POS Manual

After reading this module you should be familiar with these terms:

Point Of Sale – Is our customized “Point of Sale” system where we can handle payments from guests, employee meals and loyalty card redeeming. It is a system made to simplify the task of handling the different “point of sale” for us, while collecting the information for our database on our Workplanner.

Go to Definition Page →
The List

A Digital List which connects to the POS System and displays the orders in an organized manner. The List shows all orders that need to be made, while also displaying details about the order such as:
– The order is To-Go
– The Sandwich is without Tomato
– The order is for a Guest named “Christian”
– And much more…

Go to Definition Page →

Start of Day

Every morning the POS needs to be opened. You do so by opening the application on the iPad and pressing ‘Begin day’ button. This should be done as the first step when opening the store in the morning. Follow these steps:

1. Type in the ‘User’ (yourJuicerNumber).

2. Type in the password (1-2-3-4)

3. Count the coins and notes from yesterday and type in the amounts into the POS.

4. Press ‘Sign Begin Day’ and then the POS is ready to take orders.

Daily Card Terminal Scam Inspection Procedure

Go through the following steps:
IF any of the steps below are not in order, unplug the Card Terminal and call your Manager immediately.

Check if the Card Terminal display the word "TAMPER".

The message will look similar to this:

• Check if the Card Terminal is physically damaged.
• Check for missing seals, screws, holes in the device, added wires or labels.
• Check if the Card Terminal shows the Adyen or Joe & the Juice logo on the display after starting up.
• Check if there are any cameras or skimming equipment attached to the Card Terminal
• Check for anything inserted in or attached to the card reader, ports, display, or keypad
-  If the keyboard doesn't feel right—too thick or off-center, perhaps—then there may be a PIN-snatching overlay.
• Ensure that the store staff CAN'T see the guests' PIN code when they enter it on the Card Terminal.

Begin Session

Every time the POS needs to be opened, you open the application on the iPad and press ‘begin session’ button. This should be done as the first step when opening the POS.

Before begin session you will receive a cash drawer with a specifically amount of cash. You will receive the cash draw from your manager.

Follow these steps for opening the POS:

  1. Type in the ‘User’ (your juicer number)
  2. Type in the password (1-2-3-4)
  3. Type in the amounts into the POS
  4. Choose ‘Manager Approve’ and let your manager approve the count
  5. The POS is ready to take orders.

Connect to Printer

The printer will be connected at all times but if it for some reason loses connection first check following two possible issues: 1) If the wire is connected 2) If the iPad is connected with our own network (JJINT).

How to re-connect or setup the printer from scratch:

1. Choose admin button in the top bar in right corner.

2. Choose settings → Choose printers → Choose the printer e.g. TSP134IIIW (STR_T-001).

3. Now wait until it is shown as online → The POS is now connected with the printer through the local network.

Card terminal Set-up

When setting up a new card terminal you will need following 3 things:

• Terminal
• Charger
• Adaptor for the Ethernet cable


1. Open the back side of the terminal and plug in the adaptor.

2. Connect the charger with the adaptor.

3. Make sure to plug in the Ethernet cable in the ETH-port on the adaptor.

4. Open settings by pressing 9+Green (at the same time) and enter the password 0856.

5. Press network → Select Ethernet → Enable DHCP → Scroll down and press apply.

6. Press the red button to exit → Press board on the terminal → Scroll down and select store → Press confirm and wait for the terminal to synchronize.

7. Go to settings and press 9+Green → Use same password.

8. Press network and select Ethernet → Make sure DHCP is not activated.

9. Edit the IP Address → Delete the last 3 digits (so there are 6) and replace the deleted digitswith number 10 for the first terminal number 11 for the second terminal and so forth.

10. Press green to save the configuration.

11. Go back to the main screen by pressing red two times.

12. Press menu on the POS → Press settings → Choose CC Terminals → Enable EOD → Press add (+) and choose Adyen API terminal.

13. Press 5+green on the terminal → Take the iPad and scan the terminal QR-code.

14. Press confirm to make the iPad log-in and secure that the terminal is found and log-in succeeded.

15. Make a sample transaction to check if the terminal is connected and working.

Scan & Pay

How to take an order through Scan & Pay:
1. Take the order and type it in on the POS.

2. Let the guest scan the personal QR-code in the app à POS will now register the user.

3. Choose PAY TO GO → Choose JoePay (name is uploaded automatically).

4. Let the guest step aside and take the next order in the queue.

5. As soon as the guest confirms the order on the app it will be uploaded on the List.

Customized Orders

How to type in customized orders:
1. Tap the chosen product to open the plus (+) and minus (-) list. Choose to add or remove ingredients → All possible customizations for each product are available here → Choose DONE to get back to the main overview.

2. All products need to be customized independently on the POS. The POS can only register one customized product at a time. This also counts for an order of two identical products with the same customization.

3. When the entire order is done use same procedure for name and payment as a regular order.


A guest orders 2 identical items – e.g. 2 x Tunacados and wants to customize one of the items – e.g. 1 without tomatoes:

1. Choose Tunacado → Open customization list → Remove tomato (Choose –tomato) → Choose DONE → Then choose one more (normal) Tunacado.

A guest orders 2 identical items – e.g. 2 x Tunacados and wants to customize one of the items – e.g. 1 with extra Jalapenos/Tabasco:

2. Type in the customized item first → Then the regular item → In that way it will appear correctly on the List and the guest will only pay for one extra topping.

Comment Function

We use the comment function when there is an extraordinary message to give to the Juicer making products. The comment will then appear on the List so extra requests can be fulfilled. You can use the comment function in two ways:

Single product comment:
1. If a guest e.g. wants the bread to be toasted extra crispy → Type in the comment by opening the comment section above the customization list.

Whole order comment:
2. If the guest e.g. is an older lady and the order should be handed to her table → Type in the comment by opening the tab next to the customer name


We have got 3 different kinds of discounts:

Neighbour Price

is only a possibility if a deal has been setup between the neighbours and JOE. Ask your Bar Manager or Regional Manager if you are in doubt of whom to give neighbour discount or see it HERE.

1. When the order is placed tap the discount tab → Choose Neighbour Price → POS calculates the discount price → Type in name and take care of payment.

Employee Meal

is the discount we use when redeeming items being on shift.

2. When the order is placed tap the discount tab → Choose Employee Meal → Type in Juicer number → Choose PAY TO GO → Choose either CARD or CASH (You can choose both when the amount being paid is 0).

Joe Price

is the discount we use when Juicer’s not being on shift are ordering products.

3. When the order is placed tap the discount tab → Choose Joe Price → Type in Juicer number → POS calculates the discount price → Choose PAY TO GO and choose how the Juicer wants to pay.

Sustainability Discount

If a guest brings their own cup for their coffee, we will apply a 10% discount on their order.

Return Order

How to return an order:

Credit Card Refund

1. Tap the return icon in the top right corner on the POS

2. Select "BY CARD" to make a credit card refund

3. Let the guest register their credit card on the card terminal and then select the order that the guest want to get a refund on. Please note that you can only return orders that have been made on the same POS

4.Type in your juicer number then your password (1+2+3+4 as standard)

5. The order has now been refunded to the guest's credit card

Cash Refund

1. Type in the order (the products that needs to be returned) → Tap the return icon in the top right corner

2. Select "BY CASH" to make a cash refund.

3. Type in your Juicer number → Type in the password (1-2-3-4 + enter)

4. Now explain in a short sentence why the order needs to be returned → Choose Approve return → Give back money to the guest

Remove items from an order

1. The guest wants to cancel an item → Swipe the item to the left → Choose Remove.

Cancel a Transaction

How to cancel a transaction:

1. When order is placed tap the CANCEL button → Choose Back → Choose Yes.

2. Now you will get back to the order overview.

– If the guest wants to cancel the whole order remove the items by following “Remove items from an order”.

– If the guest wants to add another item to the order type in the item and proceed to payment again.

How to redeem a Loyalty Card (Physically)

How to redeem a Loyalty card on the POS:

1. Type in the order → Let the guest scan the Loyalty Card on the scanner.

2. Type in name → Choose PAY TO GO → The price will be calculated by POS → Now there are two possible outcomes:

1. Loyalty card does not cover the entire order → The guest needs to pay the remaining price → Choose CARD or CASH.

2. Loyalty card covers the entire order → Price will be 0 → Choose either CARD or CASH (optional) to place the order.

Sell/Activate a Loyalty Card

When a guest wants to buy a physical Loyalty card we need to activate and sell the card before the guest can redeem and use the card.

Follow these 2 steps:

1. Activate the respective Loyalty card by scanning the card → The price will be shown on POS → Use same procedure as a normal sale → Type in name → Choose payment method (CASH/CARD) → When finishing the sale POS will show “Loyalty – Redeeming – Success” in the left corner to indicate that the card is activated.

2. Take the order following same procedure as “HOW TO REDEEM A LOYALTY CARD”. When scanning the newly purchased Loyalty card there should be 10 items left.

How To Return a Loyalty Card

You can only return a Loyalty card if it is purchased on the same day in the same store. Follow these steps:

1. Choose the admin button in the top bar of the right corner → Choose Transactions → Scroll through the transactions and select the receipt of the specific purchase.

2. Tap the return button in the top bar of the receipt → Choose Yes to approve the return → Give back money to the customer.

Regular Order (1 sandwich, 1 juice & 1 coffee)

How to take a regular order:

1. Choose the juice icon to open the juice options → Select the juice e.g. a Go Away Doc→ Choose size: small or large.

2. Choose “the main” to get back to the main overview.

3. Choose the sandwich icon to open the sandwich options → Choose the sandwich e.g. a JOE’s Club → Choose THE MAIN to get back to the main overview.

4. Choose the coffee icon to open the coffee options → Choose the coffee e.g. a Yellow latte.

5. Now the order is made → Choose PAY TO GO to go further.

6. Type in the guest’s name → If you don’t know how to spell it and the name isn’t suggested by the POS spell it phonetically → Tap OK to get further to payment.

7. Choose CARD (No terminal) if the guest wants to pay by card → The terminal is connected to the POS and notifies you when the payment has gone through → Activate the next guest and start taking the order while the payment is going through.

Choose CASH if the guest wants to pay by cash → Type in the amount of money the guest is paying with → The POS calculates the amount of money you need to give back to the guest.

Some of the outdated juices we do not have on the menu anymore can still be purchased. On the POS they are listed on the second page of the juice options. If a guest orders an old juice that cannot be found in the old juices section it is simply because we cannot make it anymore. All recipes for the old juices can be found in the Product Manual on e-Campus in the ARCHIVE section.

To-go (Packaged)

How to mark the order TO GO (packaged):

1. When the order and name is placed → Choose the TO GO tab in the Packaging selection → Take care of payment.

2. The TO GO symbol will then be shown on the List so the Juicers making products know that the order should be packaged.

To-Stay (Porcelain)

How to mark the order TO STAY (porcelain):

1. When the order and name is placed → Choose the TO STAY tab in the Packaging selection → Take care of payment

2. The TO STAY symbol will then be shown on the List so the Juicers making products know that the order should be packaged.

End of Session

The End of Session (EOS) is really important. All the sales made through the shift needs to be uploaded and registered and that only happens if you follow the correct procedures every single time.

Follow these steps for closing the POS (EOS) correctly:

  1. Choose the admin button in the top bar in right corner
  2. Choose End of Session →  Choose your name (user) → Type in the password (1-2-3-4)
  3. The manager will confirm the EOS by type in the password
  4. The manager will confirm the summary by choosing the print tab
  5. Choose ‘Manager Approve’ in the left side of the POS
  6. The manager will confirm the summary by type in the password

EOD (Close POS)

Closing the POS properly is really important. All the sales made through the day needs to be uploaded and registered and that only happens if you follow the correct procedures every single time.

How to close the POS (End of Day) correctly:

1. Choose the admin button in the top bar in right corner.

2. Choose End of Day → Choose your name (user) → Type in the password (1-2-3-4).

3. Type in the Drawer to bank amount (the notes that we deliver to the bank) → When done and the amount is double-checked press Tap to Continue.

4. Fill out the Drawer to bank slip and put the notes in the Bank bag → Tear off the bar code and place it in the small pocket inside with the barcode facing outwards → Place the bank slip in the larger outside pocket.

5. Take a picture of the Drawer to bank bag with the slip facing upwards so you can see the amount on the picture.

6. Type in the bag id number placed underneath the barcode → Press Tap to continue.

7. Type in the amount paid by credit card (this slip will be printed automatically) → Upload a picture of the credit card payment slip → Choose Tap to continue.

8. Type in the End cash (Money left in the till) → End the day by pressing Sign EOD → Print out the End of day receipt.

9. Now collect and save the following 3 receipts: 1) Drawer to bank slip 2) Credit card slip 3) End of day receipt. Your bar manager will have a structure regarding how to save the slips.

When uploading the pictures make sure to have following things in mind:

1. The picture needs to be readable so make sure the receipts are in focus.

2. When taking the picture of the drawer to bank bag make sure following are readable with in one picture:

– Total amount
– Amount of each note
– Appendix number
– Bar code number

Good Examples

Bad Examples

End of Day

How to handle a Till Difference

A till difference is a result of poor till handling throughout the day. The difference can be caused by handing out wrong amounts of money to the guest but often it is caused by counting mistakes when closing the POS. In case you have got a till difference when closing the POS follow these steps:

1. Re-count the End of day cash and see if you find any mistakes.

2. If the amount is correct re-count Drawer to bank and see if you find any mistakes.

3. If the mistake has been found choose RECOUNT and type in the new (correct) amounts → The difference will then be corrected.

4. When everything is counted once again and the reason causing the difference has not been found yet proceed with the following: Take pictures of End Cash Drawer to bank and Card payments including the different slips and attach the pictures in an email to your Bar Manager with an explanation of the situation → When that is done press Sign EOD.

Key things to remember

  1. Always check the ID if someone visits your store who is not a customer. Confirm that the visit was planned with your manager.
  2. If anything seems suspicious with your terminal setup, contact your manager & get a replacement.
  3. If you find a credit card, call the number on the back & then cut the card in small pieces to safely dispose it!

Card Terminal Scam Inspection

Go through the following steps
IF any of the steps below are not in order, unplug the Card Terminal and call your Manager immediately.

Check if the Card Terminal display the word "TAMPER".

The message will look similar to this:

Start of Day

• Check if the Card Terminal is physically damaged.
• Check for missing seals, screws, holes in the device, added wires or labels.
• Check if the Card Terminal shows the Adyen or Joe & the Juice logo on the display after starting up.
• Check if there are any cameras or skimming equipment attached to the Card Terminal
• Check for anything inserted in or attached to the card reader, ports, display, or keypad
-  If the keyboard doesn't feel right—too thick or off-center, perhaps—then there may be a PIN-snatching overlay.
• Ensure that the store staff CAN'T see the guests' PIN code when they enter it on the Card Terminal.

Monthly Check

Verify that the payment terminals S/N matches POS configuration.

1. Locate S/N on back of terminal device

2. On POS: Go to MENU -> Settings -> CC Terminals

3. Verify Connected terminals matches S/N from terminal

If S/N doesn’t match stop using the device and contact your manager

If you find a lost creditcard:

  1. Call the number on the back of the credit card and report it lost
  2. Cut it into small pieces and make sure to destroy the chip
  3. Discard the pieces of the card

1. If a new terminal is received you will validated that it is actually from JOE – check with manager (manager are ordering terminals)
2. You should always check validity of people before allowing them to replace or work on your terminals. – It is always an authorized Joe Employee which installs terminals. Typically, Doc – If you see something suspicious -> contact your manager.

1. Contact your manager which will follow the process for lost / stolen devices

Where to find the Commercial KPI Report

The Commercial KPI Report is found in the menu on the POS.