

1) OPERATING SPEED: Is efficient at finding the products on the POS and rarely stalls.

2) TO-GO: Types in as ‘ToGo’ but still occasionally forgets. 

3) EYE CONTACT: Is consistent with eye contact and smiles towards the guests. 

4) THE WELCOME: Shows variety in ‘the welcome’ (Switches it, according to the guests in front of him/her). 

5) THE ACTIVATION: Activates the guests (more dialogue with a guest). 

6) TAKE ORDER: Takes the order and recommends the menu sometimes but not at every chance available. 

7) DIRECTION: Occasionally directs the guests (after taking their order and payment). 

8) X-ON-TILL: Has a good theoretical understanding of XonTill principles and can execute the principles with confidence. (Occasionally activates 2onTill etc.)

9) WAITING TIME: Informs guests about waiting time when necessary, but occasionally forgets.

10) NEXT (HELLO): Rarely waits for the payment to go through and shows variety in ‘the welcome’ of the next guest in line.

🥇 Award Gold if the Juicer:

1) OPERATING SPEED: Is efficient at finding the products on the POS and never stalls.

2) TO-GO: Always types in as ‘To Go’. 

3) EYE CONTACT: Is very consistent with eye contact and smiles towards ALL guests but also shows great confidence while being on the till.

4) THE WELCOME: Welcomes guests immediately as they enter the store. 

5) THE ACTIVATION: Creates intimate dialogue with guests (asks about their day etc.). 

6) TAKE ORDER: Shows great knowledge in how to recommend the menu to the guests. (Focus on new product lines and upselling when appropriate).

7) DIRECTION: Directs guests every time (asks them to sit down and relax). 

8) XONTILL: Has a strong theoretical understanding of XonTill principles and can execute the principles with confidence (Activates 2onTill every time it’s necessary).

9) WAITING TIME: Informs guests about waiting time every time it is necessary.

10) NEXT (HELLO): Never waits for the payment to go through and has a good variety in ‘the welcome’ of the next guest in line.

11) BONUS POINTS: KEEPS AN OVERVIEW Shows the ability to handle a rush while keeping a cool head and an overview of incoming pre-orders. Activates other Juicers and helps them with whatever and whenever they can to improve the general workflow.

12) BONUS POINTS: AMBIENCE: Embodies the signature ‘JoeAmbience’ and juicer attitude in the conversation with the guests. Examples of this could be making an occasional joke or making sure that an elderly person has their products served at the table. In general, the Prospect Juicer makes the guests experience better, more unique and improves the general mood in the bar.

Joe Slang Definitions

Sandwich Station

Refers to the 7 first points in the HYGIENE MANUAL.

An app to register everything we waste for whatever the reason it might be. IMS Ingredients, Measurement, Sequence. What is in the product, how much of each ingredient, and in which order it is added to the product.

Bread is crispy and evenly grilled on both sides by making our Signature Roast.

The square pattern on the bread when making our Signature Roast.

Complete adding one ingredient fully at a time when making a product following the right sequence.

Grabbing enough of each ingredient for making the whole product before moving to the next.

Working as fast as possible without rushing too much, since it will disrupt the workflow.

Attempting to work faster and optimize the overall speed on the station by performing every movement on the station as fast as possible.

Tap out on the list after every product has been made and handed out to the guest in order to communicate to the team that the product has been made.

Cleaning on-the-Go after every order, by using the board scraper on the board and wiping around the station with a cloth. When possible put all equipment into the dishwasher.

The technique to distribute pesto across the entire sandwich to ensure that the guest can taste the pesto in every bite of the sandwich.  

The sandwich needs to be wrapped tightly by placing the sandwich in the middle and then lifting the sandwich paper over the sandwich.

Juice Station

An app to register everything we waste for whatever the reason it might be.

Ingredients, Measurement, Sequence. What is in the product, how much of each ingredient, and in which order it is added to the product.

Slowly pressing ingredients into the centrifuge to obtain the maximum output of each ingredient. The harder you press the less juice. Slow press to gain full potential.

ONE ROTATION (when cleaning blender can & centrifuge)
Perform one rotation when cleaning the blender cans by letting the water slide down the upper inside while rotating the blender can. Pour out water afterward. Using the centrifuge scraper in one complete circular motion when cleaning the inside of the centrifuge and throwing out the pulp afterward.

Switching between the spill cup blender and other blenders. Pouring excess apple juice into the blender before proceeding with making the juice.

Knowing how many ounces to pour up to when making small, large, and multiple juices. As well as being able to explain how much vanilla milk to pour into when making a shake and when to pour less for certain shakes.

Grabbing enough of each ingredient for making the whole product before moving to the next.

Working as fast as possible without rushing too much, since it will disrupt the workflow.

Attempting to work faster and optimize the overall speed on the station by performing every movement on the station as fast as possible.

Tap out on the list after every product has been made and handed out to the guest in order to communicate to the team that the product has been made.

Cleaning on-the-Go after every order, by using a cloth to wipe around the station including on top of the centrifuge. When possible put all equipment into the dishwasher.

Refers to slow press. If not done correctly, we use more apples than needed to make the juice.

Coffee Station

How to place the steam wand in the pitcher to create the whirlpool.

In which order to make an espresso shot. 19

The length of time needed to stretch the milk and make the perfect textured milk for a latte.

The motion folds the milk over the steam wand and creates an even texture.

Till Station / X-on-Till Rules

Rules that describe how to work around the lists à (how to send orders out etc.)

8 points which describe our values when handling the till

7 steps we follow when handling a guest at the till station.

Disciplines we follow when performing ‘2onTill’.

The name is the cue to activate the next person in line or activate the payment when performing 2onTill.

Choose your bar type

If your bar has separate Send-Out and Till Area, choose Icon Bar (New). If they are together choose Icon Bar (Legacy).
After reading this module you should be familiar with the following terms:

Your perception of a given area, person or condition. Such as how clean the Bar Manager believes the toilets are.

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The List

A Digital List which connects to the POS System and displays the orders in an organized manner. The List shows all orders that need to be made, while also displaying details about the order such as:
– The order is To-Go
– The Sandwich is without Tomato
– The order is for a Guest named “Christian”
– And much more…

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First in first out – FIFO is fundamental for a healthy stock handling. FIFO means “First In, First Out”. FIFO is the goods “workflow” from when we receive our goods, to which order we use them. It is important to make sure you stack up the oldest food items on top / in front.

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‘Ingredients, Measurement, Sequence’. What is in the product, how much of each ingredient and in which order it is added to the product.

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Crispy and Thin is the way to begin!

Is our saying for how we want the bread to be grilled for the sandwich. We have the best sandwich in the world but only if we grill the bread correctly. The crispy bread is the foundation for a good sandwich.

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Waste on the List

A feature on The List to register everything we waste for whatever the reason might be. This is to make sure we account for everything in the bar and minimize the ‘Grey Area’ of unaccounted waste.

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Signature Roast

The squared diagonal pattern printed when grilling the bread to create our Signature Roast, which is the foundation for making a good sandwich.

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Clean on the Go

Cleaning-on-the-Go is a workflow we use to ensure our product making stations are maintained well during a rush and throughout the entire day. Our bar is an open kitchen that the guests can see and we make all products on-demand, so we need to make sure that the work stations are always presented well by using Cleaning-on-the-Go. This procedure is performed after making every order and for example while waiting for the bread to be grilled or the juice to blend.



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One Rotation

‘One Rotation’ is used to describe the motion for how we efficiently clean the blender can and centrifuge while making multiple juices:

  1. Perform one rotation when cleaning the blender cans by letting the water slide down the upper inside while rotating the blender can. Pour out the water afterwards.
  2. Using the centrifuge scraper in one complete circular motion when cleaning the inside of the centrifuge and throwing out the pulp afterwards.

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Slow Press

Slowly pressing ingredients into the centrifuge to obtain the maximum output of each ingredient. The harder you press the less juice will come out of the centrifuge. Slow press to gain full potential.

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Finish one ingredient at a time

Being time efficient when making products, by grabbing enough of each ingredient for making the entire order of products before moving to the next ingredient.
For example, if you make 2 x Club and a 1 x Tunacado;
Start by adding pesto on all three sandwiches,
then add salt and pepper on all of them,
then avocado on all of them,
then chicken on 2 of them and tuna on one,
then tomatoes on all three.
This way you will be more efficient when making multiple products at the same time.

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Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast

When trying too hard or rushing too much to work at maximum speed, there will most likely be many mistakes during the product making, which ironically slows everything down. Instead, the ideal method is to work at the highest comfortable speed without rushing at all to stay efficient and flawless throughout the product making.

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Pace Yourself

Is about knowing which procedures you can move faster or slower with when making products. Working fast and optimizing the overall speed on a station is achieved by continuously adjusting when to move fast and slow compared to the level of experience. For example, a Prospect Juicer should put tomatoes on a sandwich fast because it is a simple movement but placing avocado on a sandwich should be done slowly because it is a more complex movement, especially in the beginning.

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Snake Pesto

The technique used to distribute pesto across the entire sandwich, which ensures that the guest can taste the pesto in every bite of the sandwich.

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Wrap Tight

Refers to how the sandwich must to be packed (tight). It needs to be wrapped so the ingredients inside the sandwich remain in the same position as intended and don’t spill out while the guest is eating.

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“One apple more, one less store”

Refers to using slow press to avoid needlessly wasting. If not done correctly, we use more apples than needed to make the juice. The overall value of this is that the less we waste the more money we have to open up new stores. More stores = more opportunities and positions for our Juicers!

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Hell Week

A full week focusing on executing all cleaning tasks in a store, including the cleaning tasks that are done twice a week. It is a part of the training program to become Shift Manager Prospect.

  • Hell Week is in every BMs’ DNA because they have been through it themselves which creates mutual respect between BMs.
  • It demonstrates Leading by Example = to earn your respect from your fellow Juicers.
  • By performing all tasks correctly, even when no-one is looking, it signifies your care &
    respect for the store.

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