The setup and presentation of the salads are very import when they affect the overall salad sales and ensure the most efficient workflow at the salad station.
The key is to make the salads visible for the guests and divide the station (cooling grave) into three simple sections. This is done to make sure that we get a better overview of the salad ingredients, use the correct IMS and improve our speed.
Always make sure that the flow works towards the send out area!
Section 1: Bases
The first element when making a salad is the base. The base should therefore be the first element in the cooling grave. The bases are the elements with the biggest quantity. Therefore, we make sure, when possible, that all the bases are in large canteens, so we do not have to refill them all the time.
Section 2: Middle Layer
The second elements we add to our salads is the middle layer elements. The middle layers should therefore be in the next seven canteens.
Section 3: Toppings
The third element we add to our salads is the toppings. The toppings are therefore placed in the last section of the salad module close to the salad lids in case the salad is to go.
There are three kinds of Salad setups visualizing how the sections is divided into the three different workflows:
The presentation of the Salad Station:
- Remove everything that draws attention from the guest’s point of view when looking at the salad ingredients.
- Don’t place anything behind the sneeze guard.
- All canteens need to be filled up constantly, so our guests can see the ingredients being used for the salads
‘Ingredients, Measurement, Sequence’. What is in the product, how much of each ingredient and in which order it is added to the product.